At the time of production, Clayton Moore was still making personal appearances as The Lone Ranger. The Wrather Company, owner of The Lone Ranger character, sued the actor to prevent him from wearing the mask, saying an elderly man didn't represent the character the way he should. Moore continued making personal appearances in costume, wearing oversized sunglasses instead of the mask. After this movie flopped, Moore was allowed to make appearances as The Lone Ranger, mask and all. This was parodied in season five of Night Court (1984).
The filmmakers were disappointed with Klinton Spilsbury's line readings, and wanted an actor with a stronger voice. James Keach dubbed his lines.
According to media reports, Klinton Spilsbury spent a great deal of time drinking, smoking, and brawling off-set during production.
Producer Sir Lew Grade later wrote he thought the problem was the movie took an hour and ten minutes for The Lone Ranger to put on his mask. "The mistake was not dispensing with the legend in ten minutes, and getting on with the action much earlier on", he said.