Les routes du paradis (TV Series 1984–1989) Poster


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Fulfilling show for ALL +atheists
gmj20053 May 2020
To start with, I'm an atheist & still love this series, so it's not at all an offensive religious theme, it's basic human kindness & respect, being good deep down, that's the goal & Landon helps troubled souls in his various "jobs" for god. With 111 episodes there's plenty to binge through on Netflix:)

I remember watching this in younger simpler times & as one reviewer put it, as does the show pilots dialogue, 1980 nor 2020 are those days! But as Landon says we can change it by being kinder & choosing to trust sooner. The values in the series closely match my own, even being an atheist, I've been part of religions before & understand the concept, the stories, etc.

I never saw the full series in sequence so grateful for tech like Netflix streaming, I can binge watch the show & it's way better an offering than what else is on tv these days. I highly recommend a rewatch or real run through watch of the series in sequence. We can all use that heart warming feeling, the smiles & laughs, the serious problems Landon takes on & how perfectly he deals with them.
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Ahead of its time
wsbnrgvq19 November 2022
609 characters now?! Jeez.

So, Highway To Heaven is something ingrained into my childhood. I would sit and watch with my parents always in the hope that Jonathan would get into a fight, because he was akin to Superman.

Having rediscovered this show lately I initially watched out of pure nostalgia unaware how engrossed I was becoming. As most people do I started to investigate in to the characters/actors/origins of the show and this just enthralled me even more so. Learning the fates of Michael Landon and Victor French just made watching this show seem so much more beautiful.

Most "old" tv shows date so poorly and create so many cringeworthy moments due to their lack of awareness but it's amazing how well this show holds up. It's by no means perfect but you really can see where Landon was aiming. Without a doubt this show was ahead of its time regarding awareness and understanding towards all walks of people.

Whereas I considered Victor French (Mark) as the comic relief years ago he really throws you off at times when his character requires some genuine feeling. Maybe that how it works so well, he misdirects you to believe he's nothing special and Landon must've realised this.

I could probably harp on so much more about how truly special this tv show is and how it's shaped me as a person over the years. If nothing else the intro is just sublime and one of those unforgettable musical numbers that makes your heart swell.

I'm so grateful to find this all over again because it really does put so much into perspective.

Some may see a cheesy 80's show but this offers so much more and doesn't get half the recognition it deserves. Thank you Landon and French for a wonderful onscreen friendship and reopening my eyes to human decency.
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An angel and his assistant
bkoganbing28 December 2012
Although occasionally the episodes could truly become maudlin, Highway To Heaven was generally a nice family oriented series that dealt with some serious topics in the stories. Michael Landon produced and co-starred in this series with his fellow expatriate regular from Little House On The Prarie Victor French.

I remember that first episode well. French is a cynical former detective with the Oakland PD and throughout the series proclaimed his love for the Oakland Athletics with the cap he wore. He's a peripheral character in the plot of that episode, but he hasn't forgotten his police training. He knows there's something not quite right about Landon and in the end Landon has to fess up the holy unvarnished truth. So French becomes uncynical and a partner in the various assignments that probationary angel Landon gets.

The assignments ran the gamut from simply uniting people in romance who were meant for each other but never quite connected to tackling things like racism, poverty, homelessness among others. Some stories were better than others, some things might be dealt with today that couldn't have been dealt with in the Eighties. It would be interesting if the Landon estate would consent to a revival of the series, what might be an episode subject now that wasn't then. And of course who could take the place of Michael Landon and Victor French.

The real life friendship between these guys is a big part of what made the show work. Their scenes in their vehicle are a lot like the ones between Jack Webb and Harry Morgan in Dragnet where you got to see a bit of the human and human-about-to-be-an-angel sides of French and Landon. The small talk between the two players in both series gave these guys a more rounded character. In the case of Landon he's not quite left earthly values and emotions behind and in some episodes he struggles.

I'd check some of the stories out, they're worth a look.
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Never Sanctimonious
paulamor17 January 2005
One might expect that any show about an angel of god who walks the Earth trying to help people would be heavy-handed and depressing. Highway to Heaven is neither. It's an uplifting show that showcases all the best aspects of religion and niceness. Unlike "Touched by an Angel" and the televangelist shows, HtH deals with whether a person is good, not whether they subscribe to the right religion. There is room in the definition of "good" to include businessmen, politicians, and former criminals. I'm a hardcore atheist and I still love this show.

In addition, the element of God's power is never used as a club. Jonathan has "the stuff," but never uses it until words and persuasion have failed. It almost makes one feel that with a little effort, they might do some good themselves in the world. Throw in the grainy mid-80s picture and you've got a wonderful bit of escapism to a world where just a little good will can move mountains.
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Highway to Heaven
safenoe11 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Landon's series explores the idea of an angel on earth in a sweet and honest way, with no Tales of the Unexpected twist at the end. It was all good for sure. I remember watching quite a few episodes of Highway to Heaven, and Michael Landon was convincing as an angel.
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Highway to Heaven
pattim7318 October 2006
I grew up watching this TV show and it was usually very touching and sometimes very sad. There is one episode in season 2 that was very good called "Friends". It's about an overweight girl, Jenny, who is desperate to make friends at school. When she begins to tutor the school jock, Jack, another girl in school gets jealous and acts like she is her friend. Then she humiliates Jenny in front of Jack. Jonathan helps her build her self-esteem and brings Jack's down a bit.

I also enjoyed these two guys on Little House on the Prairie which was an excellent family show (I own all seasons on DVD!) It's sad that some people think these two were gay. I guess some narrow-minded people can't understand that two guys can be very good friends. Especially with all of the trash on TV now, if a show is very wholesome some people don't like it and have to try to tear it down.

Anyone with children who wants to let them watch a show without profanity and filth should let them watch this great show. We all love and miss you Michael and Victor!
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Best Television Show of All Time!
The_BDC17 September 2013
I was very pleased to find find others who loved this show as much as I...but honestly...I wasn't surprised. I still watch this show to this very day - the reruns play on a network called UP. Even though I have seen every episode...I always feel good watching them again and again...one might call the feeling I get as joy; I don't use that word much. I have watched so many shows over the years and none make me feel the way this show does. Michael Landon was truly an angel to have created this series...so call it cheesy...call it outdated...call me sentimental - I don't care. All I know is that there is allot of good in the world and it only takes an hour out of my day to remind me of that.
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A Little Boring
AngelHonesty18 December 2019
The show has a good message; about an angel trying to help people through their struggles. Michael Landon and Victor French play well off of each other and they are very good actors. But I found this series to be boring after a while. It was the same sort of stories told over and over again. And most of the episodes were about older folks and their struggles in the world. What about the younger population? They have struggles too.
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Spreading a Little Love One Soul At a Time!
spasek19 December 2021
Could a series like this be made today? I doubt it. Many of today's television aficionados look at any kind of sentiment as a weakness and something to be scoffed at.

Michael Landon always believed the opposite: that it's courageous and even important to show your emotions; that it's actually cowardly to hide behind them and your feelings. Perhaps that is why it took a brave man like a Michael Landon to spearhead a show that would demonstrate to the world this simple truth: absolute vulnerability is the only true courage.

Jonathan Smith, an angel, spends his time wandering around Southern California, meeting people, and helping them. He picks up a partner in Mark Gordon (Victor French), an ex-cop, who is often used for humerous moments (who can argue that Mr. Edwards from LHOTP wasn't one of the most beloved characters of that series!). We also find that Gordon is a good fit for Jonathan. Sometimes, his own life wisdom rivals that of Jonathan's, and that Jonathan needs someone to keep him grounded and in-check.

We have a lot of themes in this series: drug addiction, cancer, terminally ill people, dealing with the elderly, conceited people, people looking for love, people dealing with disabilities, etc. The spectrum is vast, and for the most part, every episode is a wonder. Yes, there are some that are far more memorable than others, but Landon's ability to tap into the feelings and emotions has always been as brilliant as it was uncanny.

While some fans may still find the series way too sentimental, it really doesn't get mired down in heavy melodrama. Instead, it brings true feelings and insights to light. In other words, the emotions fit the situation. And Landon knew exactly when and where to tap into them. He also had an uncanny knack of instilling as much humor as he did sentiment. There was often a good balance.

In the long term, Landon dared the viewer to face his/her own emotions, and I daresay, there are episodes where you will struggle NOT to shed a few tears. That's how effective Landon and French were. As the writer and director of many episodes, Landon was able to instill his own feelings and pieces of Life Wisdom into each episode.

While there are some Judeo-Christian thematic elements, the show actually isn't religious. It never advertises or proposes that there is only one way. There were even episodes (Child of God) where it is encouraged to love and be supportive of others no matter what path they choose. That no one is inherently better than anyone else.

In short, Landon believed that love was universal and that everyone can do a much better job of treating others with dignity, respect, and yes, even love. This was what he was trying to demonstrate with this show. And to my mind, he more than succeeded! Whenever I find myself craving an uplifting show with good values, and something that will make me feel good after I watch it, I invariably turn to "Highway to Heaven."
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This was accurately (if cruelly) referred to as "Malibu Jesus" by a critic.
arnie11318 November 2006
I never could stand this show with its mawkish story lines, saccharine plot resolutions, and (mostly) horrendous acting. I'm sure Michael Landon was a good man--many who knew him apparently loved him, and grieved over his death, but he was never much of an actor. Still, somehow he managed to parlay his good looks and easy charm into a successful television career. And I have particularly resented him for his work on Little House On the Prairie, a series based on the excellent Laura Ingalls Wilder books which he co-produced, turning it into a sugary insult to the original children's books. What a shame.

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Michael Landon and Morality
fixerup7 August 2004
This show may have been to mushy for some. I was already a fan of Landon's back to the Bonanza days. "Highway To Heaven" really allowed Landon a broad base a touch on every subject. The stories dealt with mentally and physical disabilities to obesity, lying, cheating, greed, gambling, poverty, literacy to just about every subject within the human spectrum and beyond. This show gave Michael Landon a real pair of wings to express his undying love to the human race. I managed to record 75 episodes from TV. These are truly heartwarming stories so if you think they're to mushy you may just need to watch the show more then the rest of us. This show was TRULY INSPIRATIONAL and ALL HEART.
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Love this show
youngandrestless1234519 April 2020
So glad this show is out there now, I have missed it! I like to watch these and always feel great after I do.
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Highway to Heaven with Two Angels!
Sylviastel21 May 2007
Okay, Highway to Heaven was one of those feel-good dramas with a heart and soul. Of course, Michael Landson's last show brought us one of his finest acting performances as angel sent to earth to help the mortals make amends with their loved ones, relatives, friends, and themselves. All the episodes had a heart and soul kind of feeling that made you want to reach out and grab a handkerchief. This show was one of the better shows of the 1980s. Sadly, Michael Landon and Victor French died shortly later. They both acted wonderfully as friends, travelling companions and nothing more on a journey that took them all over the country. We don't have shows like Highway to Heaven anymore and I hope they will bring it to DVD soon.
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Simple and dull
jasonbuckley-0296224 August 2020
This show is dull and mediocre. A rubbish premise with poor dialogue and stories.
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I had forgotten how good this show really was
cdsgwnm13 February 2023
Watching the episodes again on Fox Nation. Starting at season 1 and going to work through all the episodes available.

They always have a "mission" to help guide someone, though sometimes you don't know exactly what the help will do, but invariably there are parts that just make you shed a little tear, because you really get it. The inherent goodness and value of people. And how to treat people. Michale Landon never seems to lose his cool, and yet he is firm and at the same time gentle. And there is always a message in each episode that you can take with you. For me, at the end of each episode, I can take a deep breath and say to myself, "That was great."

And I feel so good after watching it.
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Way of real Angels not here
angelicseven11 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What's wrong about this show is how real angel's are depicted. They don't have a tag along like Mark. Especially when what they do is temporal. They were never human who became an angel. They are only interested in helping us, not our worldly affairs or squabbles. When you're in the presence of a real angel, having the brains to question them instantly escapes you. You can't break their smile or instantly pick up anything about them. Angels will confirm any truth without going into any big explaining. Unlike Jonathan who looks middle-aged, angels normally appear youthful. Only temporary will angels appear old or look like someone else. Cause angels has a means of flight, they could be any where instantly. Entertainment value of this show I wouldn't call exciting or addictive enough that you can't wait to see the next episode. While it may be safe for family viewing, you have to have old fashion patience to be able to watch it through. Basically, the most disappointing thing about most angel shows is they are exaggerated in a way that is too human. As Jonathan and Mark act too much like beer buddies. Real angels make you feel like they are family, as if you always knew them, but can't place it. It seems like no one who does angel shows don't do any research on it and simply goes on what they think.
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Way The World Should Be
jkelly-1518 December 2003
Highway to Heaven is probably the greatest television show I have ever watched. Michael Landon showed us the viewers the way older people, people with disabilities, and others can be treated so badly in society. As Jonathan Smith Michael tried to instil better values in people, as well as showing us how to treat people with love and respect. Plus there was always plenty of action when Jonathan would be forced to defend people from thugs. One of my favourite episodes has to be the one where a man has his food taken from him by thugs, Jonathan says to the thugs c'mon give the kid back his food you've had your fun, when they refused Jonathan threw the thugs all over the place. The show also showed Jonathan and Mark on wonderful journey's from town to town each week, which was great. Michael Landon tried to show people how to love and laugh, just watching an episode makes you want to get out there and help someone out. I thank Michael Landon for inspiring me to be a better person. I will never forget what Michael Landon has contributed to my life, and I thank him so much. Highway to Heaven should be on television again, rather than the non-family oriented Reality Television Shows of today. Michael's television shows took me back to my childhood memories of my loving grandmother Mavis Brewis. I am certain that Michael Landon and my grandmother are now real angels of god.
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stant0s5 July 2007
Wow, I used to love this program, I woke up this morning thinking about it! Very fond memories watching it!

I must have been around 6years old watching this, it was always on in the UK around early afternoons I think - I really thought I was older, but when it came out - I was 2!! So I must have started watching it later on in the series.

Michael, wasn't he in Little House on the Prarie as well? Another good little program!

Ahh, Very fond memories of this - gonna be sad, and try find the DVD's! Anyway, it's certainly betters from the rubbish thats on TV now! (Well, OK, some stuff!)

I guess this really wasn't a proper review - just a nostalgic post!
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No show is perfect. But this one comes close
bjholloway-7938116 October 2020
I was a fan of Little House on the Prairie with Michael Landon, and despite growing up a Protestant Christian, I don't remember watching a single episode in it's original run. Stumbled across it on Prime and began with episode one season one. Every episode has humor, heart, and a good moral lesson without hitting you over the head with it. My girlfriend and I love it, and would recommend it to anyone. Families in particular They just don't make shows like this anymore.
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Family Show
itsjalbrecht10 January 2014
Highway to Heaven was a very good family show. I don't know if it is still out there running on TV in reruns on any channel because I still do not have cable, but I don't think it is. I have not been able to find it on DVD for any affordable price yet but if I did I would pick it up. It lasted several seasons and was about Michael Landon as an angel sent from Heaven to help people on earth who are struggling in some way. He is helped by the nice bearded man who was in Little House on the Prairie with him as his best friend. He drives Landon from place to place and helps him out with his different missions and adventures. The show was really heartwarming and just a good show, the kind of thing the whole family would watch together.
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Excellent series
rokk196523 November 2000
I watched every single episode of Highway to Heaven that was aired from 1984 to 1989, and enjoyed every single episode. I particularly liked the 2-part episode "Thoroughbreds", which combined romance with the tragedy of cancer. Many of the other episodes which dealt with cancer were also excellent.

Unfortunately, "Highway" has been off the air since 1989 and is not available on video. My memories of the episodes are quite rusty, and I haven't managed to find anyone who taped the series. Until somebody obtains the rights to distribute or air the series, I'll have to settle for my vague nostalgic memories.

Anyway, it's nice to see there are still some fans around.

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One of the Best Series we ever watched!
eaglebayrefrigeration5 November 2020
Michael Landon and Victor French bring great stories that showcase broken people in need, and teaches us the importance of the way that we treat each other.

Their down to earth approach focuses our attention on the importance of how we treat each other.
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I'm a little late to the party, but this is a really good show!
leach_l20 February 2024
I'm an 80's baby, so I've seen a few episodes here and there as a child, but I recently canceled my cable subscription and have been watching whatever's on Samsung TV. I've been binging Highway to Heaven over the long weekend and I don't think there's been an episode that didn't make me cry! I recognize that 30 mins isn't enough to properly tackle some of the issues they address, but I feel like they deal with really weighty subjects in such a delicate, positive way! And who can't use some positivity nowadays?

It's also cool to see lesser-known actors we haven't seen in anything in a while! A lot of talent was left in the 80's and 90's!

I'm late to the party, but this show has a new fan in me!
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An angel that made strives to make saints of us all!
ironmaidengod6 August 2020
I'd like to think that Heaven holds a special place for the wonderful man that is Michael Landon - if "Highway to Heaven" is any reflection of his merits, in my book he should be a saint and truly rest among the angels.

With a simple television show, ML shared enriching tales that couldn't help but uplift the viewer with positive and sometimes deeply profound messages. Sure it was sappy at times and perhaps some of the plotlines could be a little contrived but overall ML was a truly talented writer AND director AND actor, playing the jack of all trades marvelously with what was overall a pretty darned good show.

To boot, the wonderful Victor French also acts and occasionally directs (and possibly writes?) some episodes. What an incredibly gifted duo!

Oh, and you gotta love the theme song ;).
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Lovely Show
Big Movie Fan22 September 2002
Late actors Michael Landon and Victor French did a lovely job as Jonathan Smith and Mark Gordon on this show.

Jonathan was an angel and each week he joined up with ex-policeman Mark Gordon. There were a multitude of stories; Jonathan and Mark would always help some poor soul out without resorting to the usual TV method of violence. Throughout the show, they helped many different types of people from alcoholics to those expressing self-doubt. It was very sentimental at times but watching it gave one a sense of inner peace. I am actually an agnostic as far as religion goes but even if one doesn't believe in God, a lot can be learned from a show like this on how to treat people and how to do things the right way.

All in all, a very sentimental show. My girlfriend did cry at some episodes so perhaps a few tissues would be advised if watching this show.
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