Star Trek III : À la recherche de Spock (1984) Poster

DeForest Kelley: McCoy



  • [Witnessing the destruction of the Enterprise] 

    Kirk : [1:15:58]  My God, Bones... what have I done?

    McCoy : What you had to do, what you always do. Turn death into a fighting chance to live.

  • Kirk : [37:17]  How many fingers do I have up?

    McCoy : That's not very damn funny.

    Kirk : Your sense of humor's returned!

    McCoy : The hell it has!

  • Kirk : [46:41]  Scotty, you're as good as your word.

    Scotty : Aye, sir. The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain.

    [giving McCoy a handful of computer chips] 

    Scotty : Here, Doctor, souvenirs from one surgeon to another. I took them out of her main transwarp computer drive.

    McCoy : Nice of you to tell me in advance.

    Kirk : That's what you get for missing staff meetings, Doctor. Gentlemen, your work today has been outstanding and I intend to recommend you all for promotion... in whatever fleet we end up serving.

  • Kirk : You're suffering from a Vulcan mind-meld, doctor.

    McCoy : That green-blooded son of a bitch! It's his revenge for all the arguments he lost.

  • McCoy : [to an unconscious Spock]  I'm gonna tell you something that I... never thought I'd ever hear myself say. But it seems I've... missed you. And I don't know if I could stand to lose you again.

  • Vulcan High Priestess : Sarek! Child of S'kon, child of So'kar! The body of your son breathes still. What is your wish?

    Sarek : I ask for fal tor pan: the refusion.

    Vulcan High Priestess : What you seek has not been done in ages past and then, only in legend. Your request is not logical.

    Sarek : Forgive me, T'layr. My logic is uncertain where my son is concerned.

    Vulcan High Priestess : Who is the keeper of the katra?

    McCoy : I am. McCoy, Leonard H, son of David.

    Vulcan High Priestess : McCoy, son of David, since thou art human, we cannot expect thee to fully comprehend what Sarek has requested. Spock's body lives: with your approval, we shall use all our powers to return to his body that which you possess.

    Vulcan High Priestess : But McCoy, you must now be warned. The danger to thyself is as grave as the danger to Spock. You must make the choice.

    McCoy : I choose the danger. Hell of a time to ask.

  • McCoy : [1:18:52]  Rapid aging. All genetic functions highly accelerated.

    Kirk : What about his mind?

    McCoy : His mind is a void. It seems, Admiral, that I've got all his marbles.

    Kirk : Is there anything we can do?

    Saavik : Only one thing, sir. Get him off this planet. His aging is part of what's going on around us.

  • [McCoy is informed of the danger of the transfusion] 

    McCoy : I choose the danger.

    [Kirk glances at McCoy] 

    McCoy : [mutters to Kirk]  Hell of a time to ask...

  • Alien : To your planet, welcome.

    McCoy : I think that's *my* line, stranger.

    Alien : Oh, forgive. I here am new. But you are known, being McCoy from Enterprise.

    McCoy : You have me at a disadvantage, sir.

    Alien : Oh, I name not important. You seek I. Message received. Available ship stands by.

    McCoy : How much and how soon?

    Alien : How soon is now. How much is, where?

    McCoy : Somewhere in the Mutara sector.

    Alien : Oh, Mutara restricted! Take permits many; money more.

    McCoy : There aren't gonna be any damned permits! How can you get a permit to do a damned illegal thing? Look, price you name, money I got.

    Alien : Place *you* name, money *I* name, otherwise bargain, no.

    McCoy : Alright, damn it! It's Genesis! The name of the place we're going is GENESIS!

    Alien : Genesis?

    McCoy : Yes, Genesis! How can you be deaf with ears like that?

    Alien : Genesis allowed is not! Is planet forbidden!

  • Kirk : Scan for vessels in pursuit.

    McCoy : [in Spock's voice and manner]  Scanning. Indications negative at this time.

    [everyone stares at him] 

    McCoy : [as himself]  Did I get it right?

    Kirk : Great, Bones. Just great.

  • [Kirk finds McCoy in Spock's quarters] 

    McCoy : [14:10]  Jim. Help me

    McCoy : Jim... help me. You left me... on Genesis... why did you do that? Help me...

    Kirk : Bones? What the hell are you doing? Have you lost your mind?

    McCoy : Help me, Jim. Take me home.

    McCoy : Bones, we are. We are home.

    McCoy : Then perhaps it's not too late. Climb the steps, Jim. Climb the steps of Mount Seleya.

    Kirk : Mount Seleya? Bones, Mount Seleya is on Vulcan. We're home, on Earth.

    McCoy : Remember...

  • Mr. Adventure : Look at you. You're a twenty-year space veteran, yet you pick the worst duty station in town. I mean, look at this place. This is the hind end of space.

    Uhura : Peace and quiet appeals to me, Lieutenant.

    Mr. Adventure : Well, maybe that's okay for someone like you, whose career is winding down. But me, I need some excitement, some adventure... maybe even just a surprise or two.

    Uhura : Well, you know what they say, Lieutenant. Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.

    [Kirk, McCoy and Sulu enter the transporter room] 

    Kirk : Uhura, is everything ready?

    Uhura : Step into my parlor, gentlemen.

    Mr. Adventure : That's Admiral Kirk, my God!

    Uhura : Very good for you, Lieutenant.

    Mr. Adventure : But it's damned irregular. No destination points, no encoded ID's.

    Uhura : All true.

    Mr. Adventure : So what are we gonna do about it?

    Uhura : I'm not gonna do anything about it. You're gonna sit in the closet.

    Mr. Adventure : The *closet*? Have you lost your sense of reality?

    Uhura : This isn't reality.

    [Turns a phaser on him] 

    Uhura : This is fantasy. You wanted adventure, how's this? The old adrenaline going, huh? Good boy. Now get in the closet.

    Mr. Adventure : All right...

    Uhura : Go on.

    Mr. Adventure : I'll just get in the closet. All right! Damn!

    [Falls into the closet and shuts the door] 

    McCoy : I'm glad you're on *our* side!

    Kirk : [Pointing to the closet]  Are you sure you can handle...?

    Uhura : Oh, I'll have "Mr. Adventure" eating out of my hand, sir. And I'll see all of you at the rendezvous.

  • Sulu : One minute to space doors.

    McCoy : Are you just gonna walk through them?

    Kirk : Calm yourself, Doctor.

  • Kirk : How are we doing?

    McCoy : How are "we" doing? Funny you should put it quite that way, Jim. "We" are doing fine. But I'd feel safer giving him one of my kidneys than what's scrambled in my brain.

  • [the Enterprise faces off against a cloaked Klingon Bird-of-Prey] 

    Kirk : If my guess is right, she'll have to decloak before she can fire.

    McCoy : May all your guesses be right.

  • Kirk : Unit two, this is unit one. The Kobayashi Maru has set sail for the promised land. Acknowledge.

    Chekov : [on communicator]  Message acknowledged. All units will be informed.

    McCoy : You're taking me to the promised land?

    Kirk : What are friends for?

  • McCoy : Genesis may be planet forbidden, but I'm damn well...

    Civilian Agent : Sir, I'm sorry, but your voice is carrying. I don't think you want to be discussing this subject in public.

    McCoy : I'll discuss what I like! And who in the hell are you?

    Civilian Agent : Could I offer you a ride home, Dr. McCoy?

    McCoy : Where's the logic in offering me a ride home, you idiot? If I wanted a ride home, would I be trying to charter a space flight? How the hell do you know who I am?

    Civilian Agent : Federation Security, sir.

    [Bones jumps to his feet; after the agent sits him back down, Bones attempts the Vulcan neck pinch] 

    Civilian Agent : You're gonna get a nice, long rest, Doctor.

See also

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