When Harry Tuttle escapes from Sam Lowry's flat, he is wearing a hood covering his head. When Harry starts to zip-line off the precipice, he is replaced by a stunt double wearing a baseball cap.
The "Trucking" magazine behind Jill's head during the truck chase is first folded, then open.
Holly's hair has a big gap in her front bangs when she says her one line, whereas before her bangs were intact. Holly Gilliam did this on purpose in an effort to avoid working on the scene again because she despised the process of filming. It didn't work, and the result is the continuity error.
When Tuttle is at Sam's apartment for the first time to fix the heating, he removes the wall-panel and hands it over to Sam twice.
After the bombing in the mall (when Jill is holding the suspicious package), Sam Lowry gives his coat to a wounded woman and is apprehended shortly after. In the next scene in the back of the paddy-wagon, Sam is wearing the coat again.
It is physically impossible for Sam Lowry to have dreamed about Jill Layton before meeting her because the human brain can not visualize faces it has never seen before in dreams.
When Sam is in Helpmann's office looking at the printer, pre-printed text can clearly be seen on the feeder roll.
When Harvey Lime goes to use his computer to look up Jill, as the camera moves forwards it hits Lime's desk and makes a loud audible thudding noise.
When Sam enters his apartment after the Central Services had frozen it, his shoulders bump into some "ice" that is hanging from pipes. You can clearly see that the "ice" is made out of rubber.
When Sam Lowry is overwhelmed by the incoming cylinders coming through the pneumatic tubes, he connects the "incoming" pipe to the "outgoing" pipe with a short U-shaped hose. The bend in the hose is far too sharp a turn for any of the cylinders to make it to the "outgoing" pipe.
About 4:02 into the movie, Mrs. Buttle is reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. The words she is reading aloud come from the very end of that story which is typically 100-140 pages long, but the book she is shown reading is clearly open to one of its earliest pages.
The first shot of the road block (at about 1hr 35 min) is reversed, causing text to be backwards.
When Sam is talking to Jack in the latter's office for the second time, there is a barely noticeable jump cut right after Jack says "We have a report in that Tuttle ..."
At around 11 minutes, a shadow of the camera crane can be seen on the wall and automated clothing rack as Sam steps inside the bathroom.
When Sam enters the small room behind Mr. Helpmann's office, a moving shadow on his coat sleeve reveals either a crew member or equipment moving off-screen.
While Tuttle repairs Sam's air conditioning, Sam approaches him and the cameraman's shadow is visible over him.
Camera shadows in some scenes of the finale.
When Sam Lowry first gets into Jill's cab, he says that his number is "D Zed stroke 105" (DZ-105) when in actuality his number is "D Zed Stroke 015" (DZ-015).
Sam is looking at his newly-issued badge upside down during a stressful encounter with security forces. He simply reads that badge number backwards. Quite an intentional element of the script.