Tamara Mark credited as playing...
June Wolsky
- Francine Hackett: [over a round of drinks] Men are dogs. Just plain dogs.
- Debbie Hughes: [hiccups] Mmm.
- Meryl Stanton: Why does alcohol make you horny?
- Valerie Thompson: I'll drink to that.
- Meryl Stanton: It was a question, not a statement.
- Valerie Thompson: I'll drink to that, too.
- Meryl Stanton: My Cousin Jana says, when all else fails, curl up in bed with a good romance novel and your favorite sexual fantasy. It works every time.
- Debbie Hughes: How sad.
- Meryl Stanton: Not for my Cousin Jana.
- [they all start to laugh]
- June Wolsky: Do you think we'll turn out to be like our mothers -- spending the rest of our lives in Sandusky, Ohio? Married to guys with bellies as big as two football fields?
- Rita Diaz: My mom says it's a woman's lot to suffer. It makes us stronger than men.
- Valerie Thompson: Who told her that?
- Rita Diaz: My father.
- Debbie Hughes: I rest my case.
- June Wolsky: My mother wanted to be a dancer. Then she met my dad. They've got six kids. Mom doesn't even dance at parties anymore.
- Francine Hackett: Trapped in a dead end life. That really scares the hell out of me.
- Meryl Stanton: Yeah, especially now when we know there's a whole world out here.
- June Wolsky: Yeah, but boys are so closed-minded. All they want out of life is a fast car and girls who'll put out.
- Francine Hackett: Men are dogs.
- June Wolsky: I'll drink to that.
- Debbie Hughes: And they're selfish.
- June Wolsky: I'll drink to that, too.
- Valerie Thompson: And they're such liars.
- June Wolsky: I'll drink to that.
- Meryl Stanton: I hope they all get pregnant.
- Francine Hackett: [all six women start to laugh and raise their glasses] I'll drink to that!
- Debbie Hughes: I'll drink to that!
- Valerie Thompson: I'll drink to that!
- June Wolsky: I'll drink to that!
- Rita Diaz: I'll drink to that!