L'Esprit de Caïn (1992) Poster

Gregg Henry: Lt. Terri



  • [Dr. Waldheim tells the detectives about multiple personalities] 

    Dr. Waldheim : All multiple personality patients, regardless of the differences in their background, seem to share certain childhood traumas. When these occur, the original personality splinters into others. For instance, if a boy is molested by his mother or abused by his father, the original...

    Dr. Waldheim : [the detectives grab Waldheim from going the wrong way]  Ah. The original personality forgets it ever happens. How could his loving parent do such a terrible thing? And he creates an alternate personality. This becomes the person it happened to. He is the one who suffers the pain for all the rest.

    Lt. Terri : [Terri turns to Cally]  Hm. Built-in fall guy. You do something bad, the other personality takes the rap. Sounds very convenient. Straight ahead.

    Dr. Waldheim : It is not a psychological state one wishes to acquire. Every time there is another trauma, there may be another personality. Pretty soon there are scores of them running around inside your head, squabbling amongst themselves as to which one gets to control the consciousness. Only one personality can control the consciousness at one time.

    Lt. Terri : So now they're talking to each other.

    Sgt. Cally : Sounds like one messed up guy.

    Dr. Waldheim : Yes. But, by carefully observing and documenting the formation and development of Cain's multiples, Dr. Nix was creating a whole new theory of personality evolvement.

  • [Dr. Waldheim recommends hypnotizing Carter to find the missing babies] 

    Dr. Waldheim : Hypnotism is the fastest, though not always the most prudent method.

    Lt. Terri : We gotta find these babies now!

    Dr. Waldheim : Then I will need an absolutely quiet space where I can be alone with Carter.

    Lt. Terri : Whatever you need... and do it fast! I don't want to be walking behind any little coffins.

  • [Lt. Terri and Sgt. Cally go over the case file of the missing babies] 

    Lt. Terri : [Terri sighs]  Poor guy. This is gettin' out of hand Sean.

    Sgt. Cally : Yep. It seems like a serial to me. A detective's dream. The motiveless murder.

    Lt. Terri : What've we got now? Two moms, a baby-sitter and all their kids are gone.

    Sgt. Cally : From the same playground.

    Mack : [the retired officer Mack mumbles in the room as he watches Carter]  And this Dr. Nix.

    Sgt. Cally : [the two detectives lower their heads]  What do you mean?

  • [the retired officer Mack tells the detectives about Carter's father Dr. Nix] 

    Mack : Well, maybe you can tell me who this Dr. Nix is.

    Sgt. Cally : [Cally points to the next room]  It's that guy over there working with Peters.

    Mack : Yeah, any dope can see that. But I worked another Nix case twenty years ago.

    Lt. Terri : Twenty years ago. What are you talking about?

    Mack : I'm talking about that guy's old man.

    Sgt. Cally : Are you sure?

    Mack : Same name, same face.

    Sgt. Cally : So what did your Dr. Nix do?

    Mack : We got an anonymous tip he was buying babies. I remember we caught him with five.

    Sgt. Cally : Five? Was he starting a basketball team?

  • [the detectives ask themselves if Carter could really be a nut] 

    Lt. Terri : [the detectives look at Carter in the other room]  I know what you guys are thinking.

    Sgt. Cally : Like father, like son.

    Lt. Terri : Slam dunk right? It's too easy. Just because his father is a nut, doesn't mean Carter has to be.

  • [the detectives meet Dr. Waldheim] 

    Dr. Waldheim : [Waldheim looks at Carter for the first time]  It's uncanny. He looks exactly like his father.

    Lt. Terri : That's Carter Nix.

    Dr. Waldheim : It couldn't be anyone else. And his wife and child have disappeared?

    Sgt. Cally : It gets worse.

    Lt. Terri : We got a dead woman downstairs that could be his wife.

    Dr. Waldheim : Oh. So much tragedy in one family.

  • [Dr. Waldheim tells the detectives about the book she wrote with Dr. Nix] 

    Dr. Waldheim : [about Dr. Nix]  I was especially interested in his work on multiple personalities. We wrote a book together based on one of his patients. In the book we called him Cain.

    Lt. Terri : Hm. 'Three Faces of Cain.' Or something?

    Dr. Waldheim : He had many more faces than that detective.

    Lt. Terri : [the group walk down the stairs as Lt. Terri guides Waldheim]  Down here. So what was the book called?

    Dr. Waldheim : 'Raising Cain: The Creation and Evolution of the Multiple Personality.' It was a best-seller. They even made a TV movie out of it.

  • [Dr. Waldheim tells the detectives about the raw data of Dr. Nix] 

    Dr. Waldheim : The raw data was extradordinary detailed. It was as if he had gotten into a time machine and gone back to witness each one of Cain's personality-splitting traumas as it occured. I was never allowed to meet Cain. His true identity was known only to Dr. Nix. All the information I had, I transcribed from tapes recorded during their sessions.

    Lt. Terri : So, uh... how do you think he got this information?

    Dr. Waldheim : I never knew for sure. But years later when he got arrested for trying to buy babies, I suspected there could only be one answer.

    Sgt. Cally : Yeah?

    Dr. Waldheim : He had created Cain's multiple personalities in order to study them. He had taken some innocent child and split its personality. Now, he needed a control booth to test his theories. That's what he was buying the babies for.

  • [the detectives hope that Carter isn't too nuts to stand trial] 

    Lt. Terri : Well, let's hope he's not too nuts.

    Jenny : What do you mean?

    Lt. Terri : Too nuts to go to jail.

    Jack : You mean, he might not go to jail?

    Lt. Terri : First, we gotta find out if he's competent to stand trial. Even if he is, any smart lawyer'll plead him not guilty by reason of insanity. And, depending on what Waldheim finds out, Carter could wind up a celebrity mental case in some cushy institution.

  • [Dr. Waldheim returns to Lt. Terri's office, confirming Carter is Cain] 

    Lt. Terri : Carter is Cain?

    Dr. Waldheim : And Josh and Margo and God knows who else. Now it is clear to me... how Dr. Nix got all his precise data. He traumatized his own son. Then over the years, he observed the effects.

    Jenny : Does Carter know what he did?

    Dr. Waldheim : Carter didn't do anything. Cain did all the killing.

    Jack : Who is Cain?

    Dr. Waldheim : One of Carter's multiples. One of the ones Dr. Nix created when he abused him as a child. When something bad is about to happen to Carter, or when something bad has to be done, Carter blacks out and Cain takes over. After the unpleasantness, Cain exits and Carter wakes up. He has lost some time. He doesn't remember how he got where he is... or what happened while he was asleep. He may be confused, but his conscience is clean.

See also

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