Although this film was first released in 2005 (it gave director Richard Sears Best Short Film at the Cannes Film Festival that year), I actually saw this as part of Sears' 2009 feature film In The Drink. An Evil Town follows a mysterious, private man who moves from city to city feeling a sense of isolation from the immoral world around him. It's a dark/noir film that was based on a Charles Bukowski story and it's so evocative and really pulls you in from the first frame and keeps you there until the last one. Sears is methodical in his direction and really cements his reputation for making visually driven storytelling with An Evil Town. Greg Lucey is a brilliant lead and really brings through the drama of this man's depressing situation so beautifully that you cannot bear to tear your eyes away from the screen for even just a moment. I actually watched this film twice because it was just so powerful and really left an impression on me. I highly recommend it to any lovers of good film.