19 of 33 found this severe
A lot of nudity and sex - full frontal, male and female.
A number of scenes have a woman's body being written on: during these scenes there is quite a bit of nudity and close-up of bare skin and breasts.
Several love scenes with full frontal nudity (male and female).
Much of the movie has a sensual overtone.
5 of 8 found this moderate
A man commits suicide
A dead man's body is skinned (it's only shown for a second or two)
5 of 6 found this mild
Very minimal swearing and profanity. There is some, but just a bit.
3 of 6 found this mild
People drink socially. Several scenes of parties and gatherings where drinking occurs. There is smoking in a couple of scenes.
A man commits suicide by way of drugs (and ink)
3 of 7 found this mild
When the girl finds the dead guy it might frighten some.
The rest of the movie is more sensual and less frightening.