Skyscraper (1996 Video)
Richard Steinmetz: Gordon Wink
Jimmy Dial : [while patrolling in unmarked patrol car, telling joke] I cannot lie. I was humping my goat. So, the D.A. says, "But there's more to the story, isn't there, Farmer Brown?"
Gordon Wisk : Of course.
Jimmy Dial : So Farmer Brown says, "After I finished humping my goat, the goat turned around and licked my balls." At which point, the judge turned to Farmer Brown and said, "Hey, a good goat will do that."
[Gordon looks at Jimmy with no response]
Jimmy Dial : A good... Aw, come on. Gordy. I had everybody rolling with that this morning.
Gordon Wisk : [smiles] Yeah, you're sad, man. You're really sad.