Le Droit de tuer ? (1996) Poster

Samuel L. Jackson: Carl Lee Hailey



  • D.A. Rufus Buckley : Mr. Haley, before you *stepped outside of yourself* and watched yourself shoot Mr. Willard and Mr. Cobb, were you aware that' if convicted, they could be free in ten years?

    Carl Lee Hailey : Yes sir. I've heard some people say that. Yes sir.

    D.A. Rufus Buckley : Do you think men who kidnap a child should be free in 10 years?

    Carl Lee Hailey : No sir.

    D.A. Rufus Buckley : Do you think two men who rape a child should be free in 10 years?

    Carl Lee Hailey : No sir.

    D.A. Rufus Buckley : Do you think two men who hang a child should be free in 10 years?

    Carl Lee Hailey : No sir.

    D.A. Rufus Buckley : Well what do you think should happen? What would be a fair sentence?

    Jake Tyler Brigance : Objection!

    D.A. Rufus Buckley : Did they deserve to die, Mr. Hailey? Answer that!

    Jake Tyler Brigance : Don't answer that Carl Lee!

    D.A. Rufus Buckley : Do you think they should deserve to die?

    Carl Lee Hailey : Yes, they deserved to die and I hope they burn in hell!

  • Jake Tyler Brigance : We're going to lose this case, Carl Lee. There are no more points of law to argue here. I want to cope a plea, maybe Buckley will cop us a second degree murder and we can get you just life in prison.

    Carl Lee Hailey : Jake, I can't do no life in prison. You got to get me off. Now if it was you on trial...

    Jake Tyler Brigance : It's not me, we're not the same, Carl Lee. The jury has to identify with the defendant. They see you, they see a yardworker; they see me, they see an attorney. I live in town, you live in the hill.

    Carl Lee Hailey : Well, you are white and I'm black. See Jake, you think just like them, that's why I picked you; you are one of them , don't you see?. Oh, you think you ain't because you eat in Claude's and you are out there trying to get me off on TV talking about black and white, but the fact is you are just like all the rest of them. When you look at me, you don't see a man, you see a black man.

    Jake Tyler Brigance : Carl Lee, I'm your friend.

    Carl Lee Hailey : We ain't no friends, Jake. We are on different sides of the line, I ain't never seen you in my part of town. I bet you don't even know where I live. Our daughters, Jake; they ain't never gonna play together.

    Jake Tyler Brigance : What are you talking about?

    Carl Lee Hailey : America is a war and you are on the other side. How's a black man ever going to get a fair trial with the enemy on the bench and in the jury box?. My life in white hands? You Jake, that's how. You are my secret weapon because you are one of the bad guys. You don't mean to be but you are. It's how you was raised. Nigger, negro, black, African-american, no matter how you see me, you see me different, you see me like that jury sees me, you are them. Now throw out your points of law Jake. If you was on that jury, what would it take to convince you to set me free? That's how you save my ass. That's how you save us both.

  • Carl Lee : Ask if he thinks I should go to jail.

    Jake Tyler Brigance : Carl Lee, they amputated his leg because you shot him. He's the prosecution's witness.

    Carl Lee : You're my lawyer ain't ya? Ask him.

    Jake Tyler Brigance : Your Honor, one question.

    Judge Omar Noose : Make up your mind, Mr. Brigance.

    Jake Tyler Brigance : Deputy Looney, do you think Carl Lee shooting you was intentional?

    Deputy Dwayne Powell Looney : No sir. It was an accident.

    Carl Lee : Ask him!

    Jake Tyler Brigance : Do you think he should be punished for shooting you?

    Deputy Dwayne Powell Looney : No, sir. I hold no ill will toward the man. He did what I would have done.

    Jake Tyler Brigance : What do you mean by that?

    Deputy Dwayne Powell Looney : I mean, I don't blame him for what he did. Those boys raped his little girl.

    D.A. Rufus Buckley : Objection, your Honor! The witness's opinion on this matter is irrelevant.

    Jake Tyler Brigance : Your Honor, I belive Deputy Looney has earned the right to speak here today.

    Judge Omar Noose : Overruled. Continue.

    Jake Tyler Brigance : Go ahead, Dwayne.

    Deputy Dwayne Powell Looney : I got a little girl. Somebody rapes her, he's a dead dog. I'll blow him away just like Carl Lee did.

    D.A. Rufus Buckley : Objection your Honor!

    Jake Tyler Brigance : Do you think the jury should convict Carl Lee Hailey?

    Judge Omar Noose : Don't answer that question.

    Deputy Dwayne Powell Looney : He's a hero. You turn him loose.

    Judge Omar Noose : The jury will disregard...

    Deputy Dwayne Powell Looney : Turn him loose!

    D.A. Rufus Buckley : Your honor, you silenced that witness!

    Deputy Dwayne Powell Looney : You turn him loose!

  • Judge Omar Noose : Good afternoon, citizens. Be seated. Counsel. And you, sir, are you Carl Lee Hailey?

    Carl Lee Hailey : Yes sir.

    Judge Omar Noose : Mr. Hailey, I am holding a copy of an indictment returned by the grand jury of Mississippi presenting that Carl Lee Hailey did murder Billy Ray Cobb, a human being, and James Willis Willard, a human being, and did attempt to kill Dwayne Looney, a peace officer, against the peace and dignity of the State of Mississippi. Do you understand the charges against you?

    Carl Lee Hailey : Yes sir.

    Judge Omar Noose : How do you wish to plead?

    Carl Lee Hailey : [pause]  Not guilty, Your Honor.

    Jake Tyler Brigance : The defense enters a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity, Your Honor.

    Judge Omar Noose : Your trial is set for July 22nd. All pre-trial motions and matters are to be filed no later than July 8th. Is there anything further?

    D.A. Rufus Buckley : Yes, Your Honor. In the response to the insanity plea, the state requests the defendant be examined by it's own doctors.

    Judge Omar Noose : Granted.

    D.A. Rufus Buckley : Additionally, the state opposes any request for bail.

    Jake Tyler Brigance : But Your Honor, we have not yet asked for bail. Now Governor Buckley cannot oppose a request until one is made. He should have learned that in law school.

    D.A. Rufus Buckley : Your Honor, even Mr. Brigance's meager legal experience should have taught him two things: number one, I have not been elected governor... yet. And number two, he is required to request bail. The state opposes any such request.

    Judge Omar Noose : Well in the future why don't we just wait until he makes the request?

    [DA Rufus Buckley nods lightly with a slight smile] 

    Jake Tyler Brigance : Thank you, Your Honor. Your Honor, we would like to request bail.

    Judge Omar Noose : Denied. I have never allowed bail in a capital murder case and I don't feel that an exception is called for today.

  • Carl Lee Hailey : Looney? Dwayne? I made Ozzie bring me. Shit, Dwayne. We knowed each other since childhood. It's my fault. No matter what gets said in court. I knew what I was doing, and I sure didn't intend to hurt you, but just them two boys. I know it don't mean much now, but I'm sorry.

  • Carl Lee : [runs frantically into his house and sees his daughter laying down on the sofa; she's been sodomized, beaten and battered]  Oh, no!

    [he runs and grabs her] 

    Carl Lee : [whispers]  Come here, baby. Daddy's here!

    Tonya Hailey : [cries]  Daddy, I'm sorry I dropped the groceries.

    Carl Lee : [breaks down]  No, it's alright, baby. It's alright, baby!

    [he kisses her] 

    Carl Lee : It's alright...

    [he sobs] 

  • Carl Lee Hailey : What that Memphis doctor say about her?

    Gwen Hailey : She's doing good. Her jaw is healing. She can't run and jump yet, but it won't be long.

    Carl Lee Hailey : How about the other?

    Gwen Hailey : There was too much damage. She ain't never gonna have kids.

    Carl Lee Hailey : You know, I think about them too boys. Dead, buried, probably starting to rot. And I remember them walking into court... one proud, the other scared. I remember how they fell. One on top of the other, screaming and squirming and not going nowhere. God help me Gwen, but that's the only thought that give me comfort.

    Gwen Hailey : They took up a collection for us at the church. Some kind of defense fund. Reverend Agee gave a good service. We need some money around the house, Carl Lee, for groceries and bills.

    Carl Lee Hailey : How much you got?

    Gwen Hailey : Less than 50.

    Carl Lee Hailey : I'll think of something.

    Gwen Hailey : How you think you going to get some money when you stuck in jail?

    Carl Lee Hailey : Trust me Gwen.

    Gwen Hailey : I just get scared.

    Carl Lee Hailey : Look here, tell me exactly what Reverend Agee said when he passed around the collection plate.

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