Yogi Bear : [On the Ranger's phone] Hello? Hello? Is this the White House?
Ranger John Smith : Yogi!
Yogi Bear : Hey, the President knows my name.
Ranger John Smith : [showing a "Do Not Feed The Bears" sign to Yogi] Read this sign.
Yogi Bear : [deliberately reading incorrectly] Uh, "No Smoking In The Forest"?
Ranger John Smith : You know what it says, Yogi, and it applies to *all* the bears, especially you!
Yogi Bear : Uh, yes, sir.
Cindy Bear : It's the time for whispering sweet nothings in one's ear.
Yogi Bear : Now that I can oblige.
Cindy Bear : Oh, Yogi.
Yogi Bear : Nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing. Nooothing. And because you're such a good kid, here's another nothing, for nothing.
Boo-Boo Bear : But Yogi, the Ranger's not going to like it.
Yogi Bear : What's not to like about Robin Hood? I'll steal from the rich and give to a poor bear: me. Stay here, Friar Boo-Boo.
[Yogi peeks through the window of a cafe]
Yogi Bear : A goodly bunch having lunch.
[He shoots an arrow through the window, spearing various items]
Yogi Bear : Shish-kaboob, Bob-Bob... I mean, shish kabob, Boo-Boo.
Boo-Boo Bear : What are you going to do with it, Yogi?
Yogi Bear : Down the hatch, but natch.
Yogi Bear : He's turning this park into a boot camp, with me getting the boot.