Loose Women (TV Series 1999– ) Poster

(1999– )

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Painful to watch.
maccy-9289317 January 2020
Literally 4 women, who happen to be absolute drips, sitting on a panel gossiping about absolutely nothing.

Any slight attempt at humour is met with hysterics and wooing from the audience.

Honestly, it's over the top drivel that baffles me as to how it's been on air for 20 years. Awful programme.
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Glad I'm a bloke
naseby7 May 2008
I have every respect for womanhood, but this part of it really does take the biscuit. Bad enough when the awful Kaye Adams (Surely 'Hayley' from Coronation Street's sister) was on it, it descended even further into the tripe stage with her departure (She's now taken to mentioning 'her baby' every five minutes when she guests on 'Countdown'). Awful over-the-top laughing at anything only slightly amusing, crap items about the 'ex' (incidentally, on that score, I agree with everyone who says McGiffin only got the job because of 'her' ex, Chris Evans) (wonder what took him so long?), wrinkles or 'the top I bought a Woolworth's' etc etc provides a dreadful hour on the telly. The programme makers ought to be ashamed of themselves, but of course even though it makes money for them, they probably can't stand it (Remember Gerald Ratner, anyone?)and head to the boozer whilst it's on. The quality dramas that used to be on in this slot with fine talent have been swapped for...this? I only gave it a 'one' because there isn't a minus - 1.
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total dross
simoningram-114 February 2008
These women obviously share 1 brain cell between them. The whooping hysterical audience appear to have a seizure any time one of these morons attempts to say anything remotely funny.I think the one with the lampshade head used to be married to Chris Evans. We also have a footballers wife, a contestant from Im a Nobody Get Me Out Of Here, Celeb mum of the year (pans to take her son to a hooker on his sixteenth birthday)Coleen Nolan and of course the half man half woman singer from P&O Ferries.This all adds up to the biggest waste of time ever. I had planned on taking a couple of days off with the flu but this puppy had me back to work in a flash.
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Female Audience and Presenters act like little school girls
nims-197519 June 2019
I absolutely hate this programme. This programme doesn't deserve even 2.6/10, it should be 0/10 because it is such a lame TV Programme. I'm not sexist but the adult female presenters and TV Audience act like little school girls. The way the adult female presenters and TV Audience react by wooing, laughing etc is just completely over the top and unnecessary. The female presenters and female audience are just complete idiots and their behaviour is so idiotic. It's a totally crap programme and I find it very boring. If an actor/Celebrity who I like such as Charlie Sheen etc appears as a guest on the show, I might watch part of it and listen to what that special celebrity guest who i really like has to say. Other than that I don't watch this crap TV Programme. My mum who is 77 loves (which i can understand) it but I hate it because it is so boring.
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Awfully boring.
njpeyton7 August 2020
The woman don't seem to understand the complete and utter sexism towards men on nearly every episode. Hypocritical presenters...all of them. Zero talent between them.
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One of the worst talk shows
DavidYZ24 April 2017
This is a dreadful daytime television show that's not worthy of being on ITV1. Most of the presenters are awful and most of what they talk about isn't worth saying. Complaining about men, gossiping, boasting about themselves and going on and on about things that aren't important.

The title is grossly misleading. The presenters aren't slutty and the show isn't about casual sex.

The only reason that I haven't given it 1 out of 10 is that it occasionally has good guests.
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tonygillan4 January 2004
Actually it just lacks a little wit. And intelligence. Perhaps also some charm, screen presence, decent guests, competent presenters, talent and imagination. In fact there is an absence of anything that would make anyone want to watch a television programme.

Are ITV trying to offend us with this rubbish or do they think that it is what the public want? Everyone I have discussed this fiasco with would prefer to watch adverts.
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Easily the worst tv show of all time
aidanbacon12 July 2021
Very bad and very boring. 1 pound fish 1 pound fish very very good and very very cheap.
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I don't like it...
TheLittleSongbird15 April 2010
Now this has no intention of upsetting any of those who like this show, but I don't like it. It isn't because I hate any of the women or anything but I don't like the format. I do admit I am the sort of person who does find daytime TV bland, with the exception of the educational children's programmes I used to watch. I will give credit though and say that it is not as bad as some of the confrontational shows airing, and I like Denise Welch and Jane McDonald, but this is quite faint praise. Firstly, I don't like the layout of the show. I like a show that talks about current affairs, life in general and several issues that are worth discussing but it is the way the women interact that bothers me. They talk over one another and contradict each other, and maybe I am being a killjoy but I find that incredibly rude. Secondly, is it just me or does anybody else find the audience incredibly annoying? I know Jeremy Kyle, Maury and Jerry Springer have annoying audiences who prejudge and swear at the guests, but the audience is like being present in a very loud audience for an entertainment show like American Idol or The X Factor. Thirdly, while I like Denise and Jane who both have likable and big personalities, I am starting to find Colleen bland and I have never liked Carol, though I can't put my finger on why that is. Fourthly, the pacing, very uneven at times, there are parts when it drags. Fifthly, I don't like the theme tune of the show, I find it somewhat generic. Sixthly, some of the guests, Kaye Adams was bossy and annoying, there was a man who has a prejudice against "fat people"(I wish people would stop going on about weight, I mean it is important to be healthy, but judging someone by their height, weight and looks rather than their talents and achievements is becoming a tired out cliché), and Lesley Garrett is a lovely singer and has an exuberant personality but she was far too nice for this show. Overall, I don't like it, quite frankly I find it bland and boring. Sorry! 3/10 Bethany Cox
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Loose Teeth!
ShadeGrenade24 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have a theory as to why 'Loose Women' exists. The Government have been making a lot of noise recently about how disabled people should be made to look for work. 'Loose' is obviously intended to get the 'slackers' out of their wheelchairs and into the Job Centres.

It is so stupid and mind-numbingly boring as to defy description. Its a simple recipe: take four middle-aged has-beens ( one a failed soap actress, one an over-the-hill pop singer, one whose only claim to fame is that her husband ditched her as soon as he got famous, and one of whom I've never heard ), give them a glass of gin each, and put them on air. As one would expect, the main topic of conversation is sex. If none of these women were famous, odds are they'd be hard pressed to get any. Every time the word 'sex' is mentioned, the studio audience - mostly made up of hysterical grandmothers - goes into hyper drive. The guests consist mainly of thespians plugging their latest film/play/T.V. show.

But the highlight of each show is a phone-in quiz which taxes the viewer's intellect with such difficult questions as 'In which street is 'Coronation Street' set?'.

Kaye is bossy, Colleen bland, Sherrie ( when she's there ) is loud, as is Denise, and Carol can't utter a sentence without blaming The Government for something or other. They tried Lesley Garrett on the show, without much success. She was too much of a lady to fit in with this dreary bunch. One final thought: we live in an age of so-called 'sexual equality', so why isn't there a show called 'Loose Men'?
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Not for me
Just-Being-Me4 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Well what can i say... i wouldn't miss it if it was never on TV again, in fact i personally would prefer if it wasn't on TV again or if it was on a channel that i don't watch... it is not so much the actual programme but the people on it, the people on it are not funny at all and i don't see why the audience laugh every 2 minutes. I don't want to seem mean to the women on it, they are who they are but i just don't think TV is their strong point, and jokes are definitely not their strong point.

They always try too hard to make the audience laugh and appear dumb and i personally think the show would be better with different people. The women make themselves look dumb by trying to act / sound smart when it is clear they haven't got a clue what they are on about.

I think it deserves a 1 / 10 at least for effort i guess, but personally this show isn't for me but i am sure some will like it.

and before i end this review i would like to say something to the comment from @JASON EVANS - you are a sexist, it is clear to see i just thought i would mention a few things.. remember it is a woman that brought you into this world, if it wasn't for a woman you wouldn't be here, no man would and when you insult or should i say TRY to insult women just think you are insulting your mum, daughter, sister etc brainy and you shouldn't be mad at all women just because they never go near you
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Love it!
du0427 October 2006
I can't believe how many people are saying this show is bad, I love it! The show isn't supposed to or doesn't claim to be something like Mastermind, it's just four women airing their views on things which invokes reactions, phone in's, email's etc... It's not meant to be intellectually stimulating and I'm glad it's not! It's perfect mid-morning TV when you can just submerse yourself in their conversation.

Whether you're hungover from a late night or sitting in the living room with a cup of tea, the show is universal and touches upon relevant issues at that time. Anyone saying it's crap is obviously far too intelligent for this kind of thing (note the sarcasm)

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Absolute Garbage
pokerking106620 December 2006
Is this really what British women are like? It's scary the amount of crap that comes from the mouth of the presenters on the show.

The guests are always boring and the presenters are so far inside their own bottoms that soon i think they may turn inside out !!!

If anybody has anything good to say about this show, please post it and let other people know it as I only watch it occasionally.

I know I am by no means in the target audience, which most probably comprises solely of middle aged women and homosexual males, however I don't believe anybody could enjoy this show.

The only topics are diets for fat women (who get slagged off constantly, by the presenters) and other such drivel. It is consistently full of plug after plug for commercial and awful albums and TV show.

ITV can surely create a better daytime talk show than this. What has happened to th world. I might kill myself if I ever watch this program again.
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Fake applause with stupid Amercanesque whooping
rpeverall9 November 2016
This show is really tripe! To generate the over the top laughter and even more annoying whooping a flunky stands to the side of the audience and waves at them to mindlessly laugh and whoop at every sentence from the latest selection from brain of Britain(failed)celebs. Although basically moronic the show might be approaching interesting but with all the US stile whooping my instinct is to kick my TV screen in. However I am forced to keep my TV on for the duration as my wife having been to the show and seeing the fake flunky in action seems to find the rubbish offered interested Get this rubbish off the air! Viewing a test card for an hour would be better viewing and a quieter with superior i quality
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No the wonder MGTOW exists.
sanctumlcie9 April 2020
If this is what women actually conduct themselves then men are in their rightful place. There is no way on Earth anyone can take this show seriously. Just watched an episode (unfortunately) and two of the panelists literally look like corpses. Talking nothing but total dross. Asking such important questions like 'should we have a new partner every decade?' Who needs this? Like honestly man come on.
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The Most Deluded Panel of Women, Ever.
yqpnffzf13 January 2023
A bunch of has-been women thinking they're putting the world to rights when in reality they're spouting hate and just being down right bullies. I for one wouldn't be upset seeing the back of this trashy show. They're purposefully controversial with complete lack of remorse when hurting those that they talk about. Each and every one of them really thinks so much of themselves, while easily spitting venom and bringing other people down - particularly other women which is a sorry sight. I don't know a single person who likes this show, and after the latest controversy regarding Katie Pipers comments on Goth Baby (someone who you would think would be the last person to spout judgment) I think it's time this show met its end.
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Why ?
tonygledhill17 May 2022
If i could give less than 1 out of 10 i would. A panel of ugly, opinionated women, talking absolute rubbish, they are stealing a wage. Please take this horrid show off the air..
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Useless project! Should be closed!!!
teibascristina17 February 2023
Waist of time, watching this useless show. Which actually about nothing! Absolutely useless topics, all this you can hear next table in the cafe!

Wouldn't be recommended this TV show to anyone, just because where are nothing interesting or intellectual for people with higher IQ.

Waist of time, watching this useless show. Which actually about nothing! Absolutely useless topics, all this you can hear next table in the cafe!

Wouldn't be recommended this TV show to anyone, just because where are nothing interesting or intellectual for people with higher IQ.

Waist of time, watching this useless show. Which actually about nothing! Absolutely useless topics, all this you can hear next table in the cafe!

Wouldn't be recommended this TV show to anyone, just because where are nothing interesting or intellectual for people with higher IQ.
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Embarrassed to be a woman
eetchells2 September 2022
I still don't understand why this show is still being aired after 30 odd years because it's so awful and has got gradually worse over the years. The topics are always the same every time and becomes very tiresome when the women start talking and arguing at each other. Also, the presenters are at the bottom of the barrel and I can't name a single one that I actually like. I despise the women on the panel and I don't think I would ever choose to hang out with them at all. In addition to that, I think the whole drama with Coleen Nolan and Kim Woodburn was absolutely ridiculous and the panelists were obviously on the side of Coleen, even her sister was there. They just act like witches at a black mass and bully the woman left to defend for herself. Pathetic.
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Makes you feel sick at times
marymccappin25 July 2024
Their innuendos sometimes so sick for women of their ages ,that woman Judy actually makes me feel sick at times so sad she thinks she has to act like she does, also sometimes it's just such rubbish and vulgarity. Also they laugh like dirty we school girls .why is this program still being allowed on screen after all those years ,they have went over and over same subjects for years very seldom anything new to say.they making money for nothing. About time they put something on at lunch time for sensible people to watch please please STV get rid of this give us something to cheer us all up.not much more to say.
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Love the loose women show
cduk29 September 2008
Am not surprised that most of the negative comments on here are by men!(an occasional bit of man bashing on the show - funny stuff) Us women have to put up with hours and hours of sports on TV at weekends! This show is so much fun, I am often laughing out loud at the TV. The women bounce off each other perfectly, the subjects and guests are good. My only complaint is there is too many commercial breaks and an hour is just not long enough. I am not over keen on that Andrea as lead presenter but that is due to a personal opinion of her having been a bit of a hussy! Jackie Brambles mentions when she lived in LA every 5 minutes, but otherwise its a really enjoyable light hearted show.
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Not very good at all...
Outsiderfourlife27 May 2005
Remember that episode of the Simpsons when the the family got cable TV? Marge and Homer were arguing about it, until Homer persuaded his wife by showing her "The Estrogen network", which was a network just for women. As he flicks the channel, it shows a women's talk show called "Afternoon Yak". A woman in the audience stands up and says "Men" and everyone on the show boos loudly. Loose women is the equivalent to this. Take a group of women with about half a talent between them (who'd have thought speaking to camera was so difficult?) and let them try to speak about current affairs. One of the women is only on this program because she's Chris Evans's ex wife. Another used to be on Brookside, then went on Celebrity Big Brother and is now either a singer of TV host. Another was (I think) on Pebble Mill years ago. Funny thing is, I can't remember any of their names. If you make the mistake of turning on your TV when this show is on, do yourself a favour and watch the news on BBC1 instead. You'll learn something new rather than feel your brain turn to mush.
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A likable show!
THEemma25 July 2007
I started watching this about 2 years ago, and have loved it ever since! With topics normally quite light-hearted (with the more serious issues occasionally addressed), it gets you thinking. I would say it is mainly aimed at a female audience, although I could be wrong!

All the presenters are very likable, with different views keeping arguments balanced and viewers entertained. Coleen is definitely the funniest, with Carole not far behind. It also makes a change to watch something that hasn't been duplicated (like some of the ghastly antiques programmes!)

I give it a 9 only because some of the guests are a bit Z-list sometimes, other than that, i definitely recommend watching this!
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Sad Viewing
stuartlathey5 August 2004
This programme is all about a bunch of women who cannot find anything better to do than gossip for an hour about nothing interesting at all.

The studio audience seem to have been pumped full of laughing gas as they explode into laughter when anyone says anything. Carol McGiffin who on one hand takes every opportunity to slag off her ex-husband (luckily 'ex' for him, Chris Evans) obviously forgets that the only reason anyone at all knows her from Adam is the fact that she was once married to the poor sod.

The rest of the show is a hotch potch of sad people who must thank God every morning there is someone crazy enough to pay them for this codswallop.
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The best daytime show out there.
MystikaQuinn26 July 2007
Ah, Loose Women. The best shows on TV that airs at 12:30pm on a weekday afternoon. When I'm not at home to watch it, I miss it. I miss the opinionated discussions and lively characters on the show each day.

I love most of the hosts, especially Coleen, Carol and Jane. These three in particular have such big personalities and always make me laugh. I'm not sure either of the three have any secrets left though, seeing as they've revealed most of them on air.

I think "thatGURLx"'s comment was pretty laughable. She described the show as "basically just a load of old fogies talking about the news... occasionally they may have a d-list celebrity on... maybe it's just my age group but my dad agree's with me as well poor him.... I advise ya only to watch it if you wanna go to sleep," Maybe you should stay awake during English lessons? The level of grammar and punctuation in your comment is pretty low which leads me to think you are not intelligent enough to understand the programme.
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