I only watched this because I was at my Grandmas and me and my brother had to sleep downstairs because there was no room anywhere else. Anyway, it was five past eleven and we just started watching it even though I didn't have a clue what it was. It just interested me because in the TV guide it said something like, 'the boys wake up and find themselves trapped in a black box.' I was like, what the hell? It wasn't that bad really, and it was pretty clever the way it was structured, showing you clips of how they got in the box in the first place. The way it was done was that it went back in time instead of forward, so at first nothing made sense, but as they recalled events even further back in the day it started to fall into place, until eventually, right at the end, you knew why they were trapped in this box. I wouldn't say it was absolutely hilarious, but there was some good humour in it. I'm not sure why it's on too late though, as it doesn't contain any bad language etc. I suppose they just couldn't fit it in anywhere else. Overall, if you've got nothing else to do, put it on one night if it happens to be on, but there's no need to make plans just to watch it. 2 and a half out of a possible 5.