The story revolves around a mischievous teenager, Rasik, who is the only son of a wealthy landlord. One day, Rasik makes some misdeeds in school and gets suspended. He escapes from home but ... Read allThe story revolves around a mischievous teenager, Rasik, who is the only son of a wealthy landlord. One day, Rasik makes some misdeeds in school and gets suspended. He escapes from home but his father's mentor (gurudev) finds him and returns him home. Rasik's father then decides ... Read allThe story revolves around a mischievous teenager, Rasik, who is the only son of a wealthy landlord. One day, Rasik makes some misdeeds in school and gets suspended. He escapes from home but his father's mentor (gurudev) finds him and returns him home. Rasik's father then decides to marry him with the daughter of a zamindar, Amala. Rasik and amala got married. After th... Read all