24 of 47 found this mild
Another girl is seen in bed with a young man she barely knows, although he seems to have been unable to perform.
Plenty of kissing and sexually frank discussions.
Bare breasts are displayed briefly on a monitor in an art show, among other suggestive imagery.
13 of 23 found this severe
R violence type: blood and brutal.
Strong bloody violence.
Lots of women and a couple of men are offed in brutal and bloody ways, most involving knives, but there is also an electrocution, death by iron, an axe to the back, a decapitation (offscreen), an arrow to the guts, and shooting.
One woman's mouth is revealed to be somewhat bloody.
A character's nose bleeds continuously when reaching a emotional fever-pitch.
12 of 15 found this moderate
At least 7 F-words and 1 F-word derivative, several instances of sexual references and innuendo, 2 anatomical references (one is clinical), many scatological references, many mild obscenities, a couple of religious profanities, and a few insults.
12 of 16 found this mild
Alcohol is consumed in several scenes taking place in a bar and party.
Alcohol addiction is also discussed by two characters as one suffers from it throughout the film.
7 of 19 found this moderate
Several scenes involve intense elements and frightening effects.
As mentioned many characters die and their deaths are shown on camera.
A woman is electrocuted in the tub.