This delightful comedy follows the 14 characters whose plans to meet on an unbearably hot afternoon at KM 0 in Madrid become unraveled by midnight. There is the film student thinking he is meeting a cousin for lodging; a lady scheduling to meet a younger john; a flamenco dancer who thought he is seeing an internet date; a nerd planning for a first time tryst with a hooker; a girl shopping for a wedding to an unexcited boyfriend and a desperate actress hoping to land a part in a musical. Come midnight and the long awaited rain, all their expectations were met unexpectedly. Acting is low brow but very believable. Some spot on emotions (and funny) like when bride-to-be had an empty pistol shot at her head and the highly-charged nerd cum when touched by a gigolo. I thought the whole movie is more about the happenings in the Diner (where they all meet) owned by the reluctant groom rather than KM 0 itself but hey, you will smile and laugh along the way.