This movie is Robert Duvall's tribute to tango, which is why he filmed it in Buenos Aires, Argentina, using many real tango dancers and authentic tango locations. Some of the tango celebrity faces you can spot include: Geraldine Rojas and Javiar Rodriguez (Pirucha, sister of Manuela and her first partner), Pablo Veron (Pirucha's final parter in the closing credits), Jorge Dispari and La Turca, Orlanda Paiva, Maria Nieves, Armando Orzuza, Carlos Copello, Alicia Monti, Los Hermanos Macana (two men performing a dance). The club with the checkerboard floor is Club Sin Rumbo, in the outskirt of the city, but a famous barrio for producing excellent tango dancers.
Robert Duvall and his wife Luciana Pedraza were in a relationship while filming. They got married a year after the film debuted.
Luciana Pedraza's debut.
Luciana Pedraza is of Italian ancestry.