FBI - Portés disparus (TV Series 2002–2009) Poster


Eric Close: FBI MPU SA Martin Fitzgerald, Martin Fitzgerald



  • Martin : I think he's sleeping with her. The way he talks about her and she's climbing that corporate ladder pretty quick.

    Jack Malone : He may be in love with her, but he's not sleeping with her. Never even thought about it.

    [Martin looks quizzically at Jack] 

    Jack Malone : He's gay.

    Martin : What, because he called her a "fireball"?

    Jack Malone : No... 'cause he was checking you out.

  • Samantha : Hey, you think it's easy being surrounded by guys with guns all day?

    Martin : I thought you liked guys with guns.

    Samantha : I like the guns.

  • Jack Malone : According to the groom, she was an angel.

    Martin : I guess love is blind. And deaf. And very, very dumb.

    Jack Malone : Spoken like a true romantic.

  • Martin : You still believe in that?

    Jack Malone : Yeah, marriage, kids, the whole nine yards.

    [Martin looks at him] 

    Jack Malone : I didn't say I was good at it, but I'm a huge fan.

  • Vivian : Where's she going?

    Danny : Maybe it's a booty call.

    Samantha : Your mind is always in the gutter. There was no call.

    Danny : Tom Wilkins, 11:48.

    Martin : In my experience, there's usually not a three-hour lag between the call and the, uh...

    [clears his throat] 

    Martin : delivery.

  • [Danny and Martin are back from California] 

    Danny : A plane is not supposed to be in the sky. It's not natural.

    Martin : Neither was that flight attendant and you weren't afraid of her.

  • Jack Malone : I was surprised that your father didn't call me about you.

    Martin : I asked him to stay out of it. I don't want any preferential treatment.

    Jack Malone : Good, 'cause you're not getting any.

  • [In reference to the "lake" incident] 

    Samantha : Heard you got a little wet.

    Martin : Beats sweating my ass off in the doghouse.

  • [Going through a missing person's apartment] 

    Danny : Tired of Queens? Here's what eighteen hundred gets in the city.

    Martin : Aw, come on, they can't all be like this.

    Danny : You're right. Most of the time, the bathtub's in the kitchen.

  • [Waiting to interview a missing person's mother] 

    Samantha : I know this house.

    Martin : It's a long way from New York, that's for sure.

    Samantha : Girls with dreams have been running away from this house for a hundred years.

  • [the suspect is heading home and Jack is trying to warn Martin and Danny] 

    Jack Malone : Spaulding's on his way back. Get out of there.

    Martin : Danny's in the house.

    Jack Malone : What the hell... what are you guys doing?

    Martin : He thought he heard something.

  • Martin : You know, we could make a sex tape. Post it online here, then you wouldn't have to tell anyone about us.

    Samantha : That's cute.

  • [Checking hospital records] 

    Vivian : Anything turn up?

    Martin : Oh, yeah. 23 nurses, 14 doctors, 12 orderlies and a partridge in a pear tree.

  • [Walking up to a missing teacher's apartment] 

    Danny : This is three. Just two more to go.

    Martin : Oh! Why is it that no one in a walkup ever lives on the first two floors?

    Danny : Vampires.

    Martin : Really?

    Danny : Yeah, they have all the lower apartments all to themselves.

    Martin : No direct sunlight, right?

    Danny : Exactly. Plus, they live to be 106 years old, so the apartments never turn around.

    Martin : Oh, that's good to know.

  • Jack Malone : Everybody's skeptical of you white-collar guys.

    Martin : Yeah, I've noticed.

  • [Surveying a suspect's house] 

    Danny : I think I heard something inside. Listen.

    Martin : You think you heard, or you did hear?

  • Jack Malone : Martin?

    Martin : Yeah?

    Jack Malone : I know.

    [Martin doesn't say anything] 

    Jack Malone : About you, and uh...

    Martin : Okay.

    Jack Malone : Good luck with it.

    Martin : [nods]  Good night.

    Jack Malone : Night.

  • [a girl goes missing in a small town] 

    Vivian : What's so fascinating?

    Martin : Oh, it's nothing. I was just... this town, it seems so innocent, you know?

    Vivian : Just wait till we're done with them.

  • [about the mayor of a small town] 

    Jack Malone : Must be the town snitch.

    Martin : Well, he is a politician.

  • [after an interrogation, where Danny got physical with a suspect] 

    Martin : What the hell was that?

    Danny : A little improvisation.

    Martin : It was stupid is what it was.

  • [Going through the missing doctor's med books] 

    Samantha : Neurology, toxicology, virology.

    Martin : The study of viruses.

    Samantha : Well, that's not odd, considering he's a doctor.

    Martin : Here's some light reading: "Dirty Democracy". "How the U.S. Sends Its Blasphemers to Death", "Why Terrorists Keep Picking on the U.S.", "How the U.S. Has Perverted Dozens of Foreign Elections" and much, much more.

    Samantha : All by Colin Blume. From Boston.

    Martin : A bit inflammatory, no?

    Samantha : Last time I checked we still had freedom of the press.

    Martin : Look, I'm not condoning censorship but we've got a profile.

    Samantha : Yeah, of a Saudi Arabian Doctor. That's all we have.

    Martin : Look, profiles aren't flawless but they exist for a reason. I mean, come on, we use them every day.

    [Sam picks up another book] 

    Samantha : Oh, look, Pediatrics. Maybe he's a pedophile too.

  • Martin : Are you coming?

    Samantha : Hold your horses.

    [Sam slowly pulls herself out the car] 

    Martin : Physical therapy going pretty well, huh?

    Samantha : Do yourself a favor, don't get shot. It's not all it's cracked up to be.

    Martin : I'll try my best.

  • [Sam has been put on leave after the shooting] 

    Martin : Hey, what are you doing here?

    Samantha : I forgot something.


    Samantha : The kids are all right?

    Martin : That's what Roger Daltry says.

    Samantha : [smiles]  Right. Yeah.

    Martin : Get some sleep, will you?

    Samantha : Yeah, I just got to... find the thing that I forgot... before.

    Martin : Right.

    Samantha : Yeah.

    Martin : Okay.

    Samantha : Goodnight.

    Martin : G'Night.

    [Martin starts to head for the door] 

    Samantha : Martin?

    [Martin stops and turns around] 

    Samantha : You know how you said we should get a drink sometime?

    Martin : Yeah?

    Samantha : I could really use a drink.

    Martin : Well... nothing worse than a beautiful woman drinking alone.

  • [about an Arabic doctor who disappears] 

    Jack Malone : You notice how he went from respected doctor to suspected terrorist in the space of a five-minute conversation?

    Martin : I guess that's the world we live in.

    Jack Malone : I guess.

  • [Looking through a messy apartment] 

    Martin : Hmm, very functional.

    Samantha : Reminds me of a dorm room at Quantico.

    Martin : Good ol' Club Quantico.

  • Martin : Was that obstruction?

    Jack Malone : No. That was frustration.

  • Martin : Sam, I want to show you something.

    Samantha : It's "Samantha". Nobody calls me "Sam".

    Martin : Jack calls you "Sam" all the time.

    Samantha : Well, Jack's the boss. In case you hadn't noticed.

  • [the missing father was having an affair] 

    Samantha : Another woman.

    Martin : So says busybody.

    Samantha : And you believe the trusted car thief? One minute he doesn't know anything about his boss the next, he's crying into his soup about what a Quaker the guy is.

  • Vivian : Morning, sunshine.

    Martin : Oh, give me a break. I've been at the hospital for the last eight hours.

  • [Reviewing security tapes of a hospital] 

    Danny : We have doctor, man in a wheelchair, pregnant woman that's not her... a fat guy in a robe, a nurse...

    Martin : Is it important that you narrate?

    Danny : You know, I'm sorry, I forgot... you can't think and listen at the same time, and...

    Martin : That's pretty good for someone who can't think without speaking. This is one big hospital.

    Danny : You'd rather be in the field, right?

    Martin : Always.

  • [Bringing in chinese take-out] 

    Danny : Yo, this stinks.

    Martin : Yeah, just the way I like it. Thanks.

    Danny : I don't know how you eat that crap in the morning. It's gross.

    Martin : Oh, come on - protein, carbs, dairy... three of the four food groups. It's good. You want some?

  • [Going through missing flight attendant's room] 

    Martin : Mmm, she's in AA. One day at a time. So, what do you think about that?

    Samantha : Turning everything over to a higher power? Hey, like John Lennon says, "Whatever gets you through the night."

  • [Eric Keller and Sam going undercover, Martin and Danny are watching from across the room] 

    Martin : Is there something going on between those two?

    Danny : Used to be.

    Martin : Really? That's her type, huh?

    Danny : Hey, are you jealous?

    Martin : Jealous? What, are you crazy?

    Danny : Okay. Guess I'm crazy.

    Martin : [smiles and shakes his head]  Yeah.

  • Martin : Samantha... you, uh, you got time to grab a drink?

    Samantha : Oh, I've... I-I told Keller I'd meet him. But, I mean, you're welcome to come with us if...

    Martin : No, no, that's all right. No, you guys go ahead. Thanks.

    Samantha : Okay, well, maybe some other time?

    Martin : Yeah, some other time.

  • [Tricking a suspect's roomie to let them in the apartment] 

    Jack Malone : Does that look like a water pipe to you, Agent Fitzgerald?

    Martin : Oh... certainly looks like one.

  • [Picking up a call from Jack or Danny] 

    Martin : [into phone]  This Freud or Jung?

  • [Martin's dad is some head-honcho in the government] 

    Victor Fitzgerald : [to Jack]  So, how's my boy doing? They giving him a hard time because of his old man?

    Jack Malone : Well, I don't know. Are we?

    Martin : Constantly.

  • [after Jack has had an argument with Victor Fitzgerald] 

    Jack Malone : Didn't even wait for me to say, "yes, sir."

    Martin : He never does.

  • [Heading in to interrogate a suspect/congressman] 

    Martin : Sure you don't want to wait for my father?

    Jack Malone : I left word at his office.

    Martin : [dryly]  It's a shame we missed him.

  • [Martin sees his dad heading for Jack's office] 

    Martin : Oh, great.

    Danny : What?

    Martin : Hold on to your hat.

  • [after talking to a real-estate agent] 

    Vivian : Buying a dream house, talking about starting a family... Doesn't sound like a guy who was planning to run.

    Martin : Want to know the part I heard? This guy felt trapped by his life, and he wanted a clean start.

    Vivian : You sound pretty convinced.

    Martin : Just speaking from experience.

  • Martin : This case is really getting to you.

    Samantha : Yea.

    Martin : Is it the kid?

    Samantha : It's all of it.

  • [Martin gives Sam a long to-do list] 

    Samantha : I thought you said one thing.

    Martin : Yeah, but this is you.

  • [At a point where everyone thinks they've lost their jobs] 

    Danny : Good luck, man.

    Martin : Thanks.

    Danny : Martin...

    [Martin turns around] 

    Danny : When this is all over, and you and I are looking for our next gig, I just want you to know that I-I think we make a hell of a team.

    Martin : What, selling shoes?

    Danny : [amused]  Shoes, boots, pumps, whatever.

    Martin : Sounds good to me.

  • [Sydney is the reason Barry's wife died in 9-11] 

    Jack Malone : Yeah, I have a feeling that as long as his wife was dead and Sydney is alive, it was never going to be enough.

    Martin : You know, if this guy did kill Sydney, he's not going to have too much regret about Samantha. I mean, she's just another person who betrayed him.

  • [the SWAT Team has just retrieved Richard from the bookstore] 

    Richard : What the hell did you handcuff me for?

    Jack Malone : Standard procedure. For all we know, you could've been an accomplice. We had to check you out.

    Richard : W-wait, you're investigating me? While I've been doing the whole time trying to stop the guy?

    Martin : And you got one of our agents shot because of it.

    Richard : [defensively]  Well, maybe, if you guys weren't sitting around here with your thumbs up your asses, we wouldn't have to be in there trying to take the fight...

    Martin : Why don't you just settle down, all right?

    Jack Malone : Do me a favor? Just tell me how she is.

    Richard : [quietly]  She's bleeding all over the place. She's going to die in there.

  • Jack Malone : [quietly]  Grab that.

    [Martin takes the gun] 

    Martin : What are you doing?

    [Hands Martin his wallet] 

    Jack Malone : Hold down the fort.

  • [Staking out the father of two 'kidnappers'] 

    Martin : Doesn't look like he needs any more money. He's probably just protecting his kids.

    Samantha : Yeah, remind me not to have any.

    Martin : They don't all turn out to be psychopathic kidnappers, you know.

    Samantha : Let me guess - 2.2, white picket fence, golden retriever.

    Martin : Yeah, maybe. Something like that.

    Samantha : Not for me. Not in this world.

  • [discussing suspects based on a profile] 

    Martin : Well, the husband's a lawyer. They usually have above average intelligence - sort of.

  • [Going through a suspect's apartment] 

    Martin : This guy's an ex-con.

    Danny : What?

    [Holds up a beaded box] 

    Martin : Prison art.

    Danny : What, did you do a nickel at pelican bay? 'Cause if you did, I'm going to be a whole lot nicer to you.

    Martin : Nah, actually I did an internship at a state prison, taught accounting. And I received several of these lovely cigarette box knickknack holders as thank-you gifts.

  • [about the fiancé of a missing girl] 

    Jack Malone : Smells like a brewery in here.

    Martin : Yeah, you noticed?

    Danny : What, is he still drunk?

    Martin : Nah, he's just fairly hung over.

  • [Martin is confronting an ex-con he used to work with] 

    Martin : Are you any better with names like Dennis Ricci or Timothy Deleia? You were both.

    Lucas Vohland : Is this your girlfriend?

    Samantha : I'm his partner.

    Lucas Vohland : You're a lot better-looking than his last one.

  • [about missing con-artist] 

    Martin : It doesn't seem like you kill somebody for ripping you off on a painting.

    Samantha : Certainly not those people. They'd probably just refill your iced tea. You know, it sounds more to me like Whitney knew she was going to get caught, and she ran. I'm driving.

    [Sam's cell goes off] 

    Martin : No, I've seen you drive.

    Samantha : I'm driving.

    Martin : Oh, where's the airbag?

    Samantha : [into phone]  Hello? Oh, yeah, look, I'm really sorry about that. I kind of got busy. Yeah, Thursday at seven sounds great. Okay, I'll see you then.

    Martin : Hot date?

    Samantha : Yeah, with my federally funded therapist.

  • [phone call with Martin] 

    Jack Malone : How's Sam?

    Martin : She could use a few driving lessons, but, uh, other than that, she's all right. The sunshine treats her well.

    Jack Malone : Keep me posted.

  • [about missing fiancée] 

    Samantha : So, she's on her way back right now and start her new life?

    Martin : Yeah.

    Samantha : I'd hold off buying a wedding present.

  • [about a home invasion] 

    Martin : Woman came home, found him kicked back on the sofa with a bag of cheese balls, watching SportsCenter.

    Samantha : At least it wasn't porn.

  • Suspect : You think I whacked Cooper?

    Martin : You know what I think? I think you're the kind of guy who uses the word "whacked".

  • Samantha : I wanted to tell you something.

    Martin : Sure. What's up?

    Samantha : I'm happy.

    Martin : Okay.

    Samantha : I mean you make me really, really happy.

  • Martin : [Martin has just found out about Jack and Samantha's past affair]  I guess old feelings die hard.

    Samantha : They don't die, they just... fade. And then you feel bad that they faded becuase you wonder... you wonder what they meant when you had them.

    Martin : Well, I guess if they didn't fade, there... there wouldn't be room for new ones.

    [Martin slowly smiles at her, she equally slowly smiles back] 

    Samantha : No, I guess there wouldn't.

  • Samantha : Hey, Martin?

    Martin : Yeah?

    Samantha : You wanna share a cab?

    Martin : I live uptown.

    [points opposite direction] 

    Samantha : Yeah, I know.

    [Martin hesitates, then smiles and walks toward her] 

  • Samantha : I am a woman whose slept with two men on the same team. If people find that out...

    Martin : Oh, is that all we're doing? Just sleeping together?

  • Samantha : Well, you just got your head handed to you.

    Martin : Wouldn't be the first time.

    Samantha : I guess some things around here won't change to much.

    Martin : I was thinking some things will, though.

    Samantha : What do you mean?

    Martin : [quietly]  I mean you and me. We, um, sort of got interrupted this morning.

    Samantha : Yeah, we did.

    Martin : [smiles]  I'll walk out ahead of you.

    Samantha : [quickly]  Okay.

  • Martin : So, Scully, you done yet?

    Samantha : I still have about a half hour here.

    Martin : [sighs]  Okay.

    Samantha : [smiles]  You know, I still haven't seen your apartment.

    Martin : No, you haven't

    Samantha : So I'll come by later?

    Martin : [nods and smiles]  Sounds good.

  • Danny : You know, Martin. I see you and Sam in a place just like this one.

    [Martin shakes his head] 

    Danny : I do. Barbequing out back with the kids, Uncle Danny coming over to shoot some hoops.

    Martin : I've seen your hook shot, you better start working on it now.

    Danny : I'm unstoppable and you know it.

  • Samantha : You wanna tell everyone, don't you?

    Martin : Look, Sam, you already know how I feel, and now Danny's asking. But this probably isn't the best time to talk about it.

    Samantha : Fine, we won't talk about it.

  • Danny : Martin, why don't you just ask me what you wanna ask me? Go.

    Martin : Look, I know you don't drink...

    Danny : Yes. I'm an alcoholic. I haven't had a drink in 7 years, 3 months and 18 days.

    Martin : Good for you.

    Danny : And not a day goes by when I'm not dying to have a drink, which is why I go to meetings twice a week. You got it?

  • Samantha : You know, I didn't... say anything earlier, but, uh, thank you. For saving my life.

    Martin : [smiles]  You're welcome.

  • Martin : I guess some cases aren't meant to be.

  • Martin : [Matin is going through a missing real estate agent's files while eating a sandwich, Danny comes up next to his desk]  It's about time, I saved you half.

    Martin : [Danny takes a bite out of Martin's sandwich]  I was talking about the files.

    Danny : Do you mind?

  • Martin : [after breaking protocol on a case]  How long does it take to get out of his dog house?

    Danny : Depends on the dog.

    Samantha : Don't mind Danny. He's just, uh, marking his territory.

  • [Jack and Martin are chasing a suspect. Martin tackles suspect into a lake] 

    Jack Malone : Where'd you learn that? White Collar?

    Martin : Sixth grade swim class.

    Jack Malone : I was gaining on him, ya know?

    Martin : Sorry about that.

  • [Talking with a missing person's boss] 

    Martin : Mmm. And she didn't seem bothered or distracted in any way?

    Manager : No more than usual. After you stand on your feet for six hours

  • [Martin and Danny are placing bets on a suspect] 

    Danny : My money's on Goren Davic - the modeling guy. A: He used to run after-hours clubs in Brooklyn. B: NYPD has their eye on him...

    Martin : ...and C: You don't like him.

    Danny : I was just getting to C.

  • [Danny is still in the house when the suspect returns home. Martin is calling his radio to try and warn him] 

    Martin : Did you hear me?

    Danny : Yeah, I heard you.

    Martin : You get something good?

    Danny : [puts on sunglasses]  Oh, yeah.

  • Samantha : [interrogating a suspect]  Did you charge a plane ticket to Houston four months ago?

    [suspect nods] 

    Samantha : And then again two months ago, and then *again* last week?

    [suspect nods nervously] 

    Martin : And did you run into this guy while you were there?

    [shows her a picture of a suspect] 

    Martin : Lives in a suburb outside of Houston. Loves boats, loves to steal people off of boats.

  • Martin : Why do I get the feeling that you're profiling me? Ambitious, white male willing to do anything to get ahead including show up his coworkers and

  • Martin : How do you know the father took her? Maybe they were kidnapped. Maybe he was killed and then she was taken.

    Samantha : Even a psychotic pedophile is unlikely to target a girl traveling with an adult male.

    Martin : So without any evidence to suggest this guy was dirty you assume, this is a custody thing or incest.

    Jack Malone : Careful, Martin, she's got a thing about men.

See also

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