280 of 605 found this moderate
No nudity is shown, but there are two very intimate scenes that show very passionate kissing as well as moaning.
The DVD version has nude sex scenes - without any explicit frontal nudity. The naked bodies are shown intertwined. The back of a nude female is seen on a few occasions.
Glimpse of Martha's breast and back after sex with Noah.
Allie is topless with her breasts out for a vast amount of scenes, but no nipple is shown.
Several lengthy sex scenes, with characters nude but we don't see any genitalia.
126 of 164 found this mild
Allie slaps, hits, and shoves Noah on several occasions.
A character is shown dead on a battlefield
An army hospital is shown with several soldiers heavily injured.
114 of 159 found this mild
3 uses of "goddamn".
A couple of utterances of "son of a bitch", "bastard", "arse", "crap" and a few "damn"s.
102 of 130 found this mild
Characters can be seen drinking and/or smoking in some scenes. Oddly, Anne and Allie do not smoke, which they certainly would have.
64 of 131 found this mild