Karen Allen credited as playing...
Marion Ravenwood
- Marion Ravenwood: Mutt can be a little impetuous.
- Indiana Jones: Well, it's not the worse quality in the world.
- [Indy and Marion sink further into the ground]
- Indiana Jones: Keep your arms above the surface. When the kid comes back, grab on.
- Marion Ravenwood: Indy, he...
- Indiana Jones: He's a good kid, Marion. You should get off his back about school.
- Marion Ravenwood: Mutt, I mean...
- Indiana Jones: Not everybody is cut out for it.
- Marion Ravenwood: His name is Henry!
- Indiana Jones: Henry. Good name.
- Marion Ravenwood: He's your son.
- Indiana Jones: [shocked] My son?
- Marion Ravenwood: Henry Jones III.
- [pause]
- Indiana Jones: Why the hell didn't you make him finish school?
- Mutt Williams: [Looking at Indy and Marion] No! No, he was British! My dad was an RAF Pilot; he was a war hero; not some school teacher!
- Marion Ravenwood: No, sweetheart! Collin was your step father. We started dating 3 months after you were born! He was a good man!
- Indiana Jones: Wait, wait, wait. Collin? As in Collin Williams? You... Ha! You married him? I introduced you!
- Marion Ravenwood: I think you gave up your vote on who I married, when you decided to break it off a week before the wedding!
- Indiana Jones: I think we both knew Marion, it wasn't gonna work!
- Marion Ravenwood: You didn't know that! Why didn't you ever talk to me about it?
- Indiana Jones: Because we never had an argument I won!
- Marion Ravenwood: It's not my fault if you can't keep up!
- Indiana Jones: I didn't want to hurt you!
- Dovchenko: Oh, for love of God! Shut the hell up!
- Marion Ravenwood: Didn't you ever wonder why Ox stopped writing? He hated that you ran away!
- Mutt Williams: Would you two just stop!
- Indiana Jones: Yeah, Marion! Let's not let the kid see mom and dad fight!
- Mutt Williams: You're not my dad, okay?
- Indiana Jones: You bet I am, and I've got news for you; you're gonna go back and finish school!
- Mutt Williams: Really! What happened to "There's not a damn thing wrong with it, kid, don't let anybody else tell you any different"? You don't remember saying that!
- Indiana Jones: That was before I was your father!
- Mutt Williams: You're not my father!
- Marion Ravenwood: [Dovchenko gets up] Oh yes, he is your father!
- Indiana Jones: You should've told me about the kid, Marion; I had a right to know!
- Marion Ravenwood: [Dovchenko gags Marion's mouth] You vanished, after that!
- Indiana Jones: I wrote!
- Marion Ravenwood: [muffled by the gag] A year later! By then, Mutt was born, and I was married!
- Indiana Jones: Why are you bothering to tell me now?
- Marion Ravenwood: Because I thought we were gonna die!
- Indiana Jones: Not yet!
- [Indy and Mutt start kicking Dovchenko until he falls over]
- Mutt Williams: [Mutt empties his knife out of his shoe and throws it to Indy, and it lands on Indy's shoulder and drops to Indy's hand] Got it?
- [hears a rip]
- Mutt Williams: Oh shit!
- [Indy cuts himself loose, then Mutt]
- Marion Ravenwood: [Indy goes over to Marion. She lifts her head, requesting he pull the gag out. He pulls the gag out of her mouth and begins to cut the ropes binding her hands] I'm sure I wasn't the only one moving on with my life, there must have been plenty of women for you over the years.
- Indiana Jones: There were a few. But they all had the same problem.
- Marion Ravenwood: Oh yeah, what's that?
- Indiana Jones: [rips a hole in the roof to climb through] They weren't you, honey.
- [He climbs out of the truck]
- Col. Dr. Irina Spalko: [Irina has Marion and Indiana hostage] So, Dr. Jones, you will help us?
- [a soldier cocks a pistol and points it at Marion's back]
- Col. Dr. Irina Spalko: A simple "yes" will do.
- Indiana Jones: Oh, Marion, you had to go and get yourself kidnapped.
- Marion Ravenwood: Not like you did any better.
- Indiana Jones: Same old, same old.
- Indiana Jones: Marion!
- Marion Ravenwood: Well, it's about time you showed up, Jones.
- Mutt Williams: Mom!
- Marion Ravenwood: [looks at Mutt] Sweetheart! What in the world are you doing here?
- Indiana Jones: [looks at them] Mom?
- Mutt Williams: [ignores Indy] Ah, don't worry about me. Are you alright?
- Indiana Jones: Marion is your...
- Marion Ravenwood: [Indy is still ignored] Young man, I specifically told you...
- Indiana Jones: ...your mother?
- Marion Ravenwood: [still ignores Indy] ... not to come down here.
- Indiana Jones: Marion Ravenwood is your mother?
- Marion Ravenwood: [ignores him once more] I should've known Jones would drag you into this.
- Indiana Jones: Marion Ravenwood is your mother?
- Marion Ravenwood: [stops ignoring him] For cryin' out loud, Jones, is it so hard to figure out?
- Mutt Williams: [as Indy sinks in a dry sandpit, he is passed a long snake] Grab on. Grab it.
- Mutt Williams: Just grab it, Indy.
- Mutt Williams: It's a rat snake!
- Indiana Jones: Rat snakes aren't that big.
- Mutt Williams: Well, this one is, all right? It's not even poisonous. Now grab on!
- Indiana Jones: Go get something else.
- Mutt Williams: Like what?
- Indiana Jones: Like a rope or something.
- Mutt Williams: There's no Sears and Roebuck here! Grab the snake!
- [Indy sinks further down]
- Indiana Jones: Maybe I can touch the bottom with my feet.
- Marion Ravenwood: There's no bottom, Indy. Now grab it.
- Indiana Jones: No, no. I think I can feel it with my feet.
- Mutt Williams: Grab the snake!
- Indiana Jones: Stop calling it that!
- Mutt Williams: It's a snake! What do you want me to call it?
- Indiana Jones: Say "rope."
- Mutt Williams: What?
- Indiana Jones: Say "Grab the rope"!
- Mutt Williams, Marion Ravenwood: Grab the rope!
- Mutt Williams: Hold tight. It's slimy.
- [Marion and Mutt pull Indy out of the sand pit]
- Indiana Jones: Get rid of that thing, will ya... son?
- Mutt Williams: [as he throws the snake to get rid of it] Afraid of snakes. You're one crazy old man.
- Marion Ravenwood: You still living a trail of human wreckage, or have you retired?
- Indiana Jones: Why? You looking for a date?
- Marion Ravenwood: With anybody but you!
- Mutt Williams: Mom!
- Indiana Jones: Honey!
- Mac: Slow down!
- Indiana Jones: Honey! Stop, we're gonna go the cliff!
- Marion Ravenwood: That's the idea!
- Indiana Jones: Bad idea; give me the wheel!
- Marion Ravenwood: Trust me!
- [Steps on gas]
- Marion Ravenwood: [Mutt screems]
- [Car lands in tree, and Marion smiles and steps on gas, drives down into the river, and tree flys up and hits Russian soldiers, and some of them fall]
- Indiana Jones: Don't ever do that again!
- Marion Ravenwood: Yes, dear!
- Professor 'Ox' Oxley: Three times it drops! The way down...
- Indiana Jones: Reverse! Put it in reverse! Reverse! Reverse!
- [Go off water]
- Indiana Jones: [Everyone screems]
- Indiana Jones: [Coughing] Three times it drops?
- Professor 'Ox' Oxley: Three times it drops!
- Mutt Williams: He means by land?
- Marion Ravenwood: Oh, what does he mean?
- Indiana Jones: He means one... two...
- [Go off another waterfall]
- Indiana Jones: [Coughing] ... Three!
- [Takes off hat]
- Indiana Jones: [Go off biggest waterfall]
- [Screeming]
- Indiana Jones: [Marion still holding wheel with no truck!] Marion! Marion!
- [Pulls wheel out of her hands]
- Professor 'Ox' Oxley: Through eyes at last I saw in tears...
- Mutt Williams: ...the golden vision reapears! Through eyes... through eyes in tears! We gotta go through that waterfall!
- Indiana Jones: The skull has to be returned! I'll do it! No one else has to come!
- Mutt Williams: Who cares! It's brought us nothing but trouble!
- [Pointing at Ox]
- Mutt Williams: Look what it did to him!
- Indiana Jones: I have to return it!
- Marion Ravenwood: Why you?
- Indiana Jones: Because it told me to!
- Marion Ravenwood: What the hell is that?
- Professor 'Ox' Oxley: A portal! A pathway to another dimension!
- Indiana Jones: I don't think we want to go that way.
- Mutt Williams: What's he gonna do now?
- Marion Ravenwood: I don't think he plans that far ahead.
- Mutt Williams: Yeah.
- Indiana Jones: [pops out from the inside of the truck with a bazooka] Scooch over, will you, Son?
- Mutt Williams: Don't call me "son." Don't.
- Indiana Jones: [ignoring Mutt's complaint] I think I'd cover my ears if I were you.
- [Indy fires a rocket at a giant tree cutter, but it sends the large circular blade bouncing straight for them, cutting through other trucks as it goes]
- Indiana Jones: Duck! Duck!
- Col. Dr. Irina Spalko: Clearly I have chosen the wrong pressure point. Perhaps I can find a more sensitive one.
- Col. Dr. Irina Spalko: [to Russian soldiers] Prinesite yom!
- Marion Ravenwood: [Struggling] Get your hands off me, you rotten Russki son of a bitch!
- Marion Ravenwood: Indiana Jones.
- Marion Ravenwood: [Indy shrugs and laughs] About time you showed up.
- Mutt Williams: Mom!
- Marion Ravenwood: Sweetheart.
- [Runs over to Mutt and hug him]
- Indiana Jones: "Mom"?