Liev Schreiber credited as playing...
Robert Thorn
- Robert Thorn: I never want to see or hear from you again.
- Father Brennan: You'll see me in hell Mr. Thorn.
- Father Brennan: We'll spend eternity together.
- [From trailer]
- Father Brennan: I was at the hospital, Mr. Thorn, the night your son was born.
- Robert Thorn: What do you know about my son?
- Father Brennan: Everything.
- Katherine Thorn: [from trailer]
- [as they pass by a church, Katherine sees Damien is pale]
- Katherine Thorn: What's wrong, sweetie? It's just a church, that's all.
- Robert Thorn: Is he sick?
- Katherine Thorn: [feels Damien's forehead] He's as cold as ice.