- Honor Elizabeth Wainio: Hi, Mom, it's me. I'm on the plane that's been hijacked. I'm just calling to tell you that I love you, and goodbye. This really kind woman handed me the phone and she said to call you.
- [last title cards]
- Title card: Of the four aircraft hijacked that day, United 93 was the only one that did not reach its target. It crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03am. No one survived.
- Title card: Military commanders were not notified that United 93 had been hijacked until four minutes after it had crashed. The nearest fighter jets were 100 miles away.
- Title card: At 10:18am, the President authorized the military to engage hijacked aircraft. Fearing an accidental shoot down, military commanders chose not to pass the order to pilots in the air.
- Title card: By 12:06pm every civilian airliner over America had been forced to land. Amidst an unprecedented military mobilization, US airspace was closed until further notice.
- Title card: Dedicated to the memory of all those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.
- Sandra Bradshaw: [crying to husband Phil over the plane's Airfone] But, baby, I promise you, if I get out of this, I'm quitting tomorrow. I'll quit tomorrow. I promise, I'll quit tomorrow.
- Todd Beamer: [to Mark Bingham after Ziad Jarrah on purpose causes the plane to lose attitude as it gets closer to Washington D.C] . This is a suicide mission. They are not going to land this plane. They are not going to take us back to the airport. We have to do something. I don't think we have much of a choice.
- Mohammed Atta: We have some planes.
- First Officer LeRoy Homer: [looking at message on display screen] "Beware cockpit intrusion."
- Captain Jason Dahl: "Two aircraft hit the World Trade Center." But we just left Newark. The weather was beautiful.
- First Officer LeRoy Homer: That's gotta be student pilots.
- Ziad Jarrah: [message Flashes: "Beware cockpit intrusion. Two aircraft have hit the world Trade Center] The brothers have hit both targets!
- Saeed Al Ghamdi: Shall I go and tell them?
- Ziad Jarrah: Yes.
- Ziad Jarrah: [Saeed runs out of the cockpit] Tell them our time has come! Our time has come!
- Thomas E. Burnett, Jr.: Hey, this is a suicide mission. We have to do something. They are not gonna land this plane.
- Ziad Jarrah: [in Arabic, after Al-Nami has sat down next to him] What are you doing here?
- Ahmed Al Nami: Why are we waiting?
- Ziad Jarrah: It's not the right time. Sit and I will give you the sign.
- Ahmed Al Nami: When?
- Ziad Jarrah: Go and sit down.
- Ahmed Al Nami: We have to do it now.
- Deborah Welsh: [interrupting; to Jarrah] Would you like anything to drink?
- Ziad Jarrah: [in English] No. I'm fine, thank you.
- Deborah Welsh: Sure?
- Ziad Jarrah: Yes.
- Ahmed Al Nami: [to Saeed in Arabic] The passengers have gone to the back of the plane. They are talking together.
- Saeed Al Ghamdi: [to Ziad in Arabic] What are we going to do? If they are planning an attack.
- Ziad Jarrah: [In Arabic] Oh God! Oh God!
- Saeed Al Ghamdi: [In Arabic] How much longer?
- Ziad Jarrah: [In Arabic] Twenty minutes.
- Ziad Jarrah: [Aruging in Arabic] Twenty minutes? We can't keep going for twenty minutes!
- Ziad Jarrah: [In Arabic] The plane can't go any faster!
- Louis J. Nacke, II: [tearing apart the makeshift bomb strapped to a hijacker's waist] I got it! I got it! It's a fake! It's a fake!
- Major Kevin Nasypany: What the fuck are they doing out over the water? I don't care, God damn it, if they break windows, you turn them back over land!