A good idea for a comedy that would only work on cable. This would never fly on the networks.
There's enough wild humor here to keep people interested. It's not really offensive either. It's a good watch if your favorite show isn't on.
Ken is your law enforcement type to a "T." Right down to the 'stache. And his patient cluelessness reminds one of M*A*S*H's Henry Blake.
Making the black radical type wasn't new, but making his crime internet fraud was a good change.
The arsonist with the mother complex was a bit old though.
Carly was your classic sleepwalking hippie type. Likable while annoying during her more spacey times. And are they trying to make her look sexy by giving her shorts and tube socks? If so, is it working?
The flaming gay Hispanic was not new either. And his crime being prostitution was also trite. But the character was still a gas.
And the Serendipity character, as amusing as she may be, and Octavia is doing a great job in the role, is REALLY unoriginal. How many more loudmouthed "bitch" types do we need?
So, I guess I'm saying this.
Apart from the idea, it's NOT original. But it IS funny. Good job gang, and welcome aboard.