11 of 15 found this to have none
A female shakes her butt and slaps it, you can see her butt cheeks jiggling afterwards.
8 of 13 found this mild
A lot of non-bloody violence in every episode.
Lots of explosions, crashes and falls. All is played mainly for laughs.
In one episode characters confuses juice with blood.
7 of 13 found this to have none
7 of 11 found this to have none
A beer is mentioned once.
In one episode, character comprehend "leaves" as marijuana. It isn't said aloud and young children won't understand it.
An elephant character is shown addicted to peanuts. In other episode an otter character is shown addicted to sugar cotton. In both cases it's in humorous way.
In one of episodes main characters create a very tasty meal, and one of them falls into the addiction of it.
5 of 11 found this mild
One of the main characters constantly vomits and objects fly out of his mouth
There are no really frightening scenes. Every violence, monsters, disasters etc. are showed in funny and humorous way.
There are some quite moving scenes in several episodes, but they won't make viewers cry.