Assassin's Creed (Video Game 2007) Poster

(2007 Video Game)

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actionstudiosco6 January 2015
Let's start with the good... - The game is smooth and looks very good - The Parkour is very good - The combat is great - The story is great - It was very innovative at the time

Now the bad... - Incredibly repetitive - Ridiculously frustrating at times - Often boring

Not a great game, but it's playable. The main reason for playing would be the story. I'm just getting into the series, and I wanted to start from the very beginning, which is basically the only reason anyone would ever have to play it.

Compared to some of the other additions in the franchise, this game is horrible. But compared to E.T. The Video Game, this game is The Shawshank Redemption. It's all about perspective.
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clever, addicting and fun
davies-1319 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
the storyline for this game is an interesting idea and i cant think why no-one tried this sort of thing in the past, maybe they have and i just cannot think of one, anyway if there are games like this out there then they will have to try hard to beat this one a fun game no doubt, addictive, hell yes! i have to agree with a lot of people and say that it is very much like gta only in ancient jeruselum (i know this review is not original but it's true) you have to take care not to blow your cover in this game or else face the guards and fight your way out of the city, which isn't that hard when you know how to counter attack, however the gameplays quality goes without saying and the graphics do not need questioning as it is only on the ps3 and the xbox 360.the only thing that bugs me is that it is very boring making your way back to one of the cities after going back to the assassination headquarters. anyway, this game is pretty much all about fun and thats what games are all about otherwise they wouldn't sell and microsoft and sony would lose sales rapidly, so if you are thinking of buying this game, then by all means go ahead, it will be money well spent.
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Game of the year?
carnivore20 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw this game back in the E3 of 2005 I would have sold my Grandmother to be able to play it. Now I have played and completed it, Time really does fly.

You play as Altair, Master Assassin well at least you was. Sins vanity is a sins or perhaps because you broke some important rules you are stripped of your rank and weapons. You must reclaim them by doing mundane tasks in the form of killing 9 important people normally you would only have to kill them and the grunts would gather intelligents for you but now you must do all that your self (including the killing). I am of course simplifying matters a little but the story is something you should explore yourself.

The Targets are held up in one of 3 cities, Damascus, Jerusalem and Acre. You gather Information about your targets by climbing viewpoints and you being the skilled assassin you are notice people on the ground which may be of interest. There are always 6 pieces of information to be gathered but you need only 3. there are different types of information, pick pocketing maps or documents, eavesdropping, beating information out of people and doing tasks for other assassins for information from them. Once all information is gathered you can go for the kill. You can prepare your escape route after the assassination by helping people that are being harassed by guards. They will in turn harass the guards if they are chasing after you. Apart from the graphics in this game (which are better then anything I have ever seen on the 360) The other selling point where the controls. You just press the right trigger and the A button together and point in the direction you want to go and Altair will automatically jump over obstacles and scale walls. This does leave room for error sins Altair will not always Jump to where you want to but in most cases it works great The combat is also really well done and user friendly, you can make combos, dogs attacks, make counters and grabs by timing them correctly. The combat is a little on the easy side, sins you can usually take on a big group of people with no problem. But because it looks really good it is forgivable.

When I first started playing this game I was gob smacked this was the first real next-gen game I have played. And I enjoyed it to the fullest. But unfortunately near the end I started to question my overzealous reaction there are some very questionable things wrong with this game. For instants its very repetitive every assassination works in exactly the same way, you climb towers, collect information, help the helpless and then kill the target. It wont bother you in the beginning but near the end it will feel more like work then play. There is also always really only one way to kill your targets, sins you need to be near them to make the kill you mostly just end up starting a big fight, kicking everybody's @ss and killing your target. This means there is very little reason to play this game again upon completion. (other then collecting all the flags and be honest that's never a lot of fun) The cities although huge and alive have little interactivity other then being able to climb. You can't talk to people, you can't give beggars money you can't buy things in the market. All the effort seems to have gone into making the cities big and believable leaving little in the way of game play extensions. With games like GTA where you can amuse yourself for days with out actually playing the story AC just seems kind of empty.

the story is also not very good with little actually happening during the game you will probably have guessed the plot twist long before you should. It is also impossible to skip movies which slows down the game a lot.

I seem overly negative but let me make it clear this is a great fun game and I really enjoyed playing it. It's just that it could have been much better. So not game of the year for me.
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Awesome game!
Gunmaster4530 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
As soon as I started playing, I liked it. The game starts out slow and you'll get lost at first but I pushed on and was glad to. Once you get to go to cities you have fun. I was a little confused with the games concept though. You play a man named Desmond in the present who is an assassin captured by a corporation who needs to use his memories t track his ancestor to find something.(Saying what would be a spoiler.) They put you in a machine called an Animus and then your Altair, a assassin who apparently invented free running. The controls are simply and you'll love hopping all over ancient cities, killing archers as you go. You'll have to do a lot of work before you get to kill your target. But it's satisfying once you get to kill. In the end you'll get to kill all nine targets assigned. I read that the ending was a total let down and left *too much* room for a sequel. Garbage. Your quest with Altair has a satisfying ending. The complete end is with Desmond though, and it's a neat one. After the credits, you'll get to explore the laboratory and learn as much as you can before you call it quits. Despite how it sounds, I've revealed nothing to ruin the ending. Buy it and enjoy it. I did. Takes a looooooooooong time though.
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Best free-roam game EVER!
jordan-owns28 January 2008
I got this game for Christmas on my PS3, although I had played the game on the 360 previously. I have to say, I do not regret getting this game, and I will never allow it to leave my home.

You play as Desmond, a man forced to get into a machine and relive an ancestor's past as an assassin from early 1100 A.D. Every once in awhile you will be pulled out of the machine because of random causes, such as the machine overheating, you need your rest, you need to be spoken to, etc. The best part of this game is the freedom you get anywhere, even during fights and missions. You can climb and hold onto literally anything, including cracks in the wall, bricks sticking out, or windows. My one complaint about this game is when you get Counter Attacks. At first, you are doing great and facing an ass load of men, and your scared like hell. Then when you get Counter, you can do 1 hit kills on almost everyone, you can basically run out into the open, kill a load of ordinary people(Not recommended, seeing as how you lose 3 bars whenever you kill 1 person), get almost 30 guys surrounding you, and easily take them out within 5 minutes.

Graphics- 10/10 Gameplay- 9.5/10 Story- 9/10 Music- 10/10 Overall(Not averaged)- 10/10
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One word: awesome
carnagebladeproductions21 February 2010
Assassin's Creed delivers a new generation of game play. A bit of how the grand theft auto games are set up; you can do the missions, but you can just free-roam as you please! This game also had a great storyline that had everyone questioning. This game has four awesome weapons at your disposal (well sort of 5 as throwing knives and the short sword are of the same block) the sword, the hidden blade (my favorite), the short sword and throwing knives, and the legitimate weapon for thugs, fists. A great buy EPIC! (great price as well)I think anyone can enjoy it, and it being on a wide variety of platforms makes it one of the greatest games of all time.
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One of the greatest
movieguttx959 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Assassin's Creed is a game that i very much enjoy playing on my Xbox 360 even after beating the game a couple of times it's still fun, the environment is very well detailed and realistic, the killings are somewhat brutal, the sword fights are easy to control, the game isn't to difficult, and the fighting is awesome, the story is was great and they put thought into it, The game is about a former assassin and current bartender, (David Miles) in the year 2012. David is then kidnapped and placed in a machine called the animus, which allows him to go back in time and control his ancestor Altair. The Person who kidnapped him is using David to control Altair in the third crusade.

overall, the game isn't perfect, do to it being repetitive,but its still a great game to own
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Fails to meet the pre-release hype
Whos_Bad20 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Assassin's Creed is the brainchild of Montreal Ubisoft, the same team who were responsible for the Prince of Persia games that graced the PS2. The game is set during the Third Crusades amidst a struggle between various religious groups, with the Templars being pitted against the Hasshasins (Assassins).

It is difficult to go into the plot of the game without actually giving any spoilers since the whole premise of the game is based on a revelation that if done correctly would have been mind-blowing but unfortunately it is revealed so early on in the game that it actually takes out a lot of the intrigue and mystery that the story could have had.

You play the character of Altair, a member of the order of the assassins who is stripped of his ranking and privileges due to deviating from their devout rules with the penalty being expulsion or death. Altair is given an opportunity by the leader of the Assassins, Al Mualim to restore his integrity and position within the order by performing a number of assassinations.

The involves you performing assassinations on designated targets in three cities, Acre, Damascus and Jerusalem. In order to perform the assassins you are required to do some information gathering beforehand in order to embark on the mission and these involve eavesdropping on a nearby conversation, pickpocketing, interrogation or completing a time trial or killing certain targets as a favour to someone to gain information, these get quite old quickly.

The assassination missions themselves are pretty repetitive; they basically follow the same format in that you are introduced to the target via a in-game cut-scene and then as soon as this ends you kill the target which are then followed by a lengthy sermon before you make a quick escape. You would think in a game with 'Assassin' in the title would mean that there is quite a lot of stealth involved, but in fact it is completely opposite. Its rare that you actually have to use stealth and for the actual assassinations themselves it actually really doesn't make any worthwhile difference whether you decide to sneak up from behind and deliver a quick kill discretely or go all gung-ho on the target in full public view because the guards are still automatically placed on full alert whichever tactic you use and you still have to make a very frenetic escape.

As for the cities themselves they are extremely detailed and absolutely huge. You will find yourself probably getting lost at points. The attention to detail in the architecture and the environments and the citizens themselves is something to be applauded. Another aspect that is incredible is the fact that pretty much every building in the game, is scalable, yep you heard right, Altair can climb churches, run up walls, houses etc and jump from rooftop to rooftop very much in the style of French art of free-running. Sometimes traversing building to building can sometimes be a little bit clumsy and frustrating but on the whole it is an absolute marvel to behold. The most thrilling feature is that Altair can climb to the top of high landmarks (viewpoints) which give you a panoramic view of the area and then jump off them gracefully like a swan hurtling at huge velocity towards the earth to be cushioned by a landing in a cart of hay. What makes the game stand out is the free-roam aspect and as others have said it is kind of like GTA but in a medieval environment.

Combat is limited at first but Altair gains new skills and abilities throughout the game after successfully completing assassinations. Combat is mostly rhythmic based in which you have to know when to take defensive stances and wait for an opening to attack enemies and interrupting an enemy attack at the correct time can treat you to an impressive counter move involving you slicing and dicing your enemies in a number of stylish ways.

In the cities you have to be mindful of your behaviour. Running at full speed and bumping into people, killing someone outright in public is not considered a socially acceptable action and will lead to guards being suspicious and then attacking you. So in order not to attract attention you have to blend in with socially acceptable actions like gently pushing citizens in order to get through a crowd or blending in with a group monks/scholars to get through heavily patrolled areas. Doing favours for citizens will reward you sometimes either with health or allies that will block guards when you are in the midst of an escape. If you alert the guards, the only way you can shake them off is by escaping their line of sight by hiding in hay or sitting on a bench with citizens.

Graphically the game is stunning, with great physics effects and an extremely authentic and detailed environment. The citizens are well animated and respond to your actions but in terms of sound you will hear the same phrases being repeated over and over in the game. The voice-work is great most of time. Sometimes there is some bad graphical slowdown while traversing the cities but this is few and far between.

The game although graphically superb and detailed having some great features such as free-running suffers from a strong bout of repetitiveness. After completing one assassination you have basically seen and done it all as every one proceeding it is basically a carbon copy. What it initially first seems fun get monotonous quickly. The story is the main catalyst for getting through the game is the story although it ends abruptly with no satisfying conclusion leaving it clear there will be a sequel.

Hopefully Montreal Ubisoft will learn from this outing and improve the experience for the sequel. Its a shame because it had the potential to be something great.
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Decent Gaming
freemantle_uk3 January 2009
Assassin's Creed is basically a cross between Grand Theft Auto and the Hit-man series set during the Third Crusades. The game has a strange premise, it is both set in 2012 and 1191 and you play two characters. In 2012 the main character is Desmond a former assassin who is kidnapped by a company called Abstergo who wanted to access the memories of one of his ancestor. Abstergo place him in a machine called the Animas and the theory behind it was that DNA also contends the memories of out ancestors. In 1191 the playable character is Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad, an assassin. He is a young skilled assassin, but also an argonant man. After a mission to Solomon's temple which led to death of one of his companions Altair was demoted and had to work his way back to ranks (its all an excuse to teach you new skills). The master of the creed sends Altair on missions to assassin leading Knight Templars who had taken control of key cities.

The game is action packed and takes you the cities of Jersulaum, Damasacus and Arce and it does take a little getting use to. But once you master it then the gameplay is pretty easy. It is also very cinematic in it approach and violence with the sword play. The plot is weak, but it doesn't matter so much with games.

However I did find two major problems with the games. First I found it too easy and repetitive; the games doesn't challenge you as much as GTA and Hit-man do and you are just repeating yourself with your actions. Secondly the games is too short and ends too quickly.

It is a decent game a sequel is one its way.
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A very good game with a few big flaws
jedi4224 June 2014
My best friends were always pestering me to try the "Assassin's Creed" games, but I would tell them every single time that I wasn't interested, mostly because I had no idea what they were about. So, on one of my last trips to my favorite game store (before it shut down), I saw the first game in the series on the shelf for $13.99, and I had the money, so I picked it up.

I'm glad I did.

First up, story. In this game, it has been discovered that the memories of past people are passed down as genes through their descendants, and an unnamed scientific organization has built a machine called the Animus, that it allows them to access these memories. The organization has kidnapped a man named Desmond Miles, a bartender who is a descendant of a Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, a member of the Assassins (a real-life eponymous group who existed at the time). On a mission, he violated all three tenets of the Assassin's Creed, and he is sent out on a mission to kill nine specific members of the Knights Templar to regain his honor. The organization won't let Desmond leave until they get the information they want from him, through the Animus. The story is well done. Altaïr's character develops, and many of the conversations that other characters have with him are deep and thought provoking. It manages to keep you playing.

Next, sound. The music (what little there is) is good and fits the situation when it's there, but is fairly forgettable and not outstanding. The sound effects are done better, but the sounds of the blades clashing together is loud and obnoxious. The voice acting is done very well. Everyone delivers a strong performance, and the voices fit for everyone.

Next, graphics. The landscapes tend to glow one color, and there is very little detail put into most characters (especially the Templars). Altaïr and Majd Addin are the best looking models in the game, but Altaïr simply carries a lot of gear, and Majd Addin has a simple pattern on his robe. However, the buildings and clothing that the characters wear are very accurate to the time, no matter where you are.

Finally, game play. Your goal for every target is simple: learn what you can about them by conducting three specific investigation types (interrogation, eavesdropping, or pickpocketing), get approval from the head Assassin in the city, then go and kill the target. There are a few things you can do along the way, which usually consist of the following: saving citizens from guards that are harassing them, climbing tall buildings known as viewpoints and surveying the environment to reveal parts of the map, and helping fellow Assassins in each city with a specific task. There is some variety in the side missions, and that is appreciated, but unfortunately, the game is so focused on the main objective and taking steps to accomplish. You feel like you're doing something wrong if you don't work towards the main goal the whole time. That being said, the assassination jobs are fairly straightforward, and are fun to play through. The control, however, is a bit stiff. The letter buttons are presented as being linked to a part of Altaïr's body; A for the legs, X for the right arm, B for the left arm, and Y for the head (these are Xbox controls, translate them for yourself if you have a PS3). However, it's a fancy way of saying that these buttons run, fight, and use Eagle Vision. Altaïr moves very stiffly on the ground, and every movement feels like it needs to be forced. Additionally, Eagle Vision can only be used you are standing still and at full sync. Because of this, you may get very, very frustrated within the first few hours of playing it (I got so mad, I was considering returning the game). However, stick with it. You will eventually become better and better at controlling Altaïr's movements, and by the end, he will move naturally. The free running element is done well and flows when done just right. Lastly, the stealth. This game employs a social stealth system that can make or break a mission. There are 5 stealth settings: Anonymous, Vanished, Vanishing, Unseen, and Exposed. Anonymous is what you (should) desire, at all times, as guards will not interfere with any of your actions at these time. If you are Exposed, you have committed a crime and the guards will attempt to kill you. Unseen means that they have lost sight of you, but are still on the hunt. Vanished and Vanishing can only be achieved by using a hiding spot, and the guards will not find you in either of these states. You can sit on benches, hide in roof gardens, or blend with scholars to hide. It's well done, but you can spend a long time in Exposed, because the guards are spaced all over the cities, so it can be hard to escape and go back to Anonymous status.

Lastly, the content. While the game is rated M, it's only because of blood and violence, and language; there is no gore whatsoever. Some of the kills that Altaïr can perform are somewhat brutal, such as kicking a man in the kneecap, and then stabbing them in the neck with a short sword. Blood emerges from the wound and dissipates into a red mist in the air. However, it disappears in less than a second, and the blood can be turned off entirely in the options menu. Overall, I really don't think it deserves the M rating. There is no gore, and blood can be removed entirely.

To end it, the story is great, the sound and graphics are okay, but the game play and controls are great if you can get past the stiffness. This is certainly not the best game I've ever played, but it is a great game regardless.
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Like honey, it's smooth and *sweet*, but you won't find it filling
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews24 February 2011
A young bartender is abducted(by scientists) and put into a machine known as The Animus. It enables him to relive his ancestor's memories, and you're now going through them in chronological order to find what the people who took you are looking for. The game-play is of you in a beautifully recreated Holy Land(Jerusalem, Damascus, Acre, etc.) during the Crusades, and you're taking out important people representing all three Abrahamic faiths. Linear and story-driven, you go to an area, get intel about your target there by beating it out of people or completing other simple(and terribly repetitive, if occasionally fun) objectives, and then do the hit itself. Afterwards, you disappear, hiding in plain sight(nifty at first, then you realize how easy it, and other aspects, make this) and return to the Bureau. Hit-man in medieval times? There's definitely inspiration there(they clearly did not want to make those, exactly... there's no hiding bodies, as one example. I do wish they didn't worry so much that we'd turn it off just because things aren't moving at a high pace, it removes build-up and thus robs the climax of its potential impact). However, you also have free-roam capabilities, Grand Theft Auto style(with horses in place of cars... and yes, any you find, you can ride; why they never give you a high-speed chase(in general, it's not as exciting as that franchise) involving them(you can easily outrun those that are on foot), maybe even going up against someone also hoofing it and armed, is beyond my comprehension), and it's all in your own time. And you can climb *everything*(UbiSoft realizes that they've hit gold here... seriously, it never gets old! How'd they manage that?), Prince of Persia style(if there hardly any puzzles in this), there's constant environment interaction in this. Climb up the side of buildings(get to the top of a tower, and you can scan the surroundings for activities), jump from one rooftop(and don't worry about falling, you're nearly never going to die... period; also, why not have you stalk your prey from up there?) to another(sometimes followed closely by guards), like Aladdin... it's nicely done, and then you suddenly realize that no decision you make in this has any chance of screwing you over, taking away any sense of danger. It's not life or death, it's left or right. Heck, at times, I let myself get wasted because it was quicker than losing the tail, and it didn't cost me anything. This is far too streamlined. Freedom is great... still, there ought to be consequences. This gets dull because of the lack thereof. Yes, you will be punished if you kill everyone(and since you don't get anything out of it, there's no point system, why would you?), and yes, sometimes sneaking is messed up if you aren't careful in crowds – that just gets irritating, though. And why does no one suspect this guy who wears a priest-like cloak... and weapons? I get that the hood prevents his face from being seen, still, you never dress up. Yes, 47 has a bald head with a barcode on the back of it, but... er... darn it. The graphics are gorgeous, and there are astonishing visuals. This is very speedily gotten into. The controls are intuitive, with a key for the head(ear, eyes), one for the non-lethal hand stuff(grasp/let go(can someone please tell all future developers to not do this? Those should be on different ones, or you may do one when trying to do the other, slowing you down or letting you fall), grab, gentle shove(to get past others without bumping into them, smart)), one for the harmful ones(attack with whatever you've readied), and feet(run faster, or blend(in)). Whether you hold down the right mouse button or not determines if you are doing socially unacceptable deeds or not with those. You do not have to memorize a lot to do well at this. Combat uses either a sword(get used to going for counters, otherwise, it takes forever... and hope that it does them in, instead of just leaving them on the ground; not sure why not all of them do the former, it's not like the others try to keep you away from the vulnerable ones) or a short blade(and throwing knives that you seldom get anything out of in that situation(they're for taking out those who don't know you're there from a little distance), yet they're tied into that so you'll accidentally waste them with no effect and dragging out the fencing) that is relatively efficient at getting to them in spite of their defense(why not play with the balance? In real life, you can't block every blow). You can do quick strikes or "charge up". When not spotted, you can use a sharp metal pick that protrudes from your left arm's sleeve to instantly eliminate(and this can be done to the majority of those you face). The map lets you know through the GPS how far you are from what you've marked(and you can place one manually) and in what basic direction it is, excellent feature, more VG's need this. This does have an indicator on the HUD about if you're being watched(or worse), if I nevertheless spent a lot of the game running from guards who were offended because I happened to mount a steed at the wrong place or time(or something similarly innocent). Do not fall into water. This heavily trained and disciplined dude *can't swim*. You have a 360 degree camera, and a third-person perspective. Stand still, and you can enter a 1st that will also allow you to tell if someone standing before you has information, is an enemy/ally, etc. The overall plot(in present day; in the main portion, it's fine, if clichéd) is vague and leaves you unsatisfied, if the philosophy can be interesting. There is brutal and disturbing content in this, if little blood and the violence tends to be mild. I recommend this to fans of the concept and of the mix of games. 7/10
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It is hard to focus on the actual plot
Peats9 September 2008
What can I say. I have played it for about 4 days and finally beat it. The plot goes lost early on. I just could not focus on it. Mostly since every cut-scene, angle and tone of voice from the extremely mediocre actors never grips you.

At first - day one of playing - the game felt great. It was interesting; climbing, jumping, fencing. But it got so, very repetitive that after two days everything just happened.

Furthermore I felt that the character should receive more upgrades throughout the game, not just getting weapons and "health" slots. You should have been given the ability to climb faster. To jump more accurately. The only motion-upgrade you got early on was "grab" when you jump. More of that stuff would have helped. Maybe even an added body-armor or something more interchangeable with the look of the character to make things interesting throughout the game. Better A.I. and more dynamic dialog from the people in the streets would also have been a plus (think GTA 4, which is massive in that department... and gets your attention completely). Last, to the wish-list would be a lot more ways of gathering information. You have like three or four ways to do it, and they get really boring already the second time around.

Most focus has been put on the look of the game and the groundbreaking climbable environment.

Worst was the repetition of things, over and over again, and the stale and uninspiring voice-acting. The actor who did Altaïr in particular sucked and made me listen to something else instead.

Best was the more interesting and dynamic last "act" of the game (no spoilers here), the game's music and the ability to break the leg of an enemy which made me outright a joying sadistic.

I hope for a much better Assassin's Creed 2.
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UMA UMA UMA says let's join The Brotherhood
its-UMA-UMA-UMA11 May 2018
UMA UMA UMA says this game has age appalling.the parkour physics and if you got a battle it enemy and ride a horse all that is annoying because the Mechanics are really really crap UMA UMA UMA
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Sort of a Medieval GTA
Medacakathareal11 March 2008
Started playing Assassin's Creed on 360 a few days ago, this game is addicting. Completing missions is fun, but there's almost just as much fun to be had just jumping from rooftop to rooftop, getting caught, fighting a few guards... The game is sort of a medieval version of Grand Theft Auto, you go around committing crimes, running from guards, and when caught get a red light indicator telling you they are chasing you (or yellow if you break their line of sight) which is reminiscent of the stars in grand theft auto... The fighting can get redundant, as can the horseback riding, also there is a bit too much talking that you can't skip for my taste, all in all a great game though, certainly addictive... I've heard a lot of complaints about it, but I don't understand why, guess its not for everyone...
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kjazieh24 August 2011
This game is astounding. I love everything in it, from the settings to the scenery to the theme to the plot and story. Im not going to tell you anything about the story so as not to spoil it for you. The action and free running is amazing. Just moving around in this game is a joy. The crowd is interactive, not like a group of dead logs walking around. They yell at you when you push them, and they run and scream when you kill someone. The weapons are great. You can do the primary missions of gathering information then assassinating your target, or you can do secondary missions like saving citizens from abusive guards, or you can just run around and wreak havoc, killing guards and getting into fights with thugs. This game gives you a lot of freedom. You can travel between cities freely. One thing that I really like is that the theme of Assassins VS. Templars theme is more prominent in this Assassins Creed game than the others. This is a wonderful game... and Ubisoft has made the next ones even better and better.
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Enjoyable game with repetitive gameplay and so-so story
EzioMonty11729 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Assassin's Creed series is hugely popular With nine main games and many spin offs, i reviewed Assassin's Creed 2 and that game was one of my favorites, so how did the first entry turn out? Pretty well but not on the same Level as it's sequel. Here's why.

The story follows Desmond Miles, a bartender and a former assassin who's been kidnapped by Abstergo, a evil Corporation who uses Desmond to relive the life of his 12-Century ancestors inside the Animus, a machine that follows Desmond memories of his ancestors, the ancestor they find inside his memories is Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, one of the assassins in the organization of the same name. But when Altair gets caught by the Templars, a evil organization while searching for an artifact named the Piece of Eden they both were searching for and Al Mualim finds out the actions Altair's been doing, he punishes him and steals his weapons and Equipment and must retrieve them back by doing assassinations in Acre, Jerusalem and Damascus but finds out that Al Mualim wasn't part of the Assassins and is part of the Templars and has the artifact, Altair must assassinate his way through to regain his Powers and stop Al Mualim from taking over Musyaf, his hometown.

The game is an open world action-adventure With stealth elements where Altair uses his acrobatics to get up on rooftops and his stealth techniques to assassinate guards in each city he traverses. In the game to update Your map, you must get to specific high Points to add more quests to Your map. The acrobatics are fantastic, each animation of his moves are stunning to look at, but he isn't as fast as Ezio in the sequel, but still holds up better than most parkour-based characters. The combat is alright, you use his sword for most of his attacks and Counter kills. The Counter kills are useful but they are tough to handle as well as getting used to the stupid AI of this game, sometimes the guards wont notice even though Altair is right near them. The combo kills are so pointless since you have to attack as soon as the sword of the enemy comes at you.

The missions and side quests is where the game goes downhill, why you may ask, it's because they never seem to evolve and all missions is the exact same that you did earlier, like you did a interrogation mission earlier, then 10 minutes later, you do it again, or you do a Informer mission, then 5 minutes later, another Informer mission. All mission in each city are the same which means the game is repetitive, so repetitive in fact, that the missions never varie and have nothing else but change of details so the missions are fun but sometimes boring due to repetitive nature.

The Graphics are great, the cities are detailed and textures are very high resolution but the faces are somewhat ugly to look at, but the game is beautiful. The Controls are great as well, you use the RT and A button to do the actions of Altair for Acrobatics and X and B and RT for attacks and you will know the rest from there.

The Third Crusade setting is very genius since most games don't have that time period setting, but i thought Renaissance fared better than the Third Crusade, but this is something gamers haven't seen before, games set in 12th-Century and present time at the same time.

The Desmond sections are boring since they happen frequently after a Assassination mission which was fixed in Assassin's Creed 2 where the was less then the where was in this game. The achievements are not hard but fun. The flag collecting, good god, is terrible since most are so easy like after finding one you'll find another one a second later, so flag-collecting is fun but easy. Templars are easy as well since well if you run around a lot you find one and you can kill it easy piecesy.

Assassin's Creed is a good game, but not great, the game's repetitive, the story is forgettable and the game lasted Shorter than expected and as well as having an abrupt ending where Altair finally kills Al Mualim and recovers the Piece of Eden and stares at it and that's it. However the animations, Graphics, gameplay and pacing as well as setting and replay value is great. Recommended absolutely.

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A Little Tedious
tatumjaatinen28 January 2023
The first title of the AC series is in many ways prophetic. Already here one can see the hallmarks of the AC series: endless repetition, copy-pasted quests, assets and locations etc. Even in a game as short as 20 hours, you will be climbing towers, pickpocketing, listening to convos, assassinating etc. Multiple times, and it gets the more boring the more you do it. What little actual story is hidden between is mostly in cutscenes and scripted sequences here and there, which is sad, since it actually somewhat interesting.

Most of the time, you will be running around in the open game world that is cluttered with quest markers and side activities. Unfortunately, clunky controls and movement hinder the amusement from it, as well as the ever-present enemies that constantly decide to attack you in groups and which you have to fend off in tedious fights. Speaking of it, combat mechanics are the most simple and unsophisticated possibel, which certainly does not help. Still, it was fun to run around the cities and the roof-tops from time to time, but nowhere near as intuitive as in later titles.

In relation to the length of the game, the modern day storyline was more expanded and had multiple sections that advanced the plot, something which has sadly since been abandoned. In this game, the balance works and keeps you interested in continuing the storyline.
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Excellent idea for an excellent video game.
swedzin3 September 2013
A rare beauty of this game just tickled the inner thigh of my brain when I first saw the trailer for this game. First I thought I can't play this, I don't have a proper machine for this. But, years later I bought a new, proper machine, and I got this game. And fu*k me sideways that was a brutal experience. That was definitely one of the most beautiful games I have ever played.

Perhaps, the best thing I like, is the FACT that the game is based upon some historical events. Finally, an educational video game, that makes you want to read a book. To do a little research yourself. So, we are going to talk about this special stuff here. First of all graphics - holy sh*t! They are awesome! Greatly done graphics. The sound effects are great. Visually, the game is very, very beautiful. The landscapes, the characters (characters visually and their personality, also), the way they created Damascus and Jerusalem, that was impressive! Music score was good, very atmospheric, fits perfectly in the game.

The story is good, I don't know how precise is, when it comes to the historical events, but it's up to you to do a research. Now, you are an assassin (a word that comes from Arabic 'hashashin', the killer sect that used to assassinate specific people, war leaders, religious leaders, politicians, etc ) named Altair. The name 'hashashin' constantly reminded me of Eddie Izzard's famous joke about hashish and Arab assassins. Altair makes a mistake in the first mission which is actually a tutorial, but after that, his leader strips away his skills and weapons, so that you can go and start the game properly, and to upgrade yourself sh*t But, before that you realize that the gameplay is actually an virtual memory image from a guy named Desmond Miles, who is a descendant of Altair. And he is kidnapped and persuaded to take place in an scientific experiment to discover deepest memories of ancestors via machine called Amnibus. Sounds pretty cool, right? Now, every time you lay down on amnibus, you become Altair. And then, you take various missions, assassinations primarily, pickpocket, spying on people, interrogation and other minor challenges. The gameplay is decent, not that hard, you just need to adapt to these kind of controls, and to a fact that this is an third person, adventure stealth game. I don't like stealth games, I prefer first person shooters, where I can enter the But, after this game, I learn to love stealth in video games more. You really need patience for this game, for every moment of it, because, here's the thing that makes me angry. The cut scenes are pretty long, it takes a pretty long time to enter the game, it takes a hell of a lot more to exit the damn thing so just give patience and everything will be just fine. And get use to the controls, sometimes Altair can be clumsy in battle and sometimes it happens that he can't grab onto a building, but you need to get use to it. So, that's about it, take your console, and go ride assassinate, survive, adapt, hide and defile evil and traitorous enemies.
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Worst AC but
kainacesar-9739424 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first Assassin's creed is the worst AC séries but is good.
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Buy this game if you want something to occupy you for a really long time
h-rabbit9 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I tell you, this game isn't exactly like one of those levelled games which you journey from one mission to the next just like that. It's like Grand Theft Auto, you can kill people, roam about the cities and let the guards try to kill you if they can. This took me a surprisingly long time (a year) to complete. First of all, I was stuck a third of the way through and spent months trying to figure it out. Anyway, this game is one in which you'd cry out in grief if you lose all your data. It's simply a bit like Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, except it's set in the Third Crusade. Assassin kills targets. Assassin has doubts about why he kills his targets. Assassin finds out his master is evil. Assassin sets out to kill his master. Assassin kills his master. Everything is peaceful again. This game kind of gripped me because you get to kill everyone, and the mission is about assassinating these nine targets in the Holy Land. But the games bores me after about an hour of non-stop gaming because the layout for all your ten targets (except Robert de Sable and Al Mualim) is just the same. You go into the city, perform tasks, speak to the bureau leader and set out to kill your target. This game is very effective in keeping you playing, but has its flaws. 8/10.

By HowlingRabbit334
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Repetitive, Yet Interesting
williamdun-1552819 June 2021
Assassin's Creed was, and still is for the most part, a uniquely interesting experience that is unfortunately plagued with repetetive mission structures and ridiculous collectables.

The game is set in present day, and centers around a bartender called Desmond Miles, who is kidnapped by a multinational conglomerate known as Abstergo. The company want him to use a machine dubbed the Animus to relive the genetic memories of his ancestor, a 12th-century Syrian assassin known as Altaïr - who has to prove himself to his grandmaster by tracking down and eliminating 9 people.

The main character outside of the Animus, Desmond, is quite dull and boring when compared to his ancestor, Altaïr - who, although being just as dull, has had their story greatly expanded on in the future title Assassin's Creed Revelations. The rest of the cast aren't memorable enough to mention really, but we have Warren Vidic - the main culprit behind Desmond's kidnapping. And Lucy Stillman, Vidic's assistant who tends to initially hide her true identity to everyone.

Most of the gameplay takes place in the Animus - and the game is a typical open-world third person sandbox title. As Altaïr, you are able to explore West Asian cities such as Jerusalem, Acre, Damascus and so on. Since the events of the Animus take place in the 12th century - you must rely on swords and throwing knives during combat, and horses to travel within the game's 'hubworld' - the Kingdom. The main missions of Assassin's Creed are initially locked away when you first begin the game, forcing you to start with some of the secondary missions - which are primarily made up of pickpocketing or interrogating NPCs, eavesdropping on conversations, Completing 3 / 4 of these during each memory sequence will give you the location of the target - and thus, will unlock a mission. Each main mission (excluding the first & last) focuses on assassinating a target with known affiliations to the Templar Order. The game can get quite repetitive, especially if you wish to 100% beat Assassin's Creed for achievements. Also, there are several collectibles scattered throughout the game such as flags to collect and unnamed Templars to kill.

A few times, the game will give you a break from the Animus and allow you to explore an Abstergo office that you are being held in. It is here you can access a terminal to read emails from your two captors - Warren Vidic and Lucy Stillman. As well as eavesdrop on their conversations about you. These parts of the game were quite interesting to me and reminded me of something like the Matrix with the complete ambiguity of the situation - something that Assassin's Creed games fail to do nowadays.

It is very hard for me to recommend this game to anyone, unless you are interested in simulations, the Crusades, the Templar Order or just a fan of the Assassin's Creed series in general.
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absulutely terrible
finntemple5 January 2023
This game is ass. Its dull repetative and boring and i couldnt even bring myself to finish it. The entire game consists of the same 4 activities and same 3 cutscenes over and over and over with 0 variation. The voice acting is so dull you wont pay attention to anything other than the modern day parts, and the cutscenes feel like they dont progress anything and are just wasting your time. The game graphically has aged amazingly but they ruin it by puttiing terrible colour filters over everything to hide the fact that everything looks the same. The cities are the exact same just with different colour filters. The stealth is terrible and boring, all you do is get caught, run and break line of site, and go to one of the 3 types of hiding places and wait for them to forget about you, it is nothing more than that. The combat is terrible too, its button mashy as hell and the only other method is waiting for them to attack you and pressing one button to kill them. This game is terrible.
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Laying an Ambitious Foundation
sibulelemvayo18 October 2023
Some might argue that the first Assassin's Creed feels like a proof of concept, or glorified tech demo, or something along those lines. Looking at the game in retrospect, this is almost true.

As the very first game of its kind, the first entry to one of the largest franchises in the gaming industry definitely feels like its goal was to set the foundation of what was to come. In other words, setting up an ambitious and promising skeleton, just to see how to put flesh to the bone in a more confident and clear way.

The game does feel skeletal in its ideas, it's a game filled with many concepts that feel exactly like so. Nothing but concepts.

But the basic groundwork that's being set here is honestly still some of the best Assassin's Creed content out there. The gameplay and storytelling is raw and still quite compelling, even though later games fleshed out and improved different aspects of this game EXPONENTIALLY.

The atmosphere and art direction is honestly still the best in the series. The environmental art design, the soundtrack, the lighting and color design is all on point.

Assassin's Creed, in retrospect, definitely feels like a large test run - or proof of concept, as some might say. But the foundation being set and the concepts that are introduced here are still some of the best the series has offered throughout its 15+ years of running and taking the industry by storm.

It has an enduring charm in its simplicity and the rawness of the game definitely makes it stand out compared to the franchise that would follow. Skeletal as it is, it's still an absolute treasure to play through.
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giticomi2 October 2021
I just love this game, parkcore through buildings and excelent mechanics make this game fun and amazing. The campaign is amazing with a story that leaves you wanting more.
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4 Stars out of 5 Stars
ajneeago9622 June 2024
One of the pinnacles of my childhood; a game I've probably played and beaten 10 different times since I've owned it. Before this game, I never played anything like it; it truly was something special in my eyes back in the day. Altair was a character I embodied; when I wasn't playing this game, I would pretend I was an assassin just like him, pretending to climb churches and towers, jumping from roof to roof tracking my target, and finally, sprinting and thrusting my hidden blade into my opponents neck.

Yeah, this game was one of those games I incorporated in my personality. And now rediscovering it in my mid 20's, it's a damn fine throwback to my childhood, to the frameworks of the Assassins Creed franchise, and to freerunning video games in general.

This game introduces a bunch of lore/mechanics/characters that would be extremely important to the future of the Assassins Crees franchise, most notably, The Animus(the machine you use to see in the past), Abstergo Industries (the corporation that runs the animus project), Desmond (the main character you play as in present day), Altair( the Master Assassin you play as in the 1200s), The Assassin Brotherhood (the secret society you pledge your allegiance to as Altair), and well, a artifact that changes the entire scope of the game (and becomes the basis for the franchise) toward the end. Many of the mechanics become basis like wall climbing, parkour, stealth among crowds, assassinating fellow targets, combat like hidden blades, swords, throwing knives, and of course, synchronizing locations by climbing tall structures. All of it becomes the staple to the series, and is quite impressive to see all of it done so well in the very first entry.

When I first played this as a kid, I could follow along the story to an extent, but doing the quests involving Altair finding, killing, and then questioning his targets, it never really clicked as a kid. Replaying them now as an adult, the games plot makes way more sense, and gives the viewer 2 different POVs with every assassination you uptake. Also something I never noticed with the game; before going back to the Assassin hideout to turn in your evidence, if you go to every viewpoint in the area and synchronize it, you can get more investigation missions to do, which I can't say fleshed out A TON of plot, but I think it was enough to add to the game is a positive way. The side stuff, like saving villagers, wasn't bad, although just one of those repetitive side missions that end up giving assistance with guards. The one thing I absolutely, and I mean, ABSOLUTELY, despised was the flags and templars. Now, don't get me wrong; I really enjoy finding collectibles and discovering areas of the map I wouldn't normally check out in main missions, but how this game handles them are so ridiculous. For one (and this is the biggest factor) none of the collectibles or templars are shown on your map. You cant use eagle vision to find them either, so you literally would have to scour each area thoroughly to even come close to finding all of them. Second, there are over 400 flags to find, none of which show up on your mini-map or don't have any indicators at all except when you're physically looking at one. I'm sorry, but this is stupid, and I'm forced to use a guide to find all of em. And what do you get when you find all the maysaf flags? Nothing. What about the King Richard flags? Nothing. Oh, but the Damascus flags??? Still nothing. Yeah, the flags don't do anything except unlock you a anchoevment, so I wouldn't recommend it to casual gamers. Only diehard assassins creed fans or achievements hunters should go for it. Now, at this point in my playthrough, I only needed to collect the Jerusalem flags and kill the last 10 templars in Jerusalem, but for some reason, I decided to take a hiatus. The hiatus ended up lasting an entire year, but recently I started it back up to finish it and guess what? The cloud saved data was corrupted.... So I painstakingly started the game back from the beginning, with the goal to just beat the game, do all side missions, but only getting the Jersusalem flags and killing all 60 Templars since those were the only 2 achievements I didn't get yet. Replaying the game ONCE again, I would of thought it would of been more annoying having to go through it all again, but surprisingly, this game has a neat nostalgic feel to me that always transports me to its era, always picking up on some dialogue I missed the first 10 times I've played it. After replaying and collecting the remainder of the achievements, witnessing the ending to this game once again was a great time. Brung back plenty of memories, especially back in 2010 playing and witnessing that twist ending for the first time.

If you haven't played this yet, I would recommend if you enjoy 3rd person RPGs with heavy story, as while this game does seem to end right when it gets super interesting, it's a awesome setup to what's to come to the franchise.
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