In the original concepts for the show, the Storm Hawks were a bunch of prison kids who escape into the Wastelands, where they met Piper (named Oriole). In addition to the war against Cyclonia, the plot involved their quest for the Helix, an artifact that held the world together in the past. The Helix was broken up into numerous crystal fragments around the world and it was the Storm Hawks' job to find them with help from the Guardian of the Helix, the White Hawk. Instead of Master Cyclonis, there was Master Anarchis, a fashionista who was formerly exiled to the Terra of Thorns by her brother, Heron, the rightful king of Cyclonia. Piper was a well-traveled, crossbow-wielding adventurer. Finn was younger and smaller, had a knack for telling tall tales, and fought with energy blades in hand-to-hand combat. Junko had a temper, although he tried to control it. Stork was an expert metal-smith and a loyal friend who was largely confined to the Condor due to a leg injury. Also, there were living storms - all of which had their own names and personalities - that were released when the Helix was dismantled, tearing up the crust and creating the terras, making the current Atmos a post-apocalyptic world.