241 of 464 found this mild
EP3 : A man and a woman start making out on a bed in clothes.
In the 3rd episode there is a scene about a fur coat. Everything he should be tried on, this should be "on the skin". Rebecca then takes off her top and can be seen briefly in her bra.
A little girl is seen taking a bath. Only her shoulders are seen
Ep. 6: Two women share a long kiss.
102 of 198 found this moderate
While in bed, a woman sees a bloody hand wriggling next to her. It is implied that it is her imagination.
122 of 233 found this mild
"fuck" is used several times in multiple episodes
Few uses of F**k, S**t, B***h. GD is used quite often too
141 of 203 found this mild
Adults drink wine with dinner and at a bonfire
A man smokes cigarettes
Some of the characters smoke cigarettes and some of them drink wine
Wine is drunk frequently by the main characters. Sometimes out of the bottle.
A man pours alcohol into his tea in episode one.
124 of 248 found this moderate
A woman sees an ominous dark figure with glowing glasses when she looks in mirrors. She is sometimes very frightened by the figure.
Lots of hidden ghosts in the background in every episode but most are subtle. This might upset some very attentive viewers.