The film's subtitle "Folie a Deux" means "Madness of Two" in French. This initially led to speculation about Harley Quinn's appearance in the film, which was shortly thereafter confirmed. The name Folie a Deux comes from the 19th century French psychiatrists Charles Lasègue and Jules Falret. The term was coined to refer to two or more people that share the same madness or delusion. It is also known as Lasègue-Falret syndrome.
This was the first major DC Comics film to be released under the new "DC Elseworlds" banner. The term was first created in 1991 by DC Comics for the stories out of the canon, set in alternate realities.
During the opening "Me and My Shadow" cartoon sequence one of the crowd outside the theatre has the "Everything Must Go" sign that Arthur Fleck had stolen from him in the first Joker movie.
Dropped 81.4% in its second weekend at the box office, more than any other comic book film, surpassing The Marvels (2023), with 78.1%.