Nicole Sullivan credited as playing...
Patricia Nixon
- Black Dynamite: First Lady, I'm sorry I pimp-slapped you into that china cabinet. I used excessive force. Oftentimes, I cross the line, but I try to do so in the name of what's right. Most of the time, the ends justifies the means. But in this case, I feel like I betrayed my own code of ethics. And for that, sugar, I apologize.
- Patricia Nixon: But I shot at you. I tried to kill you, Black Dynamite.
- Black Dynamite: This is true, but you did not connect. You shot a plate. Had you connected, pimp-slapping you into that china cabinet might have been justified. But I feel I crossed the line. And for that, please accept my apology.
- Patricia Nixon: I do. I do, it's just... oh, Black Dynamite, you're so righteous.
- Black Dynamite: This is also true. Because whenever there's injustice,
- [stands up]
- Black Dynamite: wrongs to be...
- [Gloria suddenly appears and embraces Black Dynamite]
- Gloria: Oh, Black Dynamite!
- Patricia Nixon: [Tugging Black Dynamite's pants] Go on, honey.
- Black Dynamite: [Pulls out his handgun and points it straight ahead] Because whenever there's injustice, wrongs to be righted,
- [as Gloria sits down, holding Black Dynamite's left leg]
- Black Dynamite: innocents to be defended, Black Dynamite will be there, delivering ass-whuppings. and I will not hesitate to lay the hammer down on any clown that comes around.
- [Pulls out his nunchucks]
- Black Dynamite: Because if they wanna fight, they best come see me, because I'm Black Dynamite.
- [Pat Nixon proceeds to approach Black Dynamite and hold his right leg]