Castle (TV Series 2009–2016) Poster


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Really enjoyed this show!
Rob133128 September 2022
Castle is about a famous novelist named Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion) as he teams with NYPD detective Kate Beckett (Stana Katic) to solve mureders. As they investigate these murders they build a strong relationship both at work and in their private lives. Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic just have such great least on screen, off not so much. They apparently did not get along in real life and that was a big reason the show stopped after 8 great seasons. Those two are definitely the best thing about the show but not the only thing. The rest of the supporting cast all pull their own weight too. Each of them is what makes this show so special, there's not a weak link among them. This is a show where you can watch it more than once and still not be bored.
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Miss It!
Supermanfan-131 September 2020
Castle is still one of my favorite police procedural shows today and God knows there are plenty to choose from. It has a perfect blend of comedy, action and drama! It's just a flat out fun show! Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic are both perfect as Richard Castle and Kate Beckett!
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Excellent start!
dreamflower53010 March 2009
I fully enjoyed the pilot episode of Castle. Nathan and Stana have great chemistry, with him providing a ton of comedy as the crime fiction author to her straight laced cop. Castle is an engaging hero with a surprising amount of support from the characters around him, especially with his daughter and his mother.

I find the premise has tons of promise as the series progresses, both with the types of plots that can come from Castle's novels and with his romantic interests. The idea that a series of murders can be copied into real life seems a bit trite, but the execution was far better than I expected. The fact that Castle can keep up with Detective Beckett as far as crime scene analysis and motives is smart, but also a great source of comedy. Beckett's apparent infatuation with Castle's book series not only suggest that she's a potential love interest, but hints at a lot of character subtlety that has yet to come.

If crime drama crosses with romantic comedy sounds at all for you, then you should definitely watch and support Castle.
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Ah, a Breath of Fresh Air.
jamylie10 March 2009
The pilot episode for ABC's new crime show "Castle" left me wanting more, much more in fact, and that is exactly what a good pilot should do. The relationship formed between the two leads is unquestionably one of the best and is, so far, most endearing. It is impossible to not like them.

I'll start with Nathan Fillion(of "Firefly" fame). Nathan plays Richard 'Rick' Castle. His charm and wit and spot-on comedic delivery make him alone the reason to tune in each week. Move over David Boreanaz 'cause Nathan has got you beat in the plucky-comedic-male-sidekick-to-tough-and-serious-female-cop role. Nathan comes off as the friend we all want and treasure. Having followed Nathan's career rather closely I am glad to see him in this role. It fits his nature and you can tell he knows it too just by watching him. It's in his postures and mannerisms and facial expressions. I believe he said in an interview that he is "72%" this character and that sounds about right. He is comfortable in this role. Similar to how he was comfortable when playing Malcom Reynolds in "Firefly"(which, by the way, is the greatest show of all time...period).

Then there is Stana Katic, who plays Detective Kate Beckett, and God is she gorgeous and enticing. No wonder Nathan's character can't get enough of her. Stana manages to instill in the portrayal of her character enough grit and fortitude to be mysterious and alluring, while retaining a good amount of the audiences confidence in her ability to be a bad-ass. On the other side, though, she is beautiful and her lightly-flirtatious nature does not detract from the other part of her character but rather enriches it making her feel real rather than just a cliché tough female cop(because TV is full of them right now).

What it comes down to, ladies and gentlemen, is chemistry and these two have it. They are a joy to watch even when they are not in scenes together and that is what will keep viewers tuning in each week. This show has great promise.

Before I go I will note that it was nice to see real authors on the show(I will not reveal who). It adds another layer to Castle's character and makes for an amusing poker scene. I hope the producers arrange for more cameos of this nature.

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1-7 amazing 8 not so much
Riamk12 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ill split my review into 4 sections each with 2 seasons in them.

Season 1-2 This is where i LOVE the character Castle, he comes in and pretty much solves cases for the team, and i love his family. And in these seasons, he starts to fall in love with beckett.

Kate beckett however i feel is a weak character in these two seasons, but i personally think Stana makes the best of it.

The episodes are in general ok. Not really that many great ones in there, but not really any bad ones either i think. My top episodes in these seasons would be. "flowers for your grave" " A death in the family" "tick, tick, tick" "boom"

Season 3-4 In these seasons, castle i in love with Beckett, his crime solving ablities plays a lesser role except for the very first episode which is also one of my favorites in the entire show, his wild theories i getting to much some times though.

Now these seasons is where kate beckett (stana katic) really shows what she is made off. Most of that is shown in season 4, at the beginning after she got shot. Thats my favorite time of this chacter.

Some of my favorite episodes in these seasons, are also some of my favorites in the entire show. here are some of them "nikki heat" "a deadly affair" "rise" "kill shot"

Season 5-6 At this point Castle and Beckett are in a relationship, and this had to happen with the way their love for eachother grew throughout season 1-4. And seasons 5-6 are much about their relationship, and some of the problems that might happen in any relationship.

Overall i think season 5 is my favorite one, alot of great episodes in that. Season 6 is where i think the shows starts to decline. But in my mind still is exceptional, but still not as good as 1-5. Some of my favorite episodes: "after the storm" "murder he wrote" "probably cause" "still" "target + hunt" "valkyrie"

Season 7-8 (my advice, dont watch season 8) Here comes the sad part about this show, and in my mind the biggest downside. The whole story arc about castle missing their wedding, and then he comes back and cant remember the last ccouple of months. Personally i would have loved if the story about becketts mom ended with braken going to jail. They took it one step to far for me. Agian here they have relationship problems, but after season 7s intial problems, (castle being missed and so on) you think to your self, there is nothing they cant handle or fight together. then in season 8 they basically break up, because kate is scared of castle getting killed by "krakens boss" ohh btw Castle is badass in season 7.

Season 7 is still in my opinion mostly good, except for the part castle cant remember anything. Season 8 had 1 or 2 good episodes, but mostly they ruined alot with that one. The series finale was BAD. Now i dont know what the plan was, from what i can gather the plan was to make a season 9 with everyone still in it, but the cliffhanger would be beckett getting shot instead of both of them. But then they decided without even talking to "stana katic" to exclude her from season 9, they then decided to cancel the show and alter the ending. If they alternative to this ending was, a season 9 in which kate beckett dies. Then i will gladly take this ending.

Some of the best episodes are: "the time of our lifes" ""once upon a time in the west" "castle Pi" "resurrection" "Reckoning" "hollanders woods" "the last seduction" (wanted one episode from 8 on here)

Conclusion: I know alot of people are not gonna read half of this. But i felt the need to write it. seasons 1-6 was a 15/10 for me. Season 7 was a 10/10 and 8 was 7/10. I have watched basically every other show in this genre. And this is the one i love the most.
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A writer's show.
damienjaymz19 March 2009
I wish IMDb had a decimal system because this show isn't an 8. From what I saw in the Pilot it is a solid 8.5 at the very least. Tho the pilot was fairly predictable when it comes to crime shows that aren't CSI or Law and Order (i.e. one character is a fan of the other. Half way through everything is wrapped up a little too neatly etcetera), it was still an enjoyable romp.

Kate Beckett is a beautiful, hard nosed cop that should be working for a private law firm and Nick Castle is an arrogant, but devoted author and father.

Stana Katic (awesome name) is beautiful, but not so much that you wonder why she is a cop and not some goddess on an Italian beach like so many actresses tend to be. She plays her part very well, and the scene she has with Fillon when he, as Castle is peeling away her layers is amazing. She barely gives anything away until the very last moment, but with her facial expressions you know it's coming making her character all the more wonderful.

Nathan Fillion is wonderful as the successful, charismatic, and egocentric Pop mystery writer who seems to be not a drunk (unlike Hank Moody, played wonderfully by David Duchovney in Californication) and is a loving, attentive father apparently who also has an intriguing backstory with his publisher/ex-wife which I hope is a back story they continue to develop throughout the series.

This really was a fun series. I know new shows have a very short lifespan, but this is one I hope has a decent shelf life. Watching just the pilot I see the potential for great stories, for great ad-libs and i do want to see the happy ending where the jaded, divorced writer and the hard nosed cop with a history work to deconstruct each episodes mystery, and each other. And as would be when the characters have bared all they can, they either finally get into bed together, or they get married:)
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Creative, Witty, and Nathan Fillion
gimpyjonny9 March 2009
I just finished watching the first showing and I am very pleased. Others and I have been starving for more Nathan Fillion ever since Firefly. It seems he has finally landed a lead role, which he has so definitely earned, in an interesting looking series. At this juncture, I don't have many predictions for the series which is a rarity these days and I think that it will be fun watching Castle and detective Beckett's relationship grow. The writing was quite creative even though it sometimes felt like they were rushing things. I think its possible that they could have made this first episode last another week or two, however, at the same time, its fast pace leaves no time wasted. I found myself sprinting into the kitchen for munchies and racing back in hopes of not missing any of the action. I will definitely be watching this next week :)
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Let's be fair...
vagabondjonson24 March 2009
Yes, this is a great vehicle for Nathan Fillion because he's gets to play the lovable scoundrel, which truly is his bread and butter. I was worried when I saw the pilot that they were going to shoot their premise in the foot but was impressed at the end when they gave you a new basis that could last longer than a few episodes. Now if we're fair and judge this show on it's writing and acting rather than on our excitement that Nathan Fillion is back then we must conclude... that the show is still pretty good. I have been impressed with the story lines up to this point and while the short description of the "who-dun-it" may sound like scenarios we've heard before, these writers aren't satisfied with a "Law and Order" ending. They've already thrown out the triple and quadruple switchbacks with the uncovering of the culprits. And all the while allowing Nathan Fillion to fill the screen with his smarmy charm and allowing him to cavort with an attractive, albeit, hard-boiled female cop.

The great part about this show is that they haven't really set up Fillion as a Sherlock Holmes. He is playing a seemingly educated street-wise poetic guy, but he isn't the one with all the answers. For every conclusion he draws, the female lead makes just as many and may refine Fillion's, which is wise on the writers' part because his character works because of the inherent flaws that come with being a writer rather than a detective.

It's a clever show that's a must-see if you're a Fillion-atic and a pretty good hour even if you're not.
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Don't watch season 8
Metsfan580630 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Season pretty good. The later season get a little exaggerated when it comes to the story. Season 8 sucks the overall plot sucks. From what I read Fillion and Katic didn't get along so they wrote their characters separate stories which just didn't work for me after all of the build up to them getting together
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Nathan is in his element!!!
PHeath6015 March 2009
For anyone of the "Firefly" persuasion, you are in for a treat! ABC realized what a gem they had in Nathan Fillion when he did his guest stint on Desperate Housewives, and they quickly got their act together and gave him a series! In other words, Nathan is back!! :) This series has a great start to it, with a strong ensemble cast that brings out a great multi-dimensional quality to the show. It is clever, and sarcastic humor reigns. The plot of the pilot was your typical Crime Investigation approach, but it is the delivery of this fine cast that breaks it apart from other shows. With that being said, I hope that they do develop the story lines a bit better in the future, but no matter what happens, this show is a joy to watch simply because of the cast...especially Nathan Fillion. This character is very much like Mal Reynolds in Firefly, and that is what brought me to this show. The rest of the cast and the great delivery is what will keep me with this show!! Well done ABC!!
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That ending though! Wtf!?
cmzfzxvv28 February 2024
Such a good show, me and my family spent months watching this. I loved following each mystery and hanging on the edge of suspense every time it seemed as though one of my favourite characters was about to be murdered. However! The ending of this show is completely ridiculous. You can really tell that the writers ran out of inspiration or just could not be bothered to finish it properly. They both appear to die and then flash to 7 years later and they're alive with multiple children. That to me is the worst possible ending! I mean come on! Did they actually die? Did they survive? Who saved them? How did they save them? Even an extra 10 minutes of this episode would have made it so so much better. I would 100% recommend but do not watch the last season! Really not worth it.
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Hook, line and sinker
kmcquee119 March 2009
As a dedicated Nathan Fillion fan I had to watch this show to support my favorite actor, but a few minutes into the pilot I knew I was in. Not only was Fillion perfect for his role as Rick Castle, but the rest of the cast fits together like a strange, yet very close family. By the end of the episode I was hooked. This show has it all, mystery, intrigue, comedy and relationships, beyond romance. It is relieving to have a show that is not only about the two main characters relationship, but also the daughter and mother and their corky relation to Castle. This show is a perfect ten! Here's hoping it has a longer run than Fillion's other work!!!
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fun procedural but less fun serial
SnoopyStyle17 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion) is a rich successful crime novel writer. He finds a new muse in NYPD detective Kate Beckett (Stana Katic). He uses his mayoral connection to be an observer partnered with Kate. He has flamboyant actress mother Martha Rodgers (Susan Sullivan) and steady daughter Alexis (Molly C. Quinn). Javier Esposito (Jon Huertas) and Kevin Ryan (Seamus Dever) are fellow police detectives. Lanie Parish (Tamala Jones) is the medical examiner. Kate is haunted by her mother's unsolved murder and Castle falls for her.

Nathan Fillion always has that charismatic rascal character. He makes this show fun and better than most procedurals. The ongoing serial of these crazy conspiracy plots are less fun. They are something to bring heightened danger to the characters rather than something engaging. I like the stand alone investigations with Fillion and Katic playing their rom-com back and forth. Of course, they are eventually forced to move forward in their relationship and get married. The show runs for 8 seasons of mostly solid entertainment. It does end on sour note of on-set friction and contract problems. The show has to tag on a final scene to wrap up the show. It's "Seven Years Later" with Castle, Beckett, and a bunch of kids. Essentially, it's suggesting that they got together after the pilot starting a family, and the rest are stories written by Castle. It's a rushed ending but it's understandable for the circumstances.
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Every star is for the 1st three seasons... The rest is garbage
courtneyjjjjjjjj5 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Full disclosure: I would watch Nathan Fillion read the phone book. I LOVE Nathan. Which explains why I watched this show for so long against all good sense.

The first 3 seasons were great. Sure the murder-of-the-week was predictable and usually far fetched. But Fillion's performance as Playboy crime writer but loving father and son was a delight.

Then from season 4 onwards the show should've changed it's name from "Castle" to "Beckett". The show lost its sense of humour and replaced it with wildly stupid situations that Beckett and Castle got themselves in. The number of times Esposito and Ryan had to look for the duo because they went missing was ridiculous. It also became all about Beckett's emotional road to recovery which was BORING as F.

Beckett's mother's murder conspiracy dragged on for FAR too long and was way too complicated. And don't even get me started on Castle's father.
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Great Show
ninajdstj20004 April 2009
This is the best new show this season! I enjoy the Mentalist but Castle is even better. The chemistry between Castle and Beckett is off the charts. I love it. This is coming from a die-hard CSI: Miami fan. CSI: Miami has lost its way showing the same boring story lines and turning into a soap opera. Castle is funny, serious, and smart all rolled into one. Please ABC bring this show back for another season. It will break my heart if they do not. I e-mailed ABC with my opinion so hopefully that will help. I already pre-ordered season one on DVD so that shows how much I love this show. I was never a fan of Nathon Fillion before but I am now. I even went out and bought Waitress just I could watch him. Is it Monday yet?
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Fillion is "King" Of This CASTLE...
cchase26 March 2009
Oh, yeah, we've seen this one before....Irresistible-force-meets-immovable object. Opposites attract. Oil and water. Fire and know the drill. The problem is that when you have a pairing that mixes snappy patter and grudgingly mutual admiration with just a touch of sexual tension, the recipe is only going to be as good as the charisma of the two leads involved, whether it's a sitcom, dramedy or police procedural.

CASTLE wants to be a mix of all three, and fortunately one of the most valuable weapons in its arsenal is the rakish charm of its featured lead actor, former FIREFLY star Nathan Fillion. I can count the number of actors on one hand who can pull off the "charming rascal" vibe in a way that never gets old, and Nathan can do those guys in his sleep. (And probably has.)

But he also knows how to modulate them as the occasion warrants, and where in his former role as Captain Mal Reynolds he could definitely play the bad-ass card when needed, here as womanizing bad-boy, party animal and bestselling novelist Rick Castle, he's a whole lot less serious. Bored with the cop character who has been his bread-and-butter for a string of chart-busting crime thrillers, Rick has decided in his latest tome to blow his hero's brains out, thus making a continuance of the series a little difficult to say the least. It wouldn't be a problem if the laid-back Lothario weren't suddenly faced with a major case of writer's block. But inspiration is coming in the most fortuitous if unlikely of ways.

A serial killer has decided to rehash some of the more gruesome deaths from Castle's earlier novels, and it's up to the very attractive (of course!) and no-nonsense detective Kate Beckett (newcomer Stana Katic) to crack the case...which of course will require the assistance of a certain writer of whose books Detective Beckett is a closet fan. But a fan of smart-alecky guys who like to make very unsubtle passes at her? Not so much. Let the games and one-upmanship begin!

At first blush, you could easily accuse CASTLE of trying too hard, especially since matched with the seasoned experience of Fillion, the jury was out on Katic's ability to keep up with him in the first few episodes (at least it was for me.) And to enhance its credibility, the pilot even threw in some heavy hitters in guest cameos - James Patterson, no stranger himself to the crime fiction genre, and Stephen J. Cannell, who used to crank out pilots for series just like CASTLE over breakfast.

But creator Andrew Marlowe left nothing to chance with this one, knowing full well that no matter how great a character is, he's nothing without a good backstory and some fascinating support players. Here these come in the form of Rick Castle's teenage daughter, Alexis (Molly C. Quinn), whom of course is the real 'adult' in their relationship - probably her way of rebelling against her lovable father who nevertheless lives the lifestyle of a guy half his age, and their temporary roommate who also happens to be his mother, former stage and screen star Martha Rodgers (Susan Sullivan in a turn that makes Shirley MacLaine in POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE look like a dowdy matron). Once you meet Martha, suddenly Rick's personality makes perfect sense.

As with any new series, this one will take some time to really settle into the groove it needs to capture a wider audience, but with the growing ease of the push-and-pull relationship between Fillion and Katic's characters, it could very well become the next "MOONLIGHTING" or "REMINGTON STEELE"...which wouldn't be a bad thing. Crime procedurals have been missing that fun element of late, and CASTLE could very well bring it back, without having to resort to a less-successful springboard of surrealism to build from (sorry, LIFE ON MARS).
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This is a really entertaining show
ferrenberg20 May 2022
Despite the ordinary cop story, it's insane how good this show is. You won't find anything you haven't watched in a million crime shows before. Absolutely nothing. What really makes this show good is the acting, every single actor is outstanding.
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Every writer needs inspiration, and I found mine.
sini-20014 January 2023
Castle is and will be one of my favorite crime shows. It differs from the usual ones with being original, funny and simply awesome. The cases are unique and well-written. It has a perfect blend of comedy, action and drama! All the characters are done well. Not to mention Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic are both perfect as Richard Castle and Kate Beckett! Their chemistry is to die for, from the first pilot episode. Their developing relationship and later on love story is one of the things I fell in love with the show. The way they look each other without having to say anything is just brilliant (especially in season 3&4 - is just wow ). Their love story is not only healthy but legendary. Yes, they have their issues as any couple but work it out, and they support each other perfectly. And one of the best couples on tv shows for sure. I adore the character growth, especially with Castle, and how he changed for Kate. And you can see how Castle changed her, too. They completed each other's and made lives extraordinary. Just as this show does for its viewers. I definitely recommend, you won't regret watching Castle. I will be rewatching it over and over again.
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Excellent acting for pretty poor diologue and plots
Castle and Beckett are both phenomenal actors, but the plots of individual episodes and dry and predictable. The dialogue is lacking, and if it wasn't for the good acting, this would be a near irredeemable show. Though the overarching story about Beckett's mother is pretty good with lots of twists.

But individual epsiode plots are repetitive: Castle has a crazy theory, they interview people who look like they're the murderer but then talking to them reveals more evidence, they hit a hard wall, Castle gets inspired by Martha or Alexis at the same time Beckett gets something from the case and they solve it at the same time, and then they arrest the actual murderer and evidence magically appears that PROVES it was them.

Ryan and Esposito literally exist just to push along the cases, they rarely feel like they have their own lives.

Martha and Alexis exist to inspire or show something to Castle. Though Alexis feels more alive and vibrant than most of the other side characters on the show.

Eventually, the whole element of Castle being an author seems lost and drowned out through the seasons, which is a shame because that's what makes the show interesting in the beginning seasons.

The quality severely drops throughout seasons, but the first few seasons are worth the watch.

This is the kind of show to run in the background, or when you don't feel like paying a whole lot of attention. It's not bad, just has a lot of lost potential due to overused formula and shallow dialogue.
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Good Dynamic between the characters
harris-124 April 2009
While the plots may be a bit contrived, the main effort is the dialog and tension between the two main characters, i.e. the Writer and the Detective. This is a reminder of Gable and Russel, or any number of 1930's great couples in the movies when the lack of color images was lacking but the colorful dialog was what made the movies worth watching. It's called Chemistry and these characters are definitely full of it.

Now this week with Beckett turning the tables on Castle we are beginning a turn in the energy dynamic. Can't wait to see where the writers go with this one
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A great series, with a garbage ending
ranoosh20053 May 2023
This has been my favorite crime series since the beginning .

But then they spiral downward into open love between two key agents against a world that doesn't want to see them together. So why the hell .

I love Beckett the way she was, and Castle from the start until they played with the characters, so why, after they've done so hard work over the years, break it like that .

I finished seasons years ago and went back to see it again but the ending still hurts it's so bad it looks like it was made by teenage hands . Maybe Because they did what the audience wanted and that is not necessarily always true.
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spuffieschilde9 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The chemistry between the two main characters were believable. It annoys me when people compare these two to that of the characters in the show Bones, or any other show for that matter.I adore Nathan Fillion, I find him to be an incredible actor,especially in Firefly and was excited to see him star in a new show.

The plot was slightly predictable, but the writing was well done and humorous thus kept me hooked and entertained. I think what will make this show stick is the acting. For example, there was one moment during the pilot when the female lead (sorry, I'm drawing a blank on her name right now) visually blushed when Fillion gave her a kiss on the cheek. (sure it could have been the trick of camera/makeup, but still, attention to detail like that is impressive. Does anybody remember seeing any character blush when something embarrassing or hot happens? Ya didn't think so.) I'm hoping this show continues and doesn't get cancelled too soon. Give it a shot!

Looking forward to next weeks show.
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Attractive and charming series with a splendid chemical between two protagonists : Nathan Fillon, and Stana Katic
ma-cortes4 May 2019
Nice and overlong series created by Andrew W. Marlowe formed by 8 seasons about a successful author , Richard Rick Castle : Nathan Fillon, writer of suspense novels who murders his personage when appears an authentic series killer who imitates the plots of his books . Getting permission from Mayor of N.Y. , he tags along with a homicide Investigations team . As he collaborates with detective Beckett , Stana Katic , and other NYPD cops : Jon Huertas , Seamus Dever , captain chief Penny Johnson , Forensic Tamala Jones to clear his name .Along the way Castle helps to find out the complex criminal cases in charge of this expert enforcement group.

Sympathetic an agreeable series about cops including intrigue , suspense , thrills and romance . Duo protagonist is frankly excellent . Nathan Fillon is very likeable as the sly and joker novelist turning to investigator who has deep instincts into natural criminal profilage . And Stana Katic is perfect as the expert, hard-working inspector Kate Beckett. They have an extreme , real chemical , and , Castle, little by little , wins her over his innovative and original approach to criminal investigation ; of course , subsequently ,they fall in love . The series relies heavily on the relationship between Castle and Beckett , but it doesn't tires , resulting to be amusing and entertaining . Along with Castle /Fillon and Beckett/Stana Katic shows up the usual plethora of secondaries giving charming interpretations as the cops : Jon Huertas , Seamus Dever and the police chief played by Penny Johnson Jerald . And Castle lives at a luxurious home along with his teen daughter Alexia : Molly C. Quinn and his mother Martha Rogers : Susan Sullivan , a tarnished and faded actress . This is a fine and successful police series with romance elements developed through 173 episodes in eight seasons , in fact the seven main actors : Nathan Fillon , Stana Katic , Jon Huertas , Seamus Dever , Molly Quinn, Susan Sullivan played these 173 episodes. While other secondary roles as Penny Johnson Jerald made 93 as captain Gates, Ruben Santiago Hudson as captain Montgomery performed 61 episodes, Arye Gross acted 17 episodes , Scott Paulin interpreted 9 . Furthermore , a great deal of notorious guest stars as Jack Coleman , Jennifer Beals , Dana Delaney , Dylan Walsh , Lisa Edelstein, Robert Picado , Michael Dorn , Adrián Pasdar , Lee Tergesen , Jason Beghe , Yancey Arias , Gerald McRaney , James Brolin and many others. Rating : 6.5/10 . Decent and enjoyable series .
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The change in Beckett character ruined the show
imacmee13 February 2023
I don't think they should've gotten Castle and Beckett together. I get it's what fans wanted but it ruined the show for me. Beckett became this hypocrite that it's okay she lies and is mean to Castle at her convenience but if he innocently kept things from her or to protect her, it's a major ordeal. Besides what is the deal with her having to look like a model all the time later on - have the perfect tan and hair done, etc. She just became this self righteous, arrogant snob. I have a hard time watching her character with seeing her be a softy with Castle then her obsession in deception ruining relationships. He should've let her go and do her own thing and move on. He didn't need her. The show would've been successful whomever they paired with Castle. It was nice to see him stop being such ac playboy, but Beckett just became annoying to me and not a good match for Castle. It would have been nice to kill her off and start with a new experience with him and his detective agency. Castle is definitely the reason to watch and how he played off the characters, always fun and enjoyable to watch!
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