- rogerebert.com [Roger Ebert]
- ReelViews [James Berardinelli]
- Rolling Stone [Peter Travers]
- Salon.com [Andrew O'Hehir]
- San Francisco Chronicle [Amy Biancolli]
- USA Today [Claudia Puig]
- The Village Voice [Dan Kois]
- Screen It! (spoilers)
- FlickFilosopher.com [MaryAnn Johanson]
- 100 Films in a Year [Richard Nelson]
- A Nutshell Review [Stefan S]
- About.com [Rebecca Murray]
- Abus de ciné [Frédéric Wullschleger]
- French
- Actors Ink [Ray Wong]
- Ain't It Cool [Steve "Capone" Prokopy]
- ALDMovieland
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- AlohaCriticon [Antonio Méndez]
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- Alone in the Dark [Paul Greenwood]
- Alternative Assessments [The Evaluator]
- Andy's Film Blog [Andy Kaiser]
- Are You Screening? [Marc Eastman]
- Associated Content [Stephen Pomposello]
- Austin Chronicle [Marc Savlov]
- AVForums (Blu-ray) [Alan Paterson]
- aVoir-aLire.com [Frédéric Mignard]
- French
- BallsAcademy.com [Brett H.]
- Baltimore magazine [Max Weiss]
- Big Picture Big Sound [Joe Lozito]
- Big Thoughts From a Small Mind [Courtney Small]
- Bigfanboy.com [Gary Murray]
- Bina007 Movies [Caterina Benincasa]
- Blog do Heu [Helvecio Parente]
- Portuguese
- Blu-ray.com [Casey Broadwater]
- Blueprint: Review [Dazz Camponi]
- Bohica
- bpaszylk.com [Bartlomiej Paszylk]
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- Brian Vs. Movies
- Briandom [Brian Orndorf]
- Bullz-Eye.com [David Medsker]
- Cairo 360 [Haisam Abu-Samra]
- Cenas de Cinema [Cecilia Barroso]
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- CervenyKoberec.cz [Eliska Bartlova]
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- Chicago Tribune [Matt Pais]
- Chicago Tribune [Michael Phillips]
- Cine Zone [Alberto Di Felice]
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- Cine.gr [Stavros Ganotis]
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- Cinecaps Digest
- CineClandestino.it [Daniele De Angelis]
- Italian
- Cinefacts
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- Cinefantastique [Steve Biodrowski]
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