19 of 28 found this severe
A man and woman have sex. The woman is shown thrusting/bouncing energetically and moaning loudly. There are close-ups and various angles of them in different positions mostly focusing on her large breasts. Both are naked however no male nudity is seen.
13 of 16 found this severe
One graphic rape scene.
A lot more violent than the previous two.
The main theme of this one is more like a horror movie. In several scenes people are seen getting cut up with a hand-held saw-like device, and lots of blood and gore are seen.
7 of 12 found this mild
The F-Word is used several times and some other mild-moderate profanity.
5 of 8 found this mild
People smoke and drink here and there.
A man lights up a joint and takes several tokes off of it.
A man makes a marijuana delivery to someone.
A man sniffs some kind of inhalant, and is shown a few seconds later stumbling around and losing his balance.
7 of 10 found this moderate
The whole movie is quite intense. The opening scene might disturb and shock mostly everybody and the ending is quite suspensful and upsetting.