14 of 32 found this mild
An infected woman is seen with no clothes on the top.
Three teenagers play with an inflatable sex doll on top of a building ( in a brief scene ) - no sexual acts are performed.
24 of 27 found this severe
A small infected boy has his head blown off by a shotgun. This is very shocking and quite graphic.
R violence type: blood, gore and graphic.
The whole film is filled with violence and gore, and here are the main points.
The stairs of the apartment building are coated in blood and guts.
The infected are covered in their own blood.
A man is shot in the head, and is killed immediately.
A man is sniped in the ear, however he survives.
A firework is set alight and shoved into the mouth of an infected lady. She stumbles along the corridor of an apartment, before the firework explodes and her head appears to be blown off.
A man kills himself in a bathroom after being trapped by the infected. You can only see a second or less of blood, before the camera blacks out.
A man is shot to death, before being thrown over the bannister of the stairs and hitting the floor with a loud thud.
14 of 21 found this severe
Over 100 f words
Frequent use of strong language like "fuck", "shit", "cunt", and many other profanities throughout.
21 of 22 found this to have none
A pill is taken
16 of 22 found this severe
While this movie is not as scary as the first one, it has a lot more gore then it's predecessor