Call of Duty: World at War (2008 Video Game)
Chris Fries: Sgt. Sullivan
Japanese Solider : You think because you say nothing you are strong.
[walks over to Pyle starts beating him up]
Pvt. Pyle : [to Miller] Don't tell 'em... a fucking thing...
[he spits blood onto the Japanese officer's face; the officer puts a cigarette out in Pyle's eye]
Pvt. Pyle : Go to hell.
[the officer tells another soldier in Japanese to kill both Pyle and Miller; he slits Pyle's throat, and as he is about to kill Miller, he is killed by Roebuck]
Cpl. Roebuck : Miller. You're okay. Thank God. We're gonna make 'em pay for what they've done.
Sgt. Sullivan : Fuckers!
[to Miller]
Sgt. Sullivan : Grab a rifle. We are going to tear this place apart.