Piano player is seen looking at singer's (fully clothed) rear end.
At one point we hear "rub it up against me"
During concert, girls are seen rubbing the bare chest of the performer.
Talk about spending the night. How far one has been.
Followed by some kissing. "Saving myself for you. "
Walk into a hotel room.
Man tells a lady to "Be in my bed when I get back or somebody else will."
Later, there is talk about being your first and losing virginity.
Home pregnancy test is seen.
Daughter hit father's face
Man strikes lady for when she says something he does not like.
Grabbed her by the throat later. Later, she is seen with bruises and told to wear more makeup to cover them up.
Later, she is hit again.
Two men are fighting at another point.
Cinemax content advisory: rated PG-13 for violence (V), adult language (AL), and adult content (AC).
This movie includes approximately 10 curse words including d--n, he--, a--, etc. Some of the cursing in the movie also takes place in a church.
Several people are seen with drinks in a dance club.
Later, a couple is seen drinking.
More night club scenes.
There is some smoking in the movie.