Les Sorciers de Waverly Place, le film (TV Movie 2009) Poster

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much better than expected
makdaddy5328 August 2009
This was a very good movie. Disney as I remember it kinda, I grew up on Disney films and lets face it they've fallen off in the last decade or so. But anyways back to the movie, while you've seen the plot many times before it still kept you wondering. The acting was superb, Jake T Austin does much better than expected in a role where he could have been a cliché, Selena Gomez and David Henrie were beyond convincing in their roles, their scenes together were my favorite! While the brother/sister relationship was in tact you could see that they ginuinely love and care for each other and credit goes to Ms. Gomez and Mr. Henrie for that. After seeing this I wonder what they will do next both have good careers ahead of them if they play their cards right. Their scenes were just so natural. Credit also goes to Mr. David Deluise and Maria Berrero (sorry forgot her name), the chemistry between the family makes you believe that they are really a tight nit family. To David Deluise your icon of a father would be proud of you for this performance. Hope they expand on the characters in the future and go for a feature film I would see it.
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More Potter Than Partridge
bkoganbing30 August 2009
I'm surprised that the Walt Disney Studios didn't release this film version of their series The Wizards Of Waverly Place to the big screen first as they did with Hannah Montana. Given the special effects it probably would have been better served on the big screen.

Be that as it may, I think more than the fans of the television series would appreciate this one. When I reviewed the television series I said that the kids reminded me of the Partridge Family offspring. They still do, but in the course of the film the story is more of a Harry Potter type story.

Selena Gomez who's the pretty, but slightly rebellious middle child balks at the restrictions in general placed on her magic by her parents, but even more so when the family goes to the Caribbean for a vacation. With a really powerful wand in her hand, she says something really dumb like she wishes her mother and father had never met. So when David DeLuise and Maria Canals Barrera treat her and brothers David Henrie and Jake T. Austin. Of such wishes are Twilight episodes and It's A Wonderful Life plots spun.

The only thing to do is for the kids to find the Stone Of Dreams which can reverse any spell. But Gomez, Henrie, and Austin have other folks looking for the same Stone to cure their problems.

The cast of the show is an appealing one and the show itself might gain a few viewers with this film. But it really should have gone to the big screen first.
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A cute movie adaptation, although the show is still better.
StartingAllOver149 January 2010
Out of all the recent shows from Disney Channel, "Wizards of Waverly Place" seems to be the one that it's acceptable to like and has the biggest fan-base besides "Hannah Montana". And it's well-deserved, cause "Wizards" it's a funny, entertaining and watchable show. As the popularity increased, the creators decided to give the show a movie, just as "Hannah Montana" and "Lizzie McGuire" were given their movies. But this time, "Wizards" has been given a non-theatrical one. While this movie-adaptation is a cute one, it doesn't surpass the show and neither it's the best Disney Channel flick I've seen.

But let's mention something positive first. Selena Gomez as Alex is the one who carries most of the movie. Besides being incredibly cute and charismatic, this is also perhaps the best acting I've seen from her. When she's leaves "Wizards", she should definitively get out of Disney and aim for more mature roles, cause she has a lot of potential to develop herself to a great actress.

Besides of Alex, the whole Russo family are present in this film, which is nice to see. Jerry (David DeLuise) is just as funny and charismatic as he is in the show, Teresa (Maria Canals-Barrera) is more or less the same character, while Max (Jake T. Austin) is whimsical to an lesser extent. The one who's differs himself from the series is Justin (David Henrie), who shows a more responsible and mature side of himself, which suits the character, although I prefer the goofy and dorky Justin, cause he's usually funnier that way. But he and Alex's has a great sibling chemistry in the film and their relationship are more or less the heart of the story.

Although I don't like saying it, "Wizards of Waverly Place The Movie" somehow suffers from the same problems as "Hannah Montana The Movie"; blending funny characters from a sitcom into a more serious plot. Though "Hannah Montana The Movie" turned the Hannah-concept to all that it wasn't; a sappy melodrama which turned it's back to the show's premises and continuity (Maybe Disney could've hired a director who actually had seen the show?). But while "Hannah Montana The Movie" was more or less absent of humor, "Wizards of Waverly Place The Movie" has some hilarious moments along the road and while it takes the characters to a new place, it doesn't mess with the continuity of the plot as "Hannah" did.

However, Wizards does suffers some other issues; Archie (Steve Valentine) is charismatic, but not a threatening enough as a villain. The movie is cute, but still lacks the spirit and the spunk from the TV show. Although the story is solid, it does struggle with pacing, the slow and fast-pacing moments feels quite separate. Perhaps the movie could've been more energetic and more cohesive paced if it was theatrical released? Well, there has been some rumors about the producers wanting to do a theatrically released sequel. And good is that.

Otherwise, I shan't complain anymore about "Wizards"; It is after all a cute and watchable movie. Fans of the show has already warmly embraced it and those who haven't seen the movie won't probably be disappointed. The story is solid and adventurous, with many nods to both Indiana Jones and Power Rangers. The score by Kenneth Burgomaster is cute and solidly supports the story. The special effects are quite impressive for belonging to a TV movie. And the film has some sweet, tender moments as well.

So to the conclusion; Is "Wizards of Waverly Place The Movie" worth a view? In spite of it's flaws; Ys, absolutely. It is a watchable and okay movie. But a note to Disney; Please stop making movies out of your shows.
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Best DCOM EVER! Perfect for any age to enjoy and a great family film!
rockstar9929 August 2009
Wow, is all I can say about this movie, it was the best DCOM movie I have ever seen, The movie gave a very good family outlook with many scenes showing how the three siblings missed their parents and how they were determined to get their parents to know them. The actors in this are just flat out fantastic, I really like the TV show, but when I watched this, all the actors seemed more geared up and prepared. The chemistry of all the actors really made me like this movie, Selena Gomez once again does a great job, and the scenes in the movie between David Henrie and Selena Gomez were just unbelievable, the way they acted in every scene together was just perfect.

When I first saw the promos for this movie, I was like, oh that sounds cool, but I didn't expect it to be so good. Although the plot was a recycled one that's been used by Disney a lot, the actors breathed a new life to it with all of their amazing performances, and the special effects( although not Hollywood picture perfect) they were amazing for a disneychannel movie.

And the ending scenes of the movie were great, and once the movie was done, I was satisfied,( something that usually doesn't happen when I watch a DCOM)
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it was alright
Floated230 August 2009
Before watching this movie i expected it to be just like the television show (a comedy with jokes) but the movie turned out to be a more serious suspenseful film. It was alright but there should have been a warning before watching this. I mean this could scare young kids. The acting was pretty good. The plot was kinda weak though. I've seem this plot before. The movie didn't seem that long, it was entertaining but really could have been more funnier. I didn't laugh once. The characters seemed different because they were older and more mature. They all had great chemistry together. Another good thing about the movie is that Harper didn't have a big role. She was just in the beginning of the movie. She was only in it for about 6 minutes. That was great, she is really annoying. The movie didn't have any other minor characters from the television show but it didn't need to. They're on vacation.

Id recommend watching this movie, it was pretty decent!
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Good but not great
pspsandoval17 July 2020
Since the Series sitcom was very good you'll spect that the movie would also be as good, it isn't but it's enjoyable and with a great cast, background and argument. And the most important thing is for all the ages. Greetings.
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RosanaBotafogo21 March 2023
Embark on a supernatural and exciting adventure with the Russos, his family of apprentice sorcerers. While on vacation, Alex accidentally casts a spell that will affect his family's existence, preventing his parents' first meeting. Now, Max tries to keep his parents together, while Alex and Justin use every trick they know to find the Stone of Dreams so they can reverse the magic and save their family. You won't want to miss a single second of this action-packed, magic-packed feature.

In 2015 "I love witches and wizards, but this one I gave up on at first..." ...8 years ago... Nothing has changed... But at least this time I went all the way..Poor Selena, when Disney gets it right she is wonderful, but when she exaggerates and goes over the point, or rather, when she falls short, she really wastes time and talents, silly at all, boring too... And the effects, this one is without comments, or hobby, it's a waste of time, thank goodness what I watched it on a mini screen at work solving routine processes...
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Liked the series hated the film
lisafordeay28 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching Wizards of Waverly Place since I got the Disney Channel back in 2008 and when I heard there was a movie about it I decided to hell with it to check it out.

The film is about the russo who go on a holiday vacation and Alex(Selena Gomez) has a fight with her mother Theresa and wishes that her parents never met. Of course when that happens she and her brothers Max & Justin have to try and bring them back together again or else they won't exist anymore. Meanwhile some guy and his bird whos name is wait for it Giselle(hey isn't that the name of the charcther in Enchanted LOL)anyway his after some stone or whatever it was cause I don't care and you can probably guess the rest of it for yourselves.

The cast was awful,the story was dreadful and if you like the series then stick with the series and avoid this one cause its bloody awful.
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This is a DCOM?
VoiceofJustice29 August 2009
To be honest, I began watching this movie not expecting much... and I'm a pretty big fan of WOWP the show. I was under the impression that DCOMs were made to suck. I know a rare, rare few has had its' successes, but after trash like Camp Rock, I just do not expect much from these DCOMs anymore.

This movie was delightful to watch. This movie for once, actually had a plot. The scenery was beautiful, and the visual effects were actually not super shabby. I know it wasn't perfect, but definitely decent for a DCOM. The acting was definitely good. Selena was brilliant in this movie, and she outshines any other teen stars currently at Disney. Miley Cyrus can move out of the way for this amazing actress.

This is a movie for kids, teens, families and even older people who don't mind a cute, humorous, sweet adventure movie.

You'll enjoy it.
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Great Disney movie
chloebetts3 August 2021
I think this movie was really sweet and love seeing the dynamic between the Russo siblings.
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Absolutely Unexpectedly Amazing
wootologist0129 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This has no spoilers, promise! Okay, I'll admit, I don't care for Disney Channel movies. I watch them, yes, but Camp Rock? Please..

I will also admit to being a bit partial to Selena Gomez over the other Disney stars for mainly the reason that she is a better actor. I sort of like Wizards of Waverly place, and I really liked Princess Protection Program, but I absolutely LOVED this movie! A few parts (very few) were maybe a bit over the top, but most of the movie was REALLY good. It was obviously better quality than the series, much better plot, and the special effects were totally believable in almost every way. The setting was cool, the acting was really good, and the dramatic parts (near the end especially) are both suspenseful and make you completely connect with the characters - which never happens for me unless it's a really good movie. Plus, it's almost a... More 'innocent' version of Harry Potter, with better characters.

The movie made me cry, and the outcome is completely unexpected. It shows a better side of the WOWP actors and makes you think you are watching a theater movie and not a DCOM. All in all, I loved it, and I think Selena Gomez will probably go to a lot bigger movies when she is finished with Disney Channel.
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A Magical and Entertaining Adventure
sufyaanrashid9519 June 2023
"Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie" is a TV movie based on the popular Disney Channel series. The film follows the Russo family as they travel to a tropical island in search of a magical stone that could potentially strip them of their wizardly powers.

One of the strengths of the film is its cast. Selena Gomez shines in her role as Alex Russo, bringing her character's wit and charm to life on the big screen. The supporting cast, including David Henrie and Jake T. Austin, also deliver strong performances that add depth and humor to the story.

The film's production value is also noteworthy. The tropical setting provides a beautiful backdrop for the story, and the special effects showcasing the wizardly powers of the characters are impressive and add to the overall magical tone of the movie.

The themes of the movie, which include the importance of family, the consequences of one's actions, and the power of forgiveness, are also noteworthy. The story delivers these messages in a way that is accessible and relatable to younger viewers, while also providing entertainment for older audiences.

Overall, "Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie" is a magical and entertaining adventure that will appeal to fans of the television series and newcomers alike. Its strong cast, impressive production value, and positive message make it a must-watch for anyone who loves a good family-friendly movie. Whether you're a fan of wizardry or just looking for a fun and heartwarming story, this movie is sure to cast a spell on you.
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A Spellbinding Film Adaptation of One of My Favorite Disney Channel Shows
kobebusia18 February 2012
From the moment the preview for this movie was being shown on TV, I was very excited about it mainly because of the tone, the mood, and the action-packed adventure that was lying ahead. There were too many great things about this film that I was simply blown away by; 1st off, the acting was great, especially from David Henrie and Selena Gomez, and Jake T. Austin didn't act as stupid as he normally would on the show. The special effects were just mind-blowing and incredible, the location at which they were shooting (Puerto Rico) was amazing, and I really liked how Jerry(David Deluise) got to use magic and be more quirky, which he doesn't get too much of on the show. Honestly, this is one of the best DCOM's I've ever seen, and considering how great it was and how cool the visual effects were, this should've been a feature film. The story was so well constructed, and it really reflected how kids would wish for things out of anger and resentment, and then in this film it actually happened, and eventually Alex was in regret. My favorite acting scene was between Alex and Theresa, and also when Alex cried about how Justin couldn't remember her, and how he should've won the wizard competition. And I will say that it was for the best that Harper(Jennifer Stone) had a small role in the film, because there was nothing they could do for her character. This film is so great, the acting is so professional, it's from the director of Minutemen, and I love it. This is the kind of film that deserves a sequel, but that's more than likely not gonna happen. A shocker in regards to this film is that the writer, Dan Berendsen sank so low and went as far as co-writing Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam. But besides that, this film is so cool, and one of the greatest DCOMs ever!!!
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Puerto Rico vacation
SnoopyStyle24 September 2023
The Russo family is going on a magic-free vacation. The parents take the wands away from the kids. They encounter street magician Archie who claims to be a wizard. Alex (Selena Gomez) makes a bad wish. Brother and sister have to work together.

I've never seen Wizards of Waverly Place but this popped up on the TV. It seems like a good idea to see a young Selena Gomez in her breakout role. Her character Alex is a snarky self-involved teenager. Her star power is self-evident. The filming is going to Puerto Rico and there is plenty of sand and surf. They do go to some good wilderness. There is a bit of heart as brother and sister reconcile. Steve Valentine is good at being underhanded. It's a Disney TV movie and better than most of them.
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Best Disney Movie since the 90's!
gossipgrrl1330 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is honestly the best Disney Movie i have seen since the 90's. It wasn't corny and the plot was very good. The ending wasn't lame or stupid, it had a lot of depth. This movie appeals to all ages its not one of those just for the little kids type of movie, because i am older and i loved it. in my opinion this movie was better then the Hannah Montana Movie and there is no reason that that movie was shown in theaters and this one was not. One of the main reasons the movie was so good was because the acting was absolutely brilliant. Selena Gomez (Alex Russo) gives the performance of a lifetime! She was absolutely amazing in this movie. David Henrie (Justin Russo) and Jake T. Austin (Max Russo) were amazing as well. There also was none of that trying to be funny comedy, like a lot of the Disney Channel Shows. I loved how the parents Jerry Russo (David DeLuise) and Maria Canals-Barrera (Theresa Russo) acted like real parents. I loved how this was truly about family, Selena and David had amazing chemistry as brother and sister as well as Jake Austin. It was so believable. The special affects were great! i loved the way they used their magic. Oh and i will also say, this is the first Disney Channel movie to make me cry since Tru Confessions, which is really saying something. Before this movie, i only occasionally watched Wizards of Waverly Place but after this i am planning on watching the new season. If you were a Disney fan in the 90's and you miss those movies like Wish Upon a Star and Susie Q, this movie will live up to your expectations. i give this 10/10. its the best Disney movie of this decade.
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Surprisingly good
RKbull12128 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The Movie was surprisingly not bad by any means in fact it was actually pretty good. The story is that a wizard named Alex wishes that her parents have never met and low and behold it actually happens. Now her and her brothers must undo the wish she made before history catches up with them. The plot does have resemblance to Back to the future, but does a good job and keeping it fresh and original. The Key factor in the movie was the mixture of drama and humor which excels in both you will laugh and you will feel bad for the main characters. Another key factor to the movie is the acting these three actors are maturing as a actors and actresses and it definitely shows from watching the T.V. show to the movie. The Special Effects are also upgraded in the movie from the show. So ultimately I will definitely recommend to watch this one on T.V. or if you see it on DVD pick it up its pretty good
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Better than every other Disney Channel Movie combined!
rosethenia23 October 2009
This movie is honestly better than any other DCOM, Nickelodeon Movie or straight-to-DVD movie out there. It was written so well that (barely noticeable) flaws were forgivable. Sarcasm, and typical WOWP one-liners were inserted at just the right places that you can't help but laugh when the moment comes! Plus, the chemistry between each character was so good that you might even forget that they're just acting and that they're not actually related. O_o Even the extras made the film extra awesome!

I'm not a very easy person to please but, frankly, NOTHING in this film disappointed me because it was SO MUCH better than I expected. You probably wouldn't believe me until you saw it for yourself!

It truly is MAGIC. :)

P.S. I think the next few DCOMs should be worried. They have pretty big shoes to fill!
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Magic Movie
Gabitzul5 July 2010
This movie is magic.I like it very much.It makes you relax and it is very funny like the series.The acting is very good and the plot is excellent.It is not only for the kids, it's for everybody.No matter what age are you, this movie should be seen if you like comedies.Selena Gomez is Alex Russo a 16 years old girl who doesn't want to go on holiday with his parents but finally she is made to go on the trip.When they arrive there, Alex and her mother have a fight.That's where all start.From there I won't present the rest of the movie because is very exciting and I let you see the rest of it.From this movie you should understand that sometimes is better to listen the others, they might say something for your good.
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Best Disney Movie Ever!!!!!
RockstarJ_29 August 2009
This movie is best that I seen from Disney since the other ones are lame and/or stupid (not, Hatching Pete). I watched the movie last night on its premiere night and it was amazing. The whole cast is brilliant (Selena Gomez, David Henrie, Jake T. Austin, David DeLuise, and Maria Canals-Barrera), especially Selena and David (Justin), I love their characters. One of the reasons why I like this movie is because they get to use magic to their full extent (much better than the series). Another thing why I liked the movie is because it's my favorite show on Disney (so I'm going to watch it), and then Hannah Montana and that's about it. Also there special effects are so good, better than what Disney does, even though 2 or 3 scenes were bad, but over all it was great. So I'm going to watch it on Saturday and Sunday for behind-the-scenes special effects on Saturday and Sunday sneak peeks to Season 3.
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Wizards rock!
latoyabassett-646-66548030 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I really like Wizards of Waverly Place the movie. In the movie Alex and Justin had to take an enormous journey. Even if your an adult you'll really enjoy this movie. Adults find kid shows stupid and boring but if you see this one you'll really get attached. This movie will make a great family night. Its funny and you fill like your in the movie. Its incredibly awesome. I think that they did an extremely good job acting. And I think they made good back rounds for every scene. All of the characters did a good job with making up their facial expressions. Its so cool how they didn't just make it all dull and stuff. They came up with an extended addition. All in all I think you should see Wizards of Waverly Place the movie.
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What a great end to Wizards of Waverly Place! Best DCOM ever!
karl_with-1225 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not joking, out of all the DCOM's, this has got to be the best one I've ever seen. It was immensely better than The Hannah Montana Movie, Camp Rock or the hideous High School Musical. It was unlike anything we would see in the TV series. This movie brang everything to a whole new level. It was simply fantastic. Selena Gomez was the star of the movie. Her acting was superb. She progressed very well throughout the movie and throughout the series. David Henrie was good too.

The entertainment was bigger and better. The action kept me on the edge of my seat. For example: parts like at the hillside, where Justin and Alex made a stone bridge to cross the river. Also when Justin got stuck in quick sand and when Justin and Alex had to conquer the almighty cave (that was the best bit!). This all came from the visuals/special effects. They actually looked okay, quite realistic...great!

The chemistry between Alex and Justin was really sweet. I was actually surprised by that because you wouldn't normally see that kind of affection between them in the series. But my only negative in the movie is "the using magic in public" especially by the dad. Also, like at the part when Max turns the women into a dog, that was kind of stupid. But then again, surprisingly, people didn't have the eyes to notice anything.

Overall, having seen nearly all the WOWP episodes myself, I feel a bit sad because it's the end of the entire series. I loved the show and the movie. It was simply funny, charming and entertaining. To be honest, I wasn't expecting the movie to be that good but there's always a surprise waiting to happen in Waverly Place.
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Much Better Film Than Expected
illbebackreviews7 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've been a big fan of the TV Show Wizards of Waverly Place and was excited to hear about the upcoming film of Wizards of Waverly Place. But, I wasn't going in with high hopes because I've known there have been many disappointments with films like these. However, WOWP the movie was brilliant.

There is no need to talk about the acting. We all know how well Selena, David Henrie, David DeLuise, Jake and Maria acted. They were brilliant as usual. The new actors did a great job. The visual effects were much better than in the TV Show. The plot was great, and I believed this story had so much in it.

SPOILERS***SPOILERS The story is about the Russo's, who go on a vacation to the Caribbean, one of the world's most magical places. Jerry and Theresa do not allow the use of magic during the trip, but Alex gets mad and accidentally casts a spell, stating that she "wished that you (Theresa) and dad had never even met). This causes a spell to go around and suddenly Theresa, nor Jerry even remember their own kids. They're once more unmarried and Jerry has his powers. Things are twenty years into the past. Justin and Russo must find way to the Stone of Dreams whilst Max must make sure that neither of their parents form any relationships with others and get married.

END OF SPOILERS***END OF SPOILERS The film is great. Disney has proved what its capable of, and I certainly loved it. There is much comedy, but isn't as much as the TV Show. Things are much more serious, and things are still exciting.

Well done 9/10
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Great TV Movie
kaitlingumdrop4 March 2012
Most TV Movie based off a series, especially on Disney Channel, are rushed in their plot line. This is not. The plot line was very through, full and I never once thought that the story was squeezed into a time slot. Also there was little to no contradictory statements compared to the season. The cast was at its top acting- wise. They were fantastic. It had everything a great movie should- action, suspense, a great lesson, comedy, and really sweet moments. I loved the Alex- Justin scene! It was a very sweet brother- sister moment. Great ending, Great Acting, Great Movie especially considering it is a DCOM from a series. I highly recommend it to anyone who liked the series (especially in the first and second season).
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Just as good as the Show
kdnor201117 April 2012
Wizards of Waverly Place was the last live action show on Disney Channel that I actually watched, it was funny, it had good characters, the magic elements were fun, and it had several story arcs. Sure the special effects were bad, but they were bad in that fun cheesy way. So in 2009, two years after the show premiered, we got a made for TV movie based on the show, and it was just as good as the show.

The movie follows the Russo's as they go to the Bahama's. While there, Alex falls for a wind surfing teacher, but when her mother says she can't hang out with him, she wishes that her parents never met. And because she was holding the family wand, her wish comes true. So now Alex, Justin and Max must find a way to undo the spell before they disappear forever.

This movie works for the same reasons the show does. It's funny, it's got good characters, the film has a story, and it's a lot of fun. Unlike the show though, the effects and production value, are actually pretty good. Not enough for a theatrical release, but pretty good. There were only two things I didn't care for. One was the fact that Harper was barely in it. And the other was that the scenes with Alex and Justin alone felt weird, they're supposed to be brother and sister, yet they are acting like lovers.
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More Endearing Than Any Individual Episode
zkonedog11 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Though each individual episode of the hit Disney Channel TV show "Wizards of Waverly Place" is fun and quirky in its own right, all the material (acting, plot, witty one-liners) seems to fly by so fast that the viewer isn't left with much real emotion. It's almost as if the show gets so caught up in the formula (Alex does bad but prevails, Justin does good but never gets rewarded, etc.) that it doesn't take enough time to slow down and really examine the relationships between any of the characters. Luckily, the "Wizards of Waverly Place" movie solves that problem.

For a basic plot summary, the magical Russo family begins the film with Mom and Dad dragging the kids off on a vacation to recreate their honeymoon. The usual eye-rolling and complaints begin, but Alex (played by the always-entertaining Selena Gomez) takes things one step too far by metaphorically wishing (while holding the family's magic wand) that her parents had never even met, thus they wouldn't be on this "stupid vacation" in the first place. Of course, thanks to the wand, that wish is granted, and suddenly the Russo siblings are no longer part of a family, as Mom and Dad don't even recognize each other. The rest of the film, then, centers on the kids' quest to find the "Stone of Dreams", a magical, enchanted item that can grant any wish or reverse any spell.

With the expanded feature-length runtime, the plot and character development of the film are able to be realized much more deeply than in any previous episode. We get to learn more about both parents and why they are like they are, as well as how the Russo children (namely Justin and Alex) view each other and what can be done to better those relations. In a touching scene that just might make you start to see through some mist, both Alex and Justin come to terms with each other involving the sometimes-bitter sibling rivalry that has existed between them from the very beginning. This plot line is also a great message for younger children, promoting the values of family and working together.

As usual, the acting is also spot-on. Dad (David DeLuise) and Mom (Maria Canals-Barrera) are at their over-the-top best, while Alex (Gomez) and Justin (David Henrie) are constantly involved in a brilliant give-and-take that will have you both laughing and misting over at different occasions. Even youngest brother Max (Jake T. Austin) hits all the right buttons as the somewhat dumb- founded, yet very innocent bringer of the more physical comic relief.

So, considering this film's ability to delve deeper into the relationships between each character, I consider it to be a rousing success and look forward to great things from the show going forward. Plus, the climax of the final results in the long-awaited "Wizard Challenge", which will determine the Russo child who will come away with the magical powers into adulthood and thus set the stage for Season Three on the Disney Channel.
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