The confinements have turned us into voyeurs, witnesses of other lives framed between windows. This contrast between the home and the horizon of buildings that sustain economic power emerges as an element of confluence in this short film. The image sometimes dissipates, that financial support is darkened. The fog looks like a symbol of Brexit, the promise of an unreal reality.
The city appears empty, almost inert. There is an invasion of birds that seem almost surprised and proud at the absence of human beings. The city is filled with a sound that connects it with nature. But the shadow of the economic crisis is present at all times. Not only because of the epidemic, but above all because of the terrible management of governments, here represented in the changing, contradictory words of Boris Johnson. In the invitation to return to work, in the representation of a ruler shaking hands in hospitals and later asking citizens to stay at home.
And finally, a terrifying reality remains: more people have died due to the management of the pandemic by governments than due to the dietary consequences of the coronavirus.