Près des yeux, près du cœur (TV Movie 2021) Poster

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I loved this sweet little romance that should have been called "The Tiny Fork"!
cgvsluis6 August 2021
This was a sleepy little surprise that I absolutely loved! The story is about Carly who had to work her way through college and ended up playing it a little bit safe with her career. Carly has a successful bridal styling business, but with a degree in design should really be designing for her own label. She is quite successful at what she does and is booked for every weekend for the next year, until her latest celebrity wedding ups the date by three days...freeing her up for the weekend to take up her friend on her offer to treat her to a spa weekend at the lodge she manages outside of San Francisco. There Carly meets the events chef Nick, who really wants to have his own restaurant and make some experimental Asian fusion foods. Carly is so natural with Nick that not only do the two really hit it off, but they get to know each other's passions and foibles...including Carly's quirky eat desserts at home thing. She becomes his official taste tester and he becomes her wingman as it turns out there is a wedding of some old college acquaintances and her college crush is there to attend.

Nick and Carly have wonderful chemistry and are the exact kind of sweet lovely people that you want to know and root for in a delightful romance.

I thought this would be one of the standard Hallmark Rom-Com's, but I ended up being delightfully surprised. It was so much more. I loved the showcasing of some different careers. I loved people being nice to one another...for no other reason than to just be nice and help one another. And I truly loved the tiny fork story, with both the follow through on a thoughtful thank you gift and the naming of the restaurant (although I am really surprised the restaurant wasn't named Lola).

This may be the best Hallmark Romantic Comedy that I have seen this year.
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Comfort Hallmark movie found
macramos23 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved this one! I admit I was in it for Janel Parrish & she was great. The chemistry between her & Marco Grazzini was so strong & they were so cute. The setting is gorgeous and who doesn't love it when food is involved. I also loved the little hints of Filipino food in the dishes Nick makes & I'm so glad the plot had him make those dishes. I love that despite the Hallmark romance tropes, the friendship between Carly & Nick was so fun to watch develop into more.
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A lot better than...
IdaSlapter18 April 2021
...the majority of Hallmark TV-movies, thanks in large part to the natural acting style of the leading man, Marco Grazzini. Yes, others in the cast are good, including Janelle Parrish and Hillary Jardine, but Grazzini plays it all so low-key, and with such self-effacing, easy-going charm, that he makes it believable that Nick and Carly are actually falling in love.
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A very pleasant moment
RaniaALDMR31 December 2021
The main characters go very well together; from the start, their relationship is based on a bond of friendship and complicity. The story, even if it is not original, shows everyone's questions about past friendships, unfinished stories, what could have been. However, I really don't like this mania in the majority of romantic comedies where, towards the end of the movie, there is suddenly a problem, an irrelevant problem which seems unrealistic, that is magically and quickly resolved towards the end, which is what usually ruins the story.
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icu_rns23 January 2022
This movie had an even more predictable plot than most of Hallmark's movies. The plot was boring, and plodded along until the end, without any interesting plot twists. The acting was fine, with exception of the lead roles. Marco Grazzini was believable as Nick, while Janel Parrish didn't do as well. Unlike so many other Hallmark movies, I won't be watching this one again.
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Awkward Start
catjfaux20 April 2021
This film has a long, slow, awkward first half. The initial meeting of the two main characters was especially awkward. Perhaps the fact that they are stuck in one location for the majority of the film increased this aspect for me, because I know many Hallmark movies feature a "meet cute" moment that is sometimes pretty awkward. The movie improved in the last half, but overall this is a forgettable one from the Hallmark movie machine.
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Janel Parrish
Jackbv12322 April 2021
Anything positive for me in this movie is Janel Parrish. I loved Holly and Ivy and the character of Melody. Parrish has hints of that same character here although not quite as selfless.

The plot revolves around the triangle with Carly and her college crush and Nick. That means a lot of screen time with the crush and Carly, but that felt like a waste to me. With Nick, I was distracted by what seemed like his determination to get fired. He rebels against Chef Edward from the beginning. In short, the story didn't appeal to me.
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Janel Parrish & Marco Grazzini Make This One Worth Watching
mfreburg-946-13754127 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Just to correct a couple of errors in another review, Carly (Janel Parrish) is not a fashion designer and does not work for a "major firm." She does wedding dresses only and owns her own small business with one other employee. She did study fashion design in school but as the movie begins is not designing fashion. This is why she was so busy and why it was so rare for her to have a free weekend to visit the resort where our story takes place. One other error made by this same reviewer was when he said that after Carly's visit to the resort where her friend Sydney (Hilary Jardine) is manager and where Carly met Nick (Marco Grazzini), it was not three years later when Sydney invited her up again and they went to a new restaurant that turned out to be Nick's. It was actually three months later. Perhaps minor details, but nonetheless let's keep our story straight.

Since I'm already posting a review, I'll add that this movie had a well-written script and was well-acted by (almost) all concerned. I might make an exception for Anthony Konechny, who played Matt, Carly's crush from college, who she found out quickly was not worth pursuing. Konechny doesn't seem to be up to the acting task. I've seen him in at least one other film and thought he was equally subpar in that one as well. His facial expressions are generally bad. Brandi Alexander as one of the bridal party was outstanding as usual, here, as was Jill Morrison as the bride.

I can't find too much fault with this movie, though the ending was a bit rushed, especially considering how much time they devoted to the early and middle scenes. I really think they had enough time to spend more on the wrap-up if they'd simply condensed some of the earlier parts of the film. Nevertheless, other than time allocation, which could have improved the story, I still recommend the movie wholeheartedly. I just watched it for the second (or third?) time. Janel Parrish is so darn cute, and really a good actress. And Marco Grazzini is one of the best actors doing romance films today. Give this one a watch.
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Chemistry anyone?!
weniwuna25 April 2021
I've been watching Hallmark movies for a long time. They really are feel-good films. Sometimes the romance works, and sometimes I just have to give into it. But in this case there was quite a lot of heat coming from the two lead characters! Right from the start. It was like watching a real romance unfold. Nothing was in your face or forced, just very natural and simmering. If they aren't a real couple, then big props to these two marvelous actors!
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Plot? No. Characters? YES!
MIssM1922 April 2021
Carly decides to take some well deserved break from work, so she goes to this lodge up north where her best friend from college works. There she reunites with a group of girls from the same dorm she was in and her crush from that time. She also meets and befriends the sous chef from the lodge, Nick.

I'm disappointed to say that this wasn't for me. I was really was looking forward to the movie and I was let down. I liked both actors in their parts and the chemistry was great. I do enjoy Janel Parrish as a lead and I wouldn't mind more movies with her. But...

What even was the plot? I finished the whole movie and I still don't know. The first part was awfully boring, nothing happened the first 35 minutes, it was just Carly wandering around the place. So, plotwise? Nothing exciting, it was quite a let down.

I did liked, as I mention before, the dynamic between Carly and Nick. They hit it off at the beginning, and they set a nice path for their relationship: from strangers, to confindants, to friends. They really encourage the other to be the best version of themselves, and that was the highlight of the movie for me.

Marco and Janel did the best with that snoozefest they had.
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A very charming story
theresacardona9 May 2021
I have been a hard time watching Hallmark this last year because of all the craziness of the pandemic. The movies with lots of families, restaurants and parties did not seem normal during this time- but I really enjoyed this movie. Both lead characters were very charismatic and they had a lot of chemistry together. The rest of the movie was the usual Hallmark fluff, but the two actors and they're on screen rolls really made it all worthwhile.
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Second chances
TheLittleSongbird17 February 2022
Will admit to not being massively crazy about the 2021 Spring Fling films in general. Of the previously aired Spring Fling films, 'As Luck Would Have It' (which oddly enough actually had the least appealing idea out of all of them) was the only one that for me was good and managed to be among the best 2021 Hallmark films too. 'Right in Front of Me' didn't sound like anything novel, but it also did sound charming and have been known to be on the same page as the Hallmark regular viewers here that liked this film.

'Right in Front of Me' left me very conflicted. Didn't hate it, with the cast being the main reason for it just about being watchable, far from it, but also did not love it as too much of the story was very weak. The premise didn't sound bad at all, but the film doesn't do enough with me. It is also one of those films that does get better if given a chance but it does take a while to get there and one cannot be blamed for strongly considering bailing during the first 30-35 minutes.

Am going to start with mentioning the good. Janel Parrish and Marco Grazzini are very appealing and easy to like leads, and succeed in making their characters real with strengths and flaws without over-doing either. Grazzini especially, being the slightly more consistent one of the two (Parrish took a little longer to grow into the role), is beautifully understated and charming. The chemistry between them is cute, never ill at ease and seemed genuine, the relationship also develops more believably than most Hallmark relationships. The supporting cast are solid.

The production values are also very nicely done, the beautiful scenery looking quite photogenic on camera. There are moments of charm and genuinely amusing playfulness and the film does have characters that didn't come over too much like over-perfect or over-negative stereotypical ciphers, a big common problems with Hallmark (especially the Christmas output).

On the other hand, the story is a major weakness. It is paper thin with an especially interminably dull and literally uneventful first 30-35 minutes, where bailing is considered. It does get better, but it is basically a more of the same variation of the common formula with not much freshness outside of the chemistry. The script does come over as stilted and corny at times and the charm and warmth could have been more consistent.

Did find the final quarter on the forced side in the writing and the ending too tidy. The direction is workmanlike at best and there is not much that is memorable about the music.

In conclusion, watchable but conflicting feelings here. 5/10.
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Cute movie ... but ...
toncincin18 April 2021
Why does Hallmark think that 30+ women act like 16 year olds? The way they portray Carly as a silly school girl with a crush on the guy is ridiculous. I realize they have to create some kind of drama - but come on! Carly is 32-33 years old, a confident and successful business woman ... in real life, she wouldn't behave like this about a guy from her college days...
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Nothing special in front of me
hallmarkmov29 May 2021
Very awkward from beginning to end. I caught the last half of the movie yesterday and it replayed today and I just couldn't finish it. It was unclear what the direction of this movie was, a wedding stylist avoids staying a weekend in an exotic place to go to a spa and sees a bunch of old roommates from college, helps them with a styling decision for the bridesmaid dresses to match (tying flowers around their waist? Really?), and then runs into an old crush who doesn't seem interested in her at all. A chef comes along to give her advice on talking to this crush. There seems to be a lot going on and yet went nowhere. Lots of familiar faces from other hallmark movies but not sure what their roles were? Is this girl a stylist or designer? Does she want to be a designer? Clients can't find outfits and she just designs one and one for herself? It was all very weird.
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Such a cute movie
thenry-2124919 April 2021
I was so excited to watch this at it didn't disappoint!! The chemistry between Nick and Carly was amazing. I'm so glad they didn't have a fight scene like all the other hallmark movies. This is one to watch!!!
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drbreakwell29 May 2021
Another Hallmark flop. Okay story line, a confident woman lead character who has a fashion job, but is awkward with old flame. I don't know any Sous Chefs who have that much time to stand around talking all day. It's time for Hallmark to find new script writers and change their story lines.
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I loved it!
jennyelaine-0368516 May 2021
I thought this was one of the better Hallmark movies. Janel did act a little "silly" at first but that didn't last long and I liked both she and Marco a lot. All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie!
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As Premieres go.......
jamesflannery-8569818 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Carly is a dress designer for a major firm who is on vacation at a resort at which name and location don't seem to matter to the story. What does, apparently is food, which Carly is only too happy to consume for free courtesy of her newfound friend Nick, the assistant chef at whatever this place is. Having all kinds of connections in the fashion biz she agrees to help Nick get investors for his dream of owning his own restaurant in return for advice on how to impress Matt who she's trying to land a date with in her spare time when she's not helping with a wedding or gorging on food samples. Nick tries to help her be less awkward in her first impression and sets up a date which features what else?.....more food. The date fizzles from the start ,her conversation is ditzy and he's distracted by a phone call. Meanwhile Nick fixes her her favorite dessert with a tiny fork to savor before bedtime. She's blows off a nightcap with Matt and the bridesmaids and hurries to her room to romance the cake. After Nick cooks a special meal for a well connected friend of Carly's that results in him losing his job, Carly dejectedly returns home. 3 years later her friend from the resort takes her out to eat at this new restaurant downtown and wouldn't you know's Nick's! The location and the name (The Tiny Fork) should have been a dead giveaway but Carly is stunned. She finally realizes that this man is the key to fulfilling her wildest dreams....eating tons and tons of food. All in all an inauspicious Hallmark premiere for this actress but she does manage to put some com into this rom- com so there's always hope.
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Deserves more appreciation
MickyG33310 February 2023
8.1 stars.

The witty flirtatious banter between the Carly and of the most entertaining. There is much more than humorous dialogue...the allurement is off the charts, an unexpected combination of style, playfulness, and charisma from the leads. I was prepared for a mediocre delivery, but when something surprises me like "Right in Front of Me", I don't quickly forget.

The performances are not lazy, all the personalities pop off the screen, the leads being the most obvious over-performers, but in a good way. The secondary cast are also very well developed and entertaining. "Right in Front of Me" captures the essence of a fun wedding showcasing a group of old friends and a few new ones. They form a melting pot of amusing and interesting individuals. In addition, when the drama unfolds and some challenges emerge, Carly and Nick are ready to bring it to the next level with their charm and talent. This film is pure enjoyment and a must see. Oh, and the romance isn't shabby either.
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12101968kaw3 January 2022
This movie was so boring. I wasn't really sure where any of the story lines were going. Janel Parrish isn't a great actress and it really shows in this movie. She overacts the entire time. This movie was a miss for me.
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4 Words~Marco Grazzini, Janel Parrish!
vsteach-117172 May 2022
I started smiling and laughing within the first 15 minutes. I was not as familiar with Janel and have only seen Marco as a secondary character before. From the beginning of this movie their chemistry was obvious. It is the reason I kept watching to see them finally have their "Happily Ever After". This movie also allows the other actors honestly cheer each other on and not play their jealousy cards. The only thing that I didn't like was the clunky necklace "Carly" wore with the beautiful dress she designed. Otherwise, be ready to smile 😃
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cafreathy9 May 2021
This is the 2nd Hallmark Movie that I couldn't enjoy because I was SOOOO distracted by the INSANE amount of flowers in each and EVERY shot! It is almost like we should have a drinking game linked to every time you spot a flower. (Of course you'd be passed out in the first 15 minutes!) Otherwise ~ Loved the actors, plot was a bit weak.
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Hallmark movie, interesting story but a rather juvenile presentation.
TxMike29 January 2023
Hallmark is a movie mill, they use the same basic story arc in all of them and actors are generally competent but seldom above average. Two single people meet up by accident, they have an attraction, a development disrupts things, but at the end there is what my wife and I call the "Hallmark kiss" during the last minute of the movie. This one actually has five kisses, starting exactly one minute before it ends.

We watched this at home on DVD from our public library. We found it to be a pleasant time-killer although not a very good movie. The real problem is the cast of 30-somethings more often than not act like teenagers, especially the way they react to possible romantic interests. It just isn't genuine at all.

The basic story, a single lady is a designer for weddings in San Francisco, she ends up in Marin County where the wedding party is having difficulties with matching dresses. She helps them out and in the process finds out they are all old college friends of hers, including a guy she had a crush on. But then there is the young Chef at the hotel, needing some help to get out of his rut. The story has enough interest it could have been made into a much better movie.
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Carly Mason (Janel Parrish)
aab87413 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Favorite scene with

Carly Mason (Janel Parrish) - Winning the Very Hot, Hot Hot Wings Challenge and a hat. I want chicken wings now! BTW #1, I'm glad that Carly loved to eat as much as I do! BTW #2, I love Brandi Alexander!
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Right in Front of Me
studioAT11 September 2022
I'm afraid I can't agree with the people lavishing praise on this recent Hallmark film, because for me it's a three star effort at best.

I thought it was painfully slow, with none of the leads having much spark, or indeed chemistry with each other.

The story was a bit of a newer twist on the standard Hallmark plot formula than we've seen lately, but it didn't result in anything particularly noteworthy.

The scene with Carly trying the Asian fusion food taster pretty much summed it all up - not well performed or written.

I commend Hallmark for trying something a bit different, but this wasn't great overall.

A shame.
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