A Couple of Cuckoos is a charming rom-com anime that mixes romance, humor, and a twist of fate in the best possible way. The story follows Nagi Umino, a high school student who learns he was accidentally switched at birth with another baby. His world turns upside down when he meets Erika Amano, a famous social media star who also happens to be his birth parents' chosen fiancée for him!
What makes A Couple of Cuckoos so engaging is its lovable characters and the unfolding love triangle full of hilarious and heartwarming moments. Nagi and Erika's chemistry is undeniable, blending awkwardness, sweetness, and unexpected sparks. As they navigate the highs and lows of this forced engagement, the show keeps viewers entertained with lighthearted humor and genuine emotion.
With vibrant animation and relatable, endearing characters, A Couple of Cuckoos captures the feeling of young love, making it an enchanting watch for any rom-com anime fan. It's a delightful journey of family, fate, and finding unexpected love.