Culprits (TV Series 2023– ) Poster

(2023– )

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Decent Premise
Elwood-227 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler Alert

It's almost good. But just falls short.

I'm not sure how the seemingly octogenarian character who couldn't lift ten pounds is this elite assassin. Otherwise, fairly compelling characters and story, despite some obvious holes. I think with a little work it could be a quality show.

The logistical ridiculousness of always knowing where everyone is, is a bit of a challenge, but I don't think that's the overall problem. You have to be able to believe in the characters. It's like Queen Latifah as The Enforcer, no way this dude is intimidating anyone.

I'd like to see this story done properly.
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Good entertainment, very unrealistic.
albritrowe9 November 2023
It's a decent watch, but only if you don't think too hard about the things that happen throughout it.

I'm only on episode 6, but already the things that have happened are far too unrealistic, if you were really to do a job like this, you'd have to have reconstructive surgery with the technology we have at our disposal today, David/Muscle only cuts an inch of his hair off, the rest are unchanged and are surprised they're getting found! That's is just one of MANY reasons not to take this series too seriously, so don't go into this thinking it's a hard core crime thriller, it's more in the realm of a light superhero scenario with the super powers being able to occur things they need as and when out of thin air almost.

But still enjoyable while you watch.
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gingebaggy12 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Started off really good, intriguing plot going back and forth in time established plot lines and characters. Excellent heist improbability aka Oceans, Kaleidoscope et al. Disparate groups of experts given Gucci code names not knowing who the others were except those party to the recruitment process which is everyone involved bar the last one.

Excellent stalking villain in Ned Dennnehy. Overall a good ensemble.

My concern with dramas such as this is when the ruthless, cold, heartless and extremely efficient hitman needs to kill he somehow loses his or her effectiveness to the detriment of the plot.
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Unbelievable villain
raymaxwell-111 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Enjoyed this apart from the villain of the tale.

A 50+ 10 stone frail looking man being an unstoppable killing machine.just takes suspending belief to a whole other level.

Not only was he a master of armed and unarmed combat but he was physically outpowering our main protagonist Muscle during the fight scenes and that was hours after having his shoulder basically ruined by a bullet.

I am all fro a bit of creative licence but this really did spoil a fun and unusually complex storyline.

I would have given this a 9 in not for this bit I am afraid its cost 2 points in my rating.

I would still recommend giving it a watch.
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Would be better it was a movie
DrDumb19 June 2024
8 episodes with a simple storyline is a waste of time. The show is just about a group of people who did a heist in London later get murdered by an unknown killer for unknown reasons in different locations after they retired. So the heist, and the unknown killer are the main focus of the show. 2 hours might be good enough to cover the key focus. Other stories like family, personal lives (except for the hit and run, which is a very good plot for the storyline: "culprits") and etc. Can be skipped so the show can stay on focus. The show didn't do a great job on showing us family drama and other personal lives, irrelevant and too concise. Even it was concise, it took a lot of time. Could have done sth to skipped those scenes. But anyway, fun to watch.
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infinaneek9 November 2023
Thrilling, fun and clever.

Great use of story telling devices, like the reverse reveal of the heist and jumping back and forth between 'now' and 'then'.

Great score and soundtrack including some 90's classic bangers.

Really good cast and characters. Familiar, believable (esp the fake American accents from British cast) and gripping.

Visually very nice the way it jumps between typical everyday scenes and flashier affairs, all with great costumes, styling and colour palettes.

Brilliant and visceral action scenes and the little comedy moments are very well received as well.

All in all, great stuff from this director and team, as always.
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alanl06-662-7702028 November 2023
Enjoyable crime caper romp once you suspend disbelief and settle into compulsive viewing and treat yourself to 10 episodes of " what's gonna happen next " ? Excellent performances by all the cast , and particular credit to an actor playing " Muscle " who was previously unknown to me but who I would expect to see and hear alot about in the future . Marvellous cameo appearance by the ever reliable ( if OTT ) Eddie Izzard and Gemma Atherton played the anti-heroine beautifully, menacingly brilliantly. I would not be disappointed if there was a squel and it stands alone well as a one off but more of this would be welcome.
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Enjoyable Heist Series
ahowroyd10 November 2023
I did not have high expectations after reading some reviews but I enjoyed the season and was not disappointed by the end. A cross between a Guy Ritchie and a Tarantino movie it certainly had a high violence content - but not cartoon violence as seen in John Wick It's well paced but lacks a bit of character development. It makes good use of flashbacks which were confusing at times and part of the storyline seemed a bit underdeveloped but it did not have much impact on the overall story. Eddie Izzard's role was a bit underwhelming. If you are looking for a series to binge watch it's not a bad choice.
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Could have been done in 6 episodes
flatpicker-3236130 June 2024
The basis for the story was good...HOWEVER, it was too drawn out. A lot of the details of the story could have been left out to make the storyline flow better. Plus, waaaaayyyyu too many f-bombs throughout the entire series. And this came from Disney?!?! He would be turning in his grave!

It really deserves a 5, but for Gemma, I gave it a 6. She looked fantastic! She was also in "Funny Woman" that takes place in the 60s. She is funny in that series.

If this what Disney wants to keep putting out instead of family entertainment that Walt had envisioned, they will lose a lot of viewers. You can do better.
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Writers Headed Out During Second Half
info-10521-986366 December 2023
I am honestly baffled as to what happened with this series. It started out so strong, with a compelling mystery and strong characters at its heart. Joe / David is phenomenal and his backstory compelling. The flashbacks of the heist were an excellent choice too, slowly piecing together what happened like a jigsaw puzzle.

Then from around the last half of episode 4 onwards, it's like the writers just headed out and they brought in the work experience B team to take over. Characters suddenly make ridiculous choices and act in stupid ways that completely defy who they were established to be at the start. Like David, who is shown to be assassin-level skilled, who then clumsily tries to hide away from the killer in a French farmhouse like he's a defenceless child. Also the killer incidently can't be killed either by an ACTUAL assassin (who can take out 10-15 private secrurity tacticians with ease, but not a skinny bro with a tracksuit and some fresh Reeboks) even with a full gun clip.

Oh and apparently you can find anyone anywhere in the world if you're skilled at using Facebook - even if they have gone off-grid to a snowy tundra in Germany. And others also in hiding will post pics of their signature artwork on Insta with clear landmark locations to help you out.

Also according to Culprits if you're black and approach fully in-use public storage lockers in a crowded London train station, the police will immediately single you out and treat you with suspicion.

Let's also not forget that stuffing a body into a car boot in the middle of a London Council estate will attract zero attention apart from the killer who will watch you from a high rise, while eating an apple. Because why not right?

We also have being shot in a fully white uniform, which is bad enough to literally cover a train bathroom in blood, but not enough to. Get it on your equally white trenchcoat, as that would arouse suspicion and concern, and not serve your silly plot. Oh and apparently the character literally 'didn't feel' it when it happened. You got SHOT in the stomach mate, get a grip.

Oh yeah and a suburban dad and his young kids ( the latter of whom also have no idea wtf is going on) can get away from a house full of trained killers in the middle of the night as long as they have David on the phone guiding them, getting them to hide behind doors and kitchen islands. Clearly the hitmen in this show needed a bit more training.

Lastly it just irked me that they did a bank job with silly half masks to look cool in promo shots, but that do zero to hide their identities. Like bro, you heard of balaclavas?

I really tried to love this and it started as an excellent 9/10, but it is honestly like the main writers took a vacation halfway through. As a writer by trade myself I can tell when new creatives have joined the fray, and in all seriousness I am convinced that others took over. That's the only way you can explain the baffling drop in quality.

Edit: I looked up the writers of each episode and actually episode 4 is when new writers joined the show's creator, and lead writer. So this explains it perfectly - the new writers clearly took over and diluted the quality.

Shame really.
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Compelling, gripping and overall great beginning
jeffreynolds-9761810 November 2023
I have read other reviews and none do.justice to how easy it was to follow the before and after flows. The story line itself is explained and shown so that you dot lose track of time periods.

Main character is likeable and shows humanity while being a ruthless person as well.

Locations to me, do not matter, while some will disagree with that.

To me, a series or movie is worth watching if you cant quit watching because you have to know the rest of the story. This fits that bill.

So ignore the people saying story line drops or socks etc, do as I am.doing and see for yourself.

I think it's best series that's been out in a while on both sides of the pond.
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Almost but not Quite
johndoe84022 January 2024
Been looking for a gritty Brit show/movie along the lines of Lock, Stock/Snatch, etc. The description for Culprits seemed to fit that. Said it was Dark Humor, and like the Bear, either I don't know what humor/comedy is anymore or people are just randomly categorizing shows. Unless they consider Eddie Izzard's presence. That aside, the plot was interesting with the twists. And the violence was there. A lot of people blame the writers, but it's why they went on strike. Cutting the number of writers, the time they have to write, etc. Which is why so many shows have plot holes, which may not be the writer's fault, but the studios fault. Not just with the writer's room issues, but the shortening of episodes per season, so who knows how much was left on the cutting room floor because of this.
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jebisnot17 November 2023
Slickly produced, the first few episodes suck you in... only to deliver a plot so full of holes you can see right through it. No idea why it's billed as a comedy either... unless it's the laughable fact that the cast can instantaneously find each other across continents despite being off-grid and incognito. Don't get me started on the 'Brain' who is somehow impossible to find by the 'villain' despite not being incognito.

Regardless, standout acting from 'Muscle' & 'Psycho' who became the only reason I watched all the way through the series.

The finale is utterly preposterous and hammed up to the max by Eddie Izzard who seems to think he's in a pantomime.
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Very Watchable
nickblyth24 November 2023
Only a 7 but it started out as a 9 but the writers simply lost the plot on this one. Some great characters and acting performances but the story had so many holes in it which made it laughable. These are highly skilled people who have gone all over the World incognito with new identities and some old chap dressed like Jimmy Savile tracks them all down? Give me a break please and as for your main assassin who was killed so easily and when in the woods she couldn't hit a barn door with her firing which was far from a trained killer. I enjoyed the Eddie Izzard character but he and his men were far too easily overpowered.
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some crime fun
SnoopyStyle30 November 2023
David Marking (Nathan Stewart-Jarrett) is opening a bistro in a dilapidated neighborhood under fake identity Joe Petrus. He lives the suburban life with his gay partner Jules Burner and his two kids. A car accident pits him against powerful ruthless politician Kyle Bedrosian. Before this, he was a gun-slinging bodyguard in London and recruited by Dianne Harewood (Gemma Arterton) for a risky big heist. She's the Brain. He's the Muscle. There are the Specialist (Niamh Algar), the Officer (Kirby), safecracker Azar Mizouni (Tara Abboud), and others in the crew. After the chaotic heist, someone is coming after them one by one.

It's a fun little crime thriller limited series. I really like the lead Nathan Stewart-Jarrett. I liked him in Misfits and Utopia. He has a really nice quality about him. I expected more with the Bedrosian story. Quite frankly, that could be a whole season by itself which could lead back to the heist for a second season. As it stands, I don't see a second season. I am assuming that this is a limited series. They wrap up the whole plot with a nice tight bow.
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Decent crime drama
twoscoops99-545-91127710 November 2023
Really enjoyed this series which had a good balance of back story building and present day action with the story flitting between the past and present while keeping the viewer in the dark as to who did what and who is double crossing who along with who is good and who is bad but the only thing that let it down was casting Eddie Izzard on a gangster type role as all I can see Eddie as is Tony P from The Mystery Men movie which I s a shame. But overall an entertaining watch which kept me intrigued to the end . The acting was good and kept me watching until the end . Some really good parts in particular with Nathan Stewart-Jarrett showing a good range in acting and why he will be a bigger star in the future.
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Inoffensive, by the book, entertaining crime thriller
vinsma17 February 2024
It's pretty refreshing these days when you see characters in a thriller/drama acting rationally in intense situations. They don't make dumb choices, they take excessive measures and doesn't half ass anything.

This show is definitely not breaking any new grounds, but is very well executed and never feels boring or stagnant. Production is good, about on par with your typical British drama and all that entails.

Some really satisfying scenes early on, especially the one where main guy gets kidnapped but realizes it's not by the people he thought it was.

Overall, highly recommend for those that like British shows, and crime thrillers in general.
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A very solid 8 - which means seriously better than almost all of this genre
johnklem21 December 2023
The naysayer who criticised the IMDb description of a comedy? You're quite right. A comedy, this ain't. But, and this is an important point, children, IMDb's idiocy isn't the show's fault. OK, this is a wonderful example of the heist/caper genre with all the usual twists and turns, characters and plot points - but done better than you've seen before. Characters are perfectly written and plot points are predictable but only after the event - I could have/should have seen that coming - but I didn't. This is an always engrossing and sometimes thrilling take on the genre which has been seriously underrated so far. I think I know why.
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"Enjoyable, but..."
mubibhat-1368729 November 2023
The storyline of the show is very interesting. The beginning of the show is very promising, but as it progresses, the pacing feels slow, and many scenes seem to lack purpose. The story switches between the past and present, showcasing the planning of a heist in the past and a killer targeting thieves in the present. The show has been shot in different locations. I'm giving the show 5 stars. The characters are strong, the acting is good to a certain extent, the visuals are good, but the background score is average. The show is enjoyable, but don't set your expectations too high because you might be disappointed at certain points.
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Entertaining from start to finish
daveditch-5329111 December 2023
The excellent story line does have a few holes in the plot but what drama doesn't? They do not however detract from the overall storyline.

The action does jump around a bit with flashbacks but once you get used to the style they are great. What they do is fill in parts of the mystery as you follow it either sending you off on a new train of thought or confirming what you suspected. Its not a particularly complex plot but it does have its twists, turns and whys .

The casting and characters are very good and they all look as though they are enjoying their parts. There are odd moments of humour including the closing credits.

Very watchable and well recommended, it's very rarely you want the bad guy to come out on top because he's not actually as bad as the other one, or feel sorry for a hit woman with a heart. It happens here.
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Starts off great and ends in a disappointing thud
sonjamin9 November 2023
NO SPOILERS. The action and storyline starts off really strong and entertaining. Feels like the writers gave up during the second half, which is a shame. The main character Muscle/David/Joe is likeable/relatable, but does all these actions that contradict who the character is, such as multiple love interests (no spoiler). The supporting actors are great. Karma is the under theme in the series and feels like a gut punch when it happens (in a good way), not once or twice, but multiple times!!!! There are so many story gaps and character actions misalignment, which is why I rate it so low. It is really distracting and maddening to see such a decent series and have it throw it away.
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Loved it!
Larry_Sanders10 December 2023
Sure, some plotholes, but nicely build up in terms of motivation. Acting, casting, production design and the world building were all top-notch. There was a recurring sense of how justice shows it self in a world of thieves and liars. I was impressed by how the show spans much of the globe. I was sucked in from start till end and saw all episodes in less than 24 hours. I love Gemma Arterton in everything she does and she shows herself in a very movie star capacity here. The lead Nathan Stewart-Jarrett was very convinxing and relatable and the supporting cast vas diverse and individual enought so that all their stories carried weight. Almost 10/10.
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Really enjoyable heist
caspar-2469913 November 2023
Really surprised at the reviews that liked the first episode and found it went downhill as I was the opposite - I found the opening episode a bit dull, but then learning more about each of the people involved was really fun. All the characters felt well developed. Lots of tense twists. Really good action. There was one point where I thought they had gyns with unlimited ammo but then it turned out one character was deliberately counting shots so she knew when her opponent was out. I worried about guns and large quantities of money being shifted through security points but they always showed it being stored away. All in all it felt pretty well thought out and written by people who really cared.
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Starts with promise but soon falls completely apart; ludicrous!
staubachster10 December 2023
This show takes a precipitous dive from a promising beginning to being utterly ridiculous and implausible starting in episode 4. What a disappointment! The acting is uneven; some good, some not. "Brain" never hits the mark; I never buy her as the feared mastermind no one dares to cross that she's supposed to be. "Muscle," "Specialist," and "Officer" do a good job, but the writing and character development take such nosedives that even the best acting can't stave off the show's crash and burn. I feel sorry for the actors, trying to maintain some quality and believability while working with such crappy material. The show begins with a decent script and a somewhat plausible "heist caper" plot in the first three episodes but then falls apart and becomes laughable -- and not in a fun way. The characters do completely uncharacteristic things in order to connect far-fetched, contrived plot points lurching toward some supposedly big reveal at the conclusion. It's not worth continuing to watch but I did, hoping for some redemption, return to quality, or perhaps an unexpected explanation tying everything together at the end. Sadly, none of those things happen. It becomes more ludicrous and nonsensical each successive episode. Toward the end, when the driving motivation behind the whole caper is revealed, it's an eye-rollingly thin personal revenge gig. Not only that, it's delivered as a long, verbal explanation -- very bad form when there have been six prior episodes during which this center around which the plot revolves could have been brought to light via dialogue, plot devices (like the extensively used flashbacks), and character development. Showing is more powerful than telling... especially when it's a "show." The ending feels like a hasty patch job, an attempt to spackle over gaping plot holes and disguise implausible motivations, and it doesn't work.
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I Found CULPRITS Bingeworthy
krakbaknsak-0644713 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Some will find the to and fro on the timelines hard to accept, but stick with it, it is necessary to the plot. There are many characters to follow, all with good backstories that some may see as being overly drawn out. But this is essential to the plot.

The interactions are many and varied, with lots of confrontations for the action aficionados The story carries over many countries, with some shocking, and many satisfying results.

You will get an idea of the plot from the story description, and I will not spoil it from there. All I can say, is that it had one the most satisfying conclusions I have witnessed.

I will definitely watch the series again.
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