Luther (TV Series 2010–2019) Poster


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Great Detective Series!
Rob133129 September 2022
I can't say enough about how much I loved Luther, it was such a terrific show. It's about a terrific detective who always figures out even the hardest of cases and the dangers that come with it. He's like a modern day Sherlock Holmes. I've watched the entire series twice through and can't say enough about how good it is, especially Idris Elba as the lead. He's such a great actor and has given so many great performances throughout his career but I have to say that Luther is his best one. Ruth Wilson (Alice) is also brilliant in this show and holds her own with Elba. This is not your normal cop or detective show, it's so much better than that. It's gritty, raw, and sometimes violent. Each episode is so good it will seem like it flew by. I can not recommend this show enough.
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Supermanfan-1311 July 2022
Luther is an excellent show that absolutely lives up to all the hype! Idris Elba is fantastic as Luther and the rest of the cast is also impressive! This last season wasn't as good as the previous ones but it was still worth watching. God knows there are a thousand detective shows to choose from out there but Luther really is one of the better ones available!
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Please let there be another series
martyncymro8 June 2010
Class! What an excellent series.

I've always liked Idris Elba - maybe it's because of The Wire or maybe because his screen presence is so compelling. When our TVs schedules are filled with so much dross to have this little gem of a series appear is so refreshing.

Luther (Idris Elba) is a Detective Inspector in a Special Crimes Unit who has just returned to work after having recently recovered from a mental breakdown due to pressures of a marriage break up and over commitment to his job. His relationships with his ex-wife, his new colleague DS Ripley and a psychopathic but brilliant young lady are central to the development of the series. Each episode leaves one wanting to know how the plot will develop. There are of course the crimes to be solved and Luther's unorthodox but canny methods.

I will not divulge any more but the climatic ending to episode 6 makes one want to know 'what now?' I strongly recommend Luther who anyone who appreciates 'quality' television drama.
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Wow, stumbled upon this show by chance but I'm very grateful I did
flam9911 June 2010
Let me be clear, I despise police or detective shows. It just doesn't do it for me. They throw in a new criminal each episode to fill up most of the time and add a little bit of main story progression at the very end of the episode, leaving it to the season finale to wrap things up in ONE good episode.

Luther does not do this. Luther is a ride that relentlessly takes you through a thick plot. The story is compelling and realistic. The acting is of class (I really like Idris Elba). The music choice at certain parts of the show is so fitting that a smile makes its way on my face amidst the gruesome storyline. I just think this show is spectacular.

I understand that for a lot of viewers, certain scenes of this show are difficult to watch. I consider myself capable of handling some pretty nasty stuff, but some parts even got to me. I applaud this show for being the first one in many years to give me that effect.

I would recommend this show to anyone. I truly hope it continues.
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Shining Through Mediocrity.
journalist125 June 2010
Bias, it's a terrible thing I know but I have to admit I AM biased,biased against police drama's, for me they signify the apathy and mediocrity at the heart of British and American television.

However, occasionally along comes a series that sits so far above the grey landscape of indifference that it blinds by the light of it's creativity, one such show is the British drama 'Luther'. The show's direction takes the viewer helter skelter into the very heart and soul of John Luther, a dedicated senior police officer in a constant struggle to retain his moral compass because he dares to use questionable methods to ensure justice for victims of the most brutal crimes within a labyrinthine bureaucracy of a legal system whose very existence seems intent in ensuring the path towards a successful arrest and conviction is as difficult as possible.

Idris Elba is excellent at portraying this wrought, fallible but noble detective John Luther, which reflects once again how far Elba's acting range can reach post The Wire. The audio track is charged, insightful and electric, employing talents such as Emiliana Torrini and her track 'Gun'.

One of the more interesting back stories is the role of Alice Morgan, a young multiple murderess (played brilliantly by Ruth Wilson) who gives Luther chilling insight into the minds of his suspects while challenging him on sexual, intellectual and moral levels, intent on drawing him further inwards to the heart of her passion, John can see this, it both frightens and attracts him leaving the audience on a constant cliff-edge awaiting his fate. 'Luther' reminds me of 'the number 23' and how obsession can destroy and destroy utterly taking everything and everyone with it.

A triple A show among E-average competition.
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Crazy, unhinged, but great show
cfisanick23 November 2010
What's remarkable about "Luther" is how series creator Neil Cross takes a rag-tag bag of clichés--brilliant but damaged rogue cop, long-suffering boss, genius killer, etc.--and makes it all seem so fresh. Of course, having the fantastic Idris Elba helps immeasurably. He doesn't just act the part of Luther; he is Luther, fully inhabiting the role and moving like a force of nature through every scene. This is one of those rare times where you see an actor's innate intelligence and physicality used perfectly. (Watching Luther decompensate, as he does at various times over the story arc, is really something to see.) Elba is matched every step of the way by Ruth Wilson, playing a sort of female Hannibal Lector--brilliant, amoral, remorseless, scary, and, I daresay, sexy. She and Elba make quite a pair, and their interplay is priceless.

Finally, it's worth noting that this series, while ostensibly a cop show, has its own look and feel. It plays more like a beautifully filmed, weird morality play. (Cross makes the point that Luther believes in only two things, life and love, though the viewer will quickly see that, despite his damaged psyche and emotional baggage, he also ultimately believes in himself.) Some may think that it's just insane, far-fetched, and way over the top. (which it sometimes is if you look closely and cynically). But I think that it exudes a unique vibe. Take a look at the impressionistic opening credits with Massive Attack on the soundtrack, and you'll know right up front that this is something special.
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Luther Review
ahmedgorshy3 August 2020
This series is unlike any other series you will see and I will explain in a few small reasons why. First, the series seems very traditional in the beginning, and the acting seems strange, and I did not think I would want to complete it, but I was shocked by the improvement that occurs from the first episode in the first season to the last of the season, and the development continues in everything in the story and events and the representation of Idris Elba, which improves in each episode and Every season. The series reaches its climax in the third season and whoever does not follow it has wasted a lot of his or her life. My favorite character is Alice, she is the best character in the show. I am sad and worried that the show may come out from the list of the best in AMDB, but as you know the fifth season is weak, but this is the case for all series. My rating for each season is as follows The first season was held at 8.9 out of 10 The second season I give it 9.0 Season three I give it 9.7 out of 10 Season 4 i give it 8.5 Season 5 i give it 7.0 The show is relly good
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arachnapheobia15 August 2010
Okay, it's been a while since i actually saw a series I liked so much. England doesn't churn out amazing movies or TV programmes by the dozen, but when they get 'em right, they get 'em perfect. And Luther is one of those gems.

A very gritty setting, and perfect execution for a detective series. Each character is very detailed and constantly evolving and growing with Idris Elba playing DCI Luther, constantly fighting his own deamons and a rich cast of characters who make his life 'interesting'.

This is a true gem of a series, and in true British style, ends the first series only after 6 episodes, leaving you wanting more and more.
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Fantastic action-packed police drama.
Dechilo8 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched countless TV shows from the US and the UK and this is by far one of the better written shows. It is not fully packed of twists and turns but the actor who plays 'Alice' is pure evil genius. She alone takes the show from being 'just good' to fantastic! Overall it is worth watching and much better than any other police show I have found in recent years, with a possible exception of 'Dexter' (US TV show).

Without giving too much away it is a story about a 'troubled' police officer who is highly skilled at his job, however has to deal with many issues. Throughout the show he comes across as very self-contained with a few outbursts of anger; these highlight his frustrations of the harsh situations for which he has been placed.

Sadly the series is only 6 episodes and I am truly hoping for a second series. For this, I will be keeping my out for! However some of the best shows only ever have one season of pure genius as not to ruin them. I suspect that this may be the case here, even though I do feel there is room to extend the story at least into another 6 episodes of series 2.
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I wanted to love Luther, but I just couldn't
manuel_medeiros20 March 2020
I dove into Luther in the hope to find a new series to get addicted to. One that almost demands me to binge-watch it.

It delivers partly on that note, I must admit - it's intense, the plot is not afraid to be gruesome / gory and it's fairly condensed at 6 episodes in series 1, 4 in series 2. It also has that dark noir feeling to it.

Everything else disappointed me in Luther.

The premise is so worn over by now - the detective who doesn't play by the rules but gets results so the audience roots for him. Seriously? He commits a crime almost every episode. It's just not believable.

Perhaps worse - the writing is lazy. Everytime Luther cracks a case, he reaches a conclusion based on a hunch. Which is as plausible as any one-in-a-million hunch given by other policemen. But somehow he is always right. For someone reason he is able to guess things others can't see. But the audience never knows why. After watching shows like Sherlock, this is painful. Plus the dialogues are almost cringeworthy - they end episodes by having the characters saying "what now?". I mean, they might as well have them shout "please watch the next episode". If the suspense is built properly, then you needn't force it into the dialogues.

Overall I believe it had potential as a series but I think viewers who want a gripping mistery /police show are much better off watching True Detective or even Bodyguard.
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Interesting, compelling and absorbing
TheLittleSongbird21 June 2010
Now I love detective series, and tuned in to Luther expecting something interesting. And did I get that? Yes I did and even more than that. It mayn't be the best programme ever, but over the past six weeks or so it was one of the better programmes airing.

The violence is shocking I agree, I admit I had to look away when a woman was abused in one episode. But it is not exactly happy families, the violence in Luther is gritty and suited the tone of the series well. The stories were well written, unpredictable and quite nail-biting and the writing is intelligent and fairly humorous in spots. The series is also strikingly filmed, with a dark edge to it and the direction is solid.

And the acting is very, very good, as they bring to life interesting characters who have flaws but we get to like them. For example, Luther is fairly unorthodox, but he is also troubled and dedicated so the character grows on you like the series. Idris Elba gives a charismatic lead performance, while Ruth Wilson almost steals the show from under him seamlessly as Alice and Steven Mackintosh is charming as DCI Reed. The villains are outlandish in their motives, but they do maintain interest too. Overall, Luther is a very interesting detective series, and also very compelling and absorbing. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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If you read the other reviews CAREFULLY...
A_Different_Drummer30 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As a viewer, you have rights. No one reads you your rights at the start of each show but, trust me, you have them anyway. One of those rights is that you don't NEED to read the reviews to enjoy a show; and, if you do, you certainly don't need to read them extra carefully. But this show is an exception. If you do choose to read the reviews -- including the mainstream reviews which IMDb so graciously provides -- you will notice recurring references to "escapist entertainment" and other terms to that effect. WHAT'S THAT ABOUT? Well, let us toddle off to the first or pilot episode and have a closer look, shall we?? At one of the key or defining moments in this story, Luther, convinced that the proof of his "theory" lies in the cremation vase containing the ashes of Alice's parents' dead dog, breaks into her flat, opens the vase and - PRESTO -- indeed finds pieces of a Glock pistol inside the vase. He is so excited about this that, even though he has no intention of actually arresting her, even though the search is illegal, he confronts Alice deliberately and shows her the find. Now the good news is that this behavior sets the tone for the entire series and is very useful to the viewer. The bad news is that it is nonsense. Standard procedure at crematoriums is to fill the vases by hand in order to bypass bits of unburnt bone which, logic dictates, might be somewhat upsetting to relatives. So for the writers to presume that actual pieces of the mechanism of a gun would be nonchalantly passed on to the next of kin is (are you ahead of me?) escapist and fanciful. If you can overlook that flaw -- Sherlock Holmes this is not! -- it's an engaging show, part of the "new breed" of shows where the hero has some sort of off-putting character trait (Doc Martin, House) and an extension of the theme introduced in Silence of the Lambs where it is entirely normal and proper to consult known sociopaths to gain insight on other crimes. Good show, yes. Great show, I am frankly not sure.
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I laughed out loud at the stupidity of the plot
stuart_davies18 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Series 1 started off great with first four episode based plots being well put together and told with only the the lingering annoyance of the nemesis astrophysicist murderer that got away muddying what is otherwise a great show. Perhaps I'm getting a bit cynical as I get older but overuse of the keeping secrets causing bad situations story line just got tiresome after its use went into double figures. The final straw for me was when episode 5 crashed and burned, with stupid characters and plot twists that were too contrived to be believable... breaking the chain of evidence on one case to prove another being just one in a string of moronic plot artefacts... with the shooting at the end making me laugh out loud it was so ridiculous, never mind the aftermath set-up of course resulted in the hero being blamed for the murder... simply a reworking of many an over done detective show with no originality. Production was good and the acting was rock solid but the descent into absurdity of episode 5 just put me off watching episode 6 or the other two series in the box set.
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Good, but not awesome.
Lukasmj16 November 2022
The BBC-produced thriller series Luther tells the story of London cop John Luther, who has an incredible talent for solving cases. However, his means of doing so are not always legal and his own demons threaten to stab him in the back.

Personally, I find "Luther" quite exciting, because varied cases are presented here and the main actor also cuts a good figure.

Very exciting at the beginning, then it weakens a bit, but the series finale convinces again.

I have to get to 600 Characters, so here are some random facts:
  • Some cats are actually allergic to humans.

  • New York was briefly named "New Orange."
  • You might be drinking water that is older than the solar system.
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Finally a detective show thats unique!!!!!
kingpetay2 June 2010
When i heard that Idris Elba was doing a BBC series i almost hoped it would be a one season-er, but i have to admit this is probably the most enjoyable BBC series in years. Finally a show that relates to the real life of a copper instead of the stupid mistakes we always can identify on shows like CSI, sorry David Caruso but you cannot act for a toffee, not even a bland one. One thing that makes this show so unique is its reality, not all of the episode is committed to the case and its interests, some how it still makes time to experience the personal problems of a copper with people breathing down his neck 24/7. All in all i take my hat off to this show and hail for some more episodes in the near future!!!
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would be perfect but..
kyrross7 October 2022
Each season, there is a cop or a team dedicated to bring Luther down. They waste so much time, money and effort on this. It is like they are tripping on their own show. I get it, it add more tension... will they get him? But I really much rather have more focus on the real murderer. Luther get the job done, he catched bad guys. But no, they MUST stop him because he doesnt follow the rules. They really got and hard on on the fact they will eventually dig enough dirt on Luther.... but why?? It stain the real investigation and force an other intrigue. It really drag the show down. I love Edris Elba. Each second with him on screen is a blast. But stop with those jealous colleagues !
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Luther will discombobulate you...but, in a good way!!!
zaenkney30 October 2010
"Luther" the new BBC detective series lead by Idris Elba as DCI John Luther, is a riveting watch. This character, Luther, is a loose cannon primed to fire at will or by wonder, yet this detective's intelligence and focus seems to keep him charging in the right direction. He and fellow officers appear to work on a rather intuitive level and their ability to relate to us 'common folk' and our reaction to injustice, is a magnetizing factor.

The relationship he has with his wife, Zoe, works well as a part of the machinery that helps reveal the different layers of his character. Beyond that, I must admit I feel slightly ambiguous towards her part, at this point, anyway.

But I am fascinated with Alice Morgan (Ruth Wilson of "Jane Eyre" 2006). I had a very good friend with similar characteristics as she; the writers, as well as the actress, portrayed Alice as if they knew my friend intimately. Of course, it is difficult to know the 'deviosity' of which such people are capable, especially when your affections are securely attached through years of shared experiences. As I watch Alice Morgan attempt to secure even the friendship of Luther, I think, "Oh, go ahead, trust her." And then, I remind myself that this character killed her parents! This goes to the depraved depth of the sociopath's personality and how they can manipulate us. Chilling! Great stuff…

For anyone who holds an interest towards the Behavioral Sciences, and desires to watch something that will entertain, as well as appeal to that part of your brain, give "Luther" a shot, you won't be sorry.
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Worst cop show EVER!
garrulus15 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Idris Elba is a talented actor. That is the only positive thing I can come up with about this show.

There are many bad things, but the worst by far is the script, the responsible should be flogged. Or sentensed to watch this show for perpetuity.

Everybody behaves as If they where idiots and do one dumb thing after another. And still pretends like people must talk a certain time to trace a phone call. Like the nazis triangulate a french agent during WWII! Forensics technicians, pathologists and IT-personel all act like they are incompetent. The only one with any ability is Luther. And he is not very sharp. To tell a young girl "I wont let anyone hurt you", and the let her stay alone all day in an apartement known to the very gangsters who want to hurt her...

And why does everybody drive Swedish cars? I counted three Volvos and a Saab in one episode!

Why are there no journalists anywhere? Many of the murders should be headline news in all of Europe. Even the world.

How can a police officer ask a psycopathic murderer for advice, and NOBODY cares? And without her doing any good anyway?

How can an extremely dangerous psycopath be in a mental assylum from the 1800;s, and later escape and NOBODY cares?

And why are there no police or security anywhere, and no one to help people in need ANYWHERE?

And why do I watch this crap?
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crazy comic book action
tommysize11 June 2010
wow! this is the most entertaining detective show I've ever watched! if you like gritty detective dramas with cleverly pieced together plots then.... watch something else. This series has outlandish criminals doing their thing while Luther magically appears with all the answers and at the same time insults your intelligence.

But when you have the amount of unbelievable & and some times shocking action that they cram into Luther you wont care! the 1st 4 episodes are the usual 1 villain per episode formula of many TV shows but the 5th episode was absolutely gripping and left me wanting the next episode straight away, instead of the usual welcome 1 week break. it really did step up a gear. The only program that comes on in the week that i specifically make time for to sit down and watch. id give it a 10 if they just gave the crime solving aspect a LOT more thought. crazy comic book is action is just fine with me though.
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Artful crime solving skills
proof22222 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Elba as DCI John Luther is what makes this click. He's awesome as a highly intelligent dynamic loose cannon who is on the verge of being what Dexter Morgan is to the Miami Metro. With a little help from a former suspect; Alice Morgan (hehe) who slipped in and out of an unresolvable murder case, he unwillingly gets out of very sticky situations.

The suspects are not your usual petty crime thieves and crooks but rather intelligent, self absorbed and twisted minds who think that they are going to get away with the awful crimes that they are committing. The stories are told at a fast pace and Luther always has a lot on his plate apart from his broken marriage that he's trying to repair.

Big up to the writers who allowed for this series to be so detailed and dynamic. And also to the cast who together shine and do great performances. I am entertained! Thank you!
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Good until Season 5 happened
chrisjsanders24 January 2019
Great series but what the hell was that in Season 5? Absolute rubbish! Confused, rushed. Alice sub plot was pointless. Luther would have been struck off for going awol.
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I'm impressed
one-714-3037434 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing is perfect, of course, but, for interesting characters and good plot development, I have to say this is an excellent series.

The character of Alice is particularly well nuanced. Luther himself, of course, is brilliant. Naturally has has the usual flawed, but clever detective characteristics, but it's better than that, the back-plot with his wife is well orchestrated.

  • spoiler -

The bent copper is convincingly unbent almost until the last moment. The frame looks so well constructed that you can't see how Luther could get out of it.

Yes, yes, there are some real needs for a suspension of disbelief, but the production quality means that you're happy to go along with them

I'm really looking forward to the next in the series - that there has to be.
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Typical and Clichéd
NFSpoet22 August 2013
I started this series for 2 reasons: BBC and Indira Verma; and they both have disappointed. While there was very little of Indira, the show itself was a shallow lake, offering no introspect.

Luther is the story of a (another) super smart crime solving genius, his rookie partner, too many skeletons in his closet, and a psycho antihero friend, a hot ex wife...ooh and a shady best friend. The characters are forced into a grey domain, trying to instill a very dark outline to the show; but it misfires completely. Idris Elba does a good job as the lead detective Luther, playing perhaps the most exploited character on television: a grey policeman. His superman-ish analyzing abilities, are off the charts: example: deciphering the motive of kill from the name of a chemical. Although Elba is convincing in the character, the write up fails him, and he ends up looking like he's putting too much into the role. Ruth Wilson, tries to do a Silence of the Lambs, playing the psychotic villain turned friend to the detective. However, her performance is mediocre at best, and not convincing. The director has to understand that being psychotic is not just 'bout saying sinister things with a smile. Indira and Paul have some decent chemistry and performance; as the haunted new couple. Indira plays the uncertain wife pretty well, although she does overdo the emotional scenes a little. However, like any bad action flick, Mark is soon thrown into the field, without any prior experience, and surprise surprise, he's good. Warren Brown, though, is a plus from the show. As the typical understudy/deputy to the lead, he throws in a strong and convincing performance. Credit to the writers here actually, his part is very well written. Watch Luther if you're a die hard fan of any of the lead cast, or are just keen on predicting what happens' next and feel good about yourself.
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I was hoping for something really good
luned-5998616 August 2016
Since I've already watched The Bridge, Happy Valley, and Broadchurch, and The Night Of is almost over, I needed a fix. I saw the reviews of Luther and thought I had found it. Luther is ludicrous, though. It's like the old Batman series (with the"pows" and "zooms" included)meets those terrible NCI shows. Ludicrous plots, ludicrous characters, and virtually no development of the crime. Luther just figures it out, all in his head, and then tells us, wham, bam, thank you ma'am. The back story (that he had some sort of meltdown and was put on leave, but now he's back) is undeveloped, generic. His anger is over the top, and also not developed. I do not understand this character at all. He seems like a hodgepodge of standard cop characters. I want to care about him, I want to see a real person with a unique set of issues. I want to understand why he is broken. But the writers just don't bother. Luther is a comic book character. If he could climb buildings or fly, this series would be more believable. I am a little stunned that so many people love this show. It presents itself as a realistic drama, but in reality it's a melodrama, maybe even a comedy. It's overacted, illogical, and insulting to my intelligence.
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Luther and the Female Hannibal Lecter
garnet-303065 March 2018
I would have missed alot if I've never came across this show - Luther. Most importantly I would have missed Alice Morgan, played by the very charming Ruth Wilson. I would just like to say that I am here because of Alice Morgan, not that I would like to take credit away from Idris Elba, he's great ! Its just that I'm blown away by the character of Alice.

In fact, I'm so smittened of Alice's role that I think the writer and the producers of the show should give Alice's her own show!

All in all, this show is highly recommended. The cast is superb. And the people who made this are great ! I'm looking forward for more seasons to come !

The only reason I'm not giving this a rating of 10 is because for me, there is no such thing as perfect !
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