Overboard (2018) Poster


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Don't Overthink it, Just Enjoy it
icanbeaghost20 July 2018
I will start this review off by saying I love, love, love the original. I spent weekends at my grandma's as a child with little but a VHS player and a collection of old movies and it was always one of my favorites. That being said, when I first learned about a remake, I was ecstatic! Though it definitely didn't blow my socks off, it certainly didn't disappoint. It also helps that I am quite fond of Anna Faris' unique brand of comedic presence. Her portrayal of overworked, under appreciated Kate who spins a vengeful, yet well intentioned, situation into a mutually beneficial one was very endearing. Eva Longoria, as her friend, was a nice addition to the cast. I also have to praise Eugenio Derbez, whom I have never seen before but definitely plan on familiarizing myself with. His character Leonardo is not easily forgettable and incited most of my laughs. Swoosie Kurtz as Kate's eccentric, disillusioned mother is always a treat to see as well. Long story short, if you are expecting this film to be exactly like its predecessor, your expectations are too high. Here we have a crisp, modern take on the 1987 classic and it is one that should be appreciated and revered, even, especially for lifelong fans. There is humor, humiliation and in the grand scheme of things, a ton of heart that will just make you feel good. Not to mention perfectly placed homages to the original (including costumes and dialogue, among others) and it is just as fun, if not more! All in all, a decent way to waste a couple lazy hours, in this reviewer's opinion.
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Mildly entertaining
desmondlewissmith20 July 2018
I think a lot of the reviews are pretty harsh. I'll admit, this movie was not a top end high rated movie, but it was still an entertaining movie with a predictable outcome. I didn't hate this movie. You typical story with an antagonist and a protagonist. You shift from hating the antagonist to loving the antagonist... blah blah blah.... if you go into this movie with an open mind, you can enjoy what it provides. Anna Farris does a great job of portraying her typical personality. I've always been a fan of Eugenio Derbez, and think he did equally well carrying his role. Eva Longoria played a small role, but did very well as a supporting actress. If I was asked to watch or pass, I'd say watch.
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cassandra-6927927 March 2019
I really like Anna Faris but this movie really just made me want to watch the original...I guess Im a fan of Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell..they made it a great movie! Unfortunately this one is just lacking...but in saying that if you haven't seen the original than this movie would probably be fun for you!!
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It´s ok to watch and enjoy it.
Paulo_Clemente30 August 2018
Leonard is a spoiled playboy who everything, money, a lot of women and no respect for anyone. Kate has a hard life , works delivering pizzas, in a cleaning company and studies to be a nurse, if that is not enough she has 3 daughters to take care. After they first meat he treats her really bad , so when he goes overboard and finds himself with amnesia she and her boss friend make a plan to payback. Typical romance/comedy story , nothing new there , but the acting is good and even if it´s not my favorite type of movies I found myself having a nice time watching this movie, Faris and Longoria are very good here but Eugenio Derbez is the best, funny enough and makes the movie nice to watch. So yes, typical movie of romance, but good to watch and spend a nice 100 minutes.
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Organic Endearment
tedg20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is formulaic in the basics: two people repel each other, fall in love, have a complicating development, profess love in some public, dramatic way and are reconciled. Such things usually depend on the appeal of the characters and the supporting comedy.

But I think this has something else going for it. It grabbed me in a place these things usually don't, and that may be it. It has to do with what we think drives romance. In the genre standard, it is physical attraction, followed immediately by mutual charm. That's all it takes, and all that follows is to protect that attraction. '50 First Dates' takes this to an extreme. The underlying idea we love is that some preordained soulmate is out there and you will know when finding it. Some spidey sense kicks in. This movie subverts that. Our guy has relationships. When he meets the woman who will be the girl of his dreams, they hate each other. This is stock in the genre. But then we have a trading places event. What follows is the simple act of living together. The challenges are exaggerated for comedic theatrics, but we recognize these lives. The simple act of being together in situations makes the love.

The filmmakers understand that it is the situation that matters, so they fill it in with children, friends and ethnic culture. The children have to be girls or this wouldn't matter. The culture has to be one that overtly values family.

The woman here isn't the prettiest, or wittiest or even very genuine. She's a somewhat damaged widow with mother issues. The love grows organically from situation rather than instantly from physical attributes. That's the special thing that works here.
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Worthy re-make
Calicodreamin18 July 2019
A revival of the 1980s overboard, with a total cast gender swap, that does well to honor the old and bring in the new. The revival makes one glorious decision: pay homage to the original. If you pay attention you'll find Easter eggs referring back to the original, and if you're a big enough fan, you'll pick out when the dialogue mirrors it exactly. I found the revival to be worthy, the acting is pretty good, the plot sticks close to whats expected, and the characters well developed. I thoroughly enjoyed watching.
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Pretty good!
steenbergen_frank16 April 2020
This is just a funny and actually pretty good comedy. Halfway the movie I didn't know how it would end, that's already quite surprising for a romcom. And in addition to the comedy, there was some positivity in it as well. So altogether pretty good!
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No Chemistry
katrinatiebel30 August 2020
Yes I'm an 80s kid, so the original with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell is hard to beat. While I love Anna Faris in Eugenio Berdez there was absolutely no chemistry between the two of them. The movie was still cute and heartfelt, and taught important lessons. As a sidenote, the nursing boards is not taken in a gymnasium it's more like going to the CIA headquarters in Langley.
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A charming gem. -a bit predictable, but funny and entertaining.
josephcaesarsd24 July 2018
This movie is nothing complicated. It's simple, light comedy and easy to digest.

You'll never laugh out loud watching this but you will definitely smile without you knowing it.

I personally prefer seeing sci-fi flicks and superhero movies and I think I ended up enjoying watching this than I care to admit.
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It's an OK movie, but a great remake. Overall, very good.
subxerogravity5 May 2018
I will agree that this remake of the 1987 movie...seems lazy. If you've watched the original you'll notice that this 2018 flick follows the plot tightly close, almost to a fault.

But I kinda like that they did that. Technically, it's like a scene in the movie when Eugenio Derbez who plays Leonardo is making Spaghetti and Meatballs and he does not like the plan taste of store brought sauce, so he switches it up and adds some new flavor to it.

Switching the genders of the characters was one new flavor. Anna Faris takes Kurt Russell's role as a single parent trying to keep her head afloat and can use some help. Though Russell does the part better, and it would have been just as nice in this day and age to see a single dad doing his thing, the purpse of Faris in the role was to fully make clear the idea of how hard it is for a lower class single parent to get by and how they could use help.

Meanwhile Derbez does a far better job in Goldie Hawn's role. He's just so convincing as a man from a different world so removed he cannot even compute with working for a living.

This remake also adds more depth to itself by putting more fine details in the supporting characters. Like given the children in the movie more individual personalities, and the addiction of Eva Longoria who plays Theresa. She character has a counter part in the original, but indeed Longoria adds more flavor to it (with the help of Mel Rodriguez who plays her husband, hilariously).

I love Spaghetti no matter how it's cook, and I have to say this was a worth wild remake. It's strange remaking Overboard because the film, while good, is kinda mediocre and does not seem worthy, but the story itself is worth of an update and I love how they added some spice to it.
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Here's the problem...
DragonFireBreather13 April 2020
ZERO chemistry between the lead actors. My socks and shoes have more chemistry. Goldie Hawn & Kurt Riddle sizzled onscreen, these two couldn't even light a match on Tom Hanks' island on Cast Away. In Fact Tom Hanks and Wilson has more chemistry.

But this is what happens when you try to hard to be the wokest in Hollywood. And that was another turnoff. Trying to be politically correct only satisfies that teeny tiny population on twitter. The rest of the 85% America don't want any part of it.

Plus I have to say it again... there is no topping or replacing that chemistry between Goldie & Kurt. That was pure perfection!
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Don't understand the hate
clsteven3 May 2018
Seems like all the other commenters haven't actually seen this movie and are just upset that it's a remake. Yes, it's a remake, but it's its own movie, too.

As someone who HAS seen this (and loves the original), I thought it stood on its own, differentiated itself nicely from the original while also updating the story in a way that feels timely and fresh. I also found it surprisingly funny, sweet, heartfelt, and utterly enjoyable. A great change of pace from all the cynical, mean-spirited comedies these days and endless parade of Marvel movies.
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it is what it is
lee_eisenberg12 May 2018
The remake of Garry Marshall's "Overboard" is one of the silliest movies that I've seen. And it doesn't pretend to be anything else. The purpose is to show Anna Faris and Eugenio Derbez getting into all sorts of awkward situations. It's not any sort of masterpiece but isn't supposed to be. If anything is to get taken from the movie, it's that Anna Faris is a hot babe (her ponytail looks great on her), Eugenio Derbez is a handsome dude (I like how he still has chest hairs), and oligarchic families are among the creepiest people out there (Derbez's character's family could just as easily be the Kochs, Mercers or Waltons).

Fun, if over-the-top.
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Watch the 1987 one instead
whitey199991 December 2019
Watch the 1987 one instead. The original non-pc one, and with great chemistry between Goldie hawn and Kurt Russell -
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I recommend it, if you're a fan of the original!
Hellmant18 May 2018
'OVERBOARD': Three and a Half Stars (Out of Five)

A remake of the 1987 hit, of the same name, with a gender reversal in the lead two roles. In this version, a spoiled playboy falls off a yacht and gets amnesia, and a single working mom, that he abused, convinces him that they're married and then makes him be her slave. The film stars Eugenio Derbez, Anna Faris, Eva Longoria, John Hannah and Swoosie Kurtz. It was directed by Rob Greenberg and Bob Fisher (two veteran screenwriters in their directorial debuts), and it was written by Greenberg, Fisher and Leslie Dixon. The film has received mostly negative reviews from critics but I enjoyed it mostly.

Kate (Faris) is a single working mother of three, that's desperately trying to become a nurse (while working multiple jobs). She takes a job cleaning for a spoiled rich manchild, named Leonardo (Derbez), who abuses and fires her. Then Leonardo has an accident and gets amnesia, and Kate tricks him into thinking he's her husband. She then gets revenge (for his past abuse) by making him work a really hard construction job, and do all of the cooking and cleaning for her and her daughters.

I was a big fan of the original movie when I was a kid, it was a favorite of my family (that we watched repeatedly), so I was definitely interested in seeing this film. It didn't disappoint me; I like the gender role reversal and I like the casting (both of the leads are really good in it). The premise and humor of the movie is definitely a little silly (but so was the original). The film also has some genuine emotional moments in it too. I recommend it, especially if you're a fan of the original; and I love that they kept it set in Oregon (like the 1987 film)!
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A reasonable rom com
lisabrookslewis5 January 2019
Love the original and this is actually alright.

Enjoyed the lead male and Anna Farris is fabulous as usual. Like Eva's character as well.

Funny, light hearted and entertaining. Not sure what all the negativity is about but it's good.
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Why? Why? Why? Why Bother?!
Abymssal crapfest or dumb. Why did the superb 1980s cult classic starring Goldie & Kurt even need a remake? You can't capture the 80s or the chemistry of Goldie & Kurt and you can't do this type of film do it in today's environment. It wouldn't even work.... And why choose terrible actors if you're gonna do a remake? Ugh. Everything about this is just 'no.'
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What a awful insult to the classic original.
andrewbellerby12 February 2019
I honestly thought this film was a massive insult to the classic 1987 orginal. The acting was unforgettably terrible. Just no honey! Anbomination.
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At last o good Funny, Family movie
vasilil16 July 2018
I never saw the original version, but this doesn't mean that i have to underestimate this movie.

I watched it with my daughter and we both laughed , liked it and enjoyed every moment.

The story is not a surprise but it offers what we call "a happy end".

If i compare this movie with the comedies that they released the last decade, i would give it a much higher ranking.
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Overboard (2018)
rockman1826 May 2018
I recently watched the original Overboard for the first time. it wasn't anything amazing, or something to write home about but I did enjoy the premise and it had its moments. Also 80's Goldie Hawn is something else. I saw the trailer for the remake and didn't think it looked great. Alas, with MoviePass everything is a go so I decided to check it out. I was pleasantly surprised with this remake and dare I say I liked it better than the original film.

The film is about a rich and spoiled man who spends most of his days partying on his expensive yacht. He is self absorbed and one day he gets into a spat with a hard working carpet cleaner who is working multiple jobs and has three kids. Eventually, the man falls overboard and wakes up with amnesia. The woman he upset earlier sees this as an opportunity to get back at him and use him to pretend that they are married and to get him to help out with the family and work that she does not have the time to do. Starring Eugenio Derbez and Anna Faris.

I haven't seen Derbez in many things, in fact the first introduction I had to him was How To Be A Latin Lover. I think he is excellent in this. He has good comedic timing and is equally good as a jerk and as someone you want to root for. The film may not have a large amount of laughs but it manages to remain entertaining throughout and is surprisingly better than you initially expect. I'm sure there are people who will prefer the original but I think the modern day remake has more to say and does it better.

The film isn't going to be a talking point when the year ends but at the very least it made for a fun time. With solid performances and a good balance of comedy, romance, and family heart, I think the film is a surprisingly solid film. The gender swap was also a good call as I think it is more effective and allowed Derbez to take the reigns on what his character is supposed to fulfill. Nothing you have to go out of your way to see but its solid.

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Tired, Tiresome And Pointless
wilsonstuart-3234625 November 2019
I granted this a 3 solely on the presence of an underused Anna Faris, who, ironically, is sometimes compared to Goldie Hawn. Hollywood especially has a habit of saddling unwanted labels or expectations and such comparisons rarely end well. In this case, Farris - a good performer in her own right, witness House Bunny or even Scary Movie 1 to 3 - deserves better than half baked comparisons...or a lame remake that I doubt even Goldie Hawn in her 80s heyday could have salvaged.

Eugenio Derves may as well have remained in his coma for all the energy he brings, but like Farris, he's given little to work with beyond laboured jokes and contrived situations, all painfully magnified by some mediocre direction and a witless script.

Eva Longaria was credited a producer, and while I think she has some honourable intentions generally, it makes me wonder why this was even made - this is just another remake with a couple of gender swap gimmicks tagged on; nothing can hide the lack of creative energy, or the staleness of a storyline suffocating in its own dead air.
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Better than I expected
adscarrel26 July 2018
Was gonna skip it. All the standard 2 star reviews because it's a remake. But it's fun. Good way to pass the time. Haven't seen original forever but 80s movies generally don't date as well as you'd remember.so check it out.
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enjoyable but......
crazyhockeycardz21 July 2018
I loved the original and was excited for a new twist on the film and love both the leads however the spanish speaking parks broke the flow of the movie and was too long and not really needed . funny yes but had so much potential to be more funny kids were not as involved as original though it was attemeted it fell short enjoyable movie but left disappointed .
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Not sure which scares me more.....
Corlissa099429 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't usually roast movies. This movie however actually made me angry, so I have to write a review. I am going to begin with the fact that I wanted to give this a 2, but decided to give it a 3 because I know I am biased as the original Overboard holds a special place in my heart.

First off, this script was incredibly lazy. If you are going to do a remake and change or update the story, you should probably not randomly quote the original script word for word in some parts and not others.

The only person giving an acting performance was Eugenio and he must have caught on to that because his was far too over the top. Anna Farris appeared to be a second grade doppelganger of herself . She had some weird work to her face and her voice seemed to drop 3 octaves. She was painful to watch with her lethargic delivery.

Then you have the two main characters with no chemistry whatsoever. He was supposedly an rich playboy (Unconvincingly) and she a struggling single mom. She goes to clean his "yacht" and ends up in a confrontation to where she falls overboard and he throws out her expensive equipment after her. This scene was ridiculous and completely unbelievable.

He gets drunk one night falls overboard and gets amnesia. She and her friend decide she should pick him up and convince him he was her husband so she could use him for extra help around the house/extra income. Sorry. There is no way a sane mother of 3 young daughters would entertain a the idea of bringing a strange man into her home.

From there is just a plethora of moldy cheese scenes of him slowly becoming humble and falling in love with Anna and her daughters. Supposedly Anna is falling for him too, but you would never know because she bowed out of doing any acting in this movie.

You get to the climatic finish where he gets his memory back, leaves, but then they all realize they love each other so decide to stay together as a family. He then gives up his millions of dollars for the family. (NO WAY- by the way) He and Anna could barely make it through a loving gaze more or less actually sleeping together. Not a chance he would pick them over the money.

Every person involved with this movie should donate every dollar they received to charity as they didn't earn or deserve one penny.

Which brings me back to my original review title- I don't know which scares me more. The fact that there are that many people out there that really liked this disaster. Or that this is what Hollywood has become. The only thing I hope comes from this pathetic mess is that people get re-inspired to watch/rent/buy the original because it is far far superior.
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Actually pretty funny!
TJMBuddlake7 May 2018
Normally a remake of a classic comedy doesn't go over well but this was actually entertaining! I didn't mind the swapping of gender roles. What stuck in my craw, was the overwhelming abundance of Spanish dialect in the movie. We get it, the main character is Spanish but we really don't need this to develop into a Spanish telenovela. There were loads of laughs, the audience loved it! There was one subtle reference to the original. It was a line said by a minor character. I did enjoy a few scenes that they were able to recreate from the original. I was also surprised that they didn't get a cameo from Hawn or Russell. Don't listen to the critics, they don't know JACK!
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