5 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 50The Film StageJared MobarakThe Film StageJared MobarakYour enjoyment is thus hinged on your ability to not care. Can you let the wild insanity be enough? I generally can and did for a large portion of Die in a Gunfight, but that still doesn’t make it more than a shallow lark to forget the minute you leave the theater.
- 30The New York TimesBeatrice LoayzaThe New York TimesBeatrice LoayzaIt’s a shame that it’s all so wincingly contrived. The film tries so hard to be slick, but its efforts are both unoriginal and painfully amateurish.
- 20Screen RantMae AbdulbakiScreen RantMae AbdulbakiDie in a Gunfight is utterly empty, with poorly developed characters, clunky dialogue, and a disingenuous romance that attempts to be epic in nature.
- 12RogerEbert.comChristy LemireRogerEbert.comChristy LemireSchiffli’s snarky and snide self-aware tone quickly grows wearisome, and his action sequences have a cheapness about them that’s distancing; they’re almost laughable but never so-bad-they’re-good.