Sabotage (2014)
Mireille Enos: Lizzy Murray
Monster : Breach, that's not them.
Sugar : It's not the Kaibeles?
Lizzy : What do you mean? What are you talking about?
Sugar : You mean we killed six motherfuckers, and it ain't them?
Breacher : Well, check again.
Monster : Okay.
[turns around for a second, leaning down and pretending to check one of the bodies before turning back]
Monster : No, still not them!
Lizzy : [from trailer] Sweetheart, you're so in over your fucking head.
Lizzy : Sweetheart, you're so in over your fucking head. You need more than a Glock and sensible shoes.
Breacher : [spoilers]
[following a crash]
Breacher : You murdered my team Why Lizzy? Why?
Lizzy : [choking on her own blood] Because they took my fucking money... after everything I did for them... they fucking robbed me... so fuck 'em
Breacher : [solemnly] I took the money Liz... I took it
[last lines]
Lizzy : You? But Why?
[Breacher is hard faced in stony silence]
Lizzy : Mexico... this about fucking Mexico? You're family is fucking dead and never coming home
Lizzy : and nothing you can do will ever change it...