Kickassia (2010 Video)
Benjamin Daniel: Benzaie, Beary
Benzaie : Shit! Cinema Snob is gone, now what do we do?
Linkara : I suggest an attack. A full-frontal assault by all of us. I'll orchestrate it myself.
Angry Joe : Damn it, man! He'll have plenty of time to set off the detonator! He'll kill us all!
Linkara : I can do this Joe! I've seen "Patton" over a hundred times!
Nostalgia Critic : And so, it is the ruling of this court that you be found guilty for the crimes against our government. All in favor, say 'aye'. Aye. All opposed?
The Spoony One , Linkara , Angry Joe , Nostalgia Chick , Phelous , MarzGurl , Bennett the Sage , 8-Bit Mickey , Benzaie : Nay!
Nostalgia Critic : [sing-songy] Too bad I'm in charge! Guilty!
Nostalgia Chick : [Nostalgia Critic is beaten senseless] Well done, everyone, well done. Now, since I am next in line for the presidency, it's only fitting that I should wear the crown.
[takes Critic's hat]
Nostalgia Chick : You will refer to me as Madame President from now on.
Bennett the Sage : Wait a minute, so this whole cutesy, naive thing was just an act?
Nostalgia Chick : Yep.
JewWario : You're not really that nice?
Nostalgia Chick : Nope.
Benzaie : You're not really that stupid?
Nostalgia Chick : Uh-uh.
Bennett the Sage : I say we castrate him with a fork, tie him to a cactus and play piñata with his entrails!
Bennett the Sage : What?
Benzaie : You were just so fast to say that.
Nostalgia Critic , The Spoony One , Linkara , Angry Joe , Nostalgia Chick , Phelous , MarzGurl , Bennett the Sage , Benzaie , JewWario : I believe in Santa Christ.
Cinema Snob : [re: the Critic] He does nothing. It's like the job of a president is to be removed from reality while everyone else does the work.
Benzaie : Um... yeah, imagine that.
Linkara : This is ridiculous! There is no strategy here! Plus, he's my archnemesis! It's... annoying!
Benzaie : No, they're right. We've got to fight madness with madness. And he's the craziest we got.
[to Insano]
Benzaie : Are you ready?
Dr. Insano : [Evil laugh] I was BORN ready!
[Linkara facepalms]
Benzaie : If not the team, then do it for us! The team!