À la poursuite de demain (2015) Poster

George Clooney: Frank Walker



  • Athena : Do you want to know why you could never make me laugh.

    Frank Walker : Why?

    Athena : Because you're not funny.

  • [first lines] 

    Frank Walker : Are they on?

    Casey Newton : Yep, so introduce yourself.

    Frank Walker : Okay. Hey, I'm Frank, how you doing? Don't answer that, that's rhetorical. Okay, let's get you up to speed... this is a story about the future, and the future can be scary...

    Casey Newton : [Casey interrupts and the scene pauses for a moment]  Mmm...

    Frank Walker : What?

    Casey Newton : You sure you want to go with scary?

    Frank Walker : Yes I want to go with scary.

    Casey Newton : Okay!

    Frank Walker : Okay!

    [scene continues] 

    Frank Walker : The future can be scary. Unstable governments, over-population, wars on every continent, famine, water shortages, environmental collapse...

    Casey Newton : [interrupts again]  ... and scientific breakthroughs, wonder and beauty...

    Frank Walker : Could you please just stop interrupting?

    Casey Newton : I will, just try to be more upbeat.

    Frank Walker : Upbeat? I can't tell them anything if you keep interrupting me.

    Casey Newton : You're right, sorry.

    Frank Walker : As I was saying... with every second that ticks by, we get closer and closer...

    Casey Newton : [interrupts yet again]  Ooh I know... tell them about...

    Frank Walker : I can't tell them anything until I tell them about this.

    Casey Newton : Then can we please just start somewhere else?

    Frank Walker : Fine where would you like me to start?

    Casey Newton : Well you keep saying the future wasn't always this way, right?

    Frank Walker : It wasn't... when I was a kid, the future was...

    Casey Newton : Different, right?

    Frank Walker : Right.

    Casey Newton : Okay cool, then start there.

  • Frank Walker : Why now? Why her?

    Athena : Because she hasn't given up.

  • Frank Walker : Now, you and I are gonna be on their watchlist but they may not have your facial recognition profile uploaded yet...

    Casey Newton : May not?

    Frank Walker : May not, so...

    [pulls out a device] 

    Frank Walker : you walk over there, you take this, you tap them on the neck. If he's human, it knocks him right out.

    Casey Newton : And if it's a robot?

    Athena : [Frank then proceeds to whack Athena with the device]  Hey!

    Frank Walker : You'll just piss it off.

  • [last lines] 

    Casey Newton : [voice over]  First order of business... get the door back open. Couldn't hurt to get a few experienced engineers over here. Next...

    Frank Walker : [voice over]  Put the party back on... and print out some new invitations.

    [Now cut to Frank and Casey speaking in front of an audience of androids like Athena] 

    Frank Walker : Which brings us to why we're here today. A year ago, it was all supposed to be over... we shouldn't even be here, but we are. It isn't hard to knock down a big, evil building that's telling everybody that the world's going to end. What is hard... is figuring out what to build in its place, and if we're going to do that... we can't do it alone. We're going to need all of you...

    Young British Recruiter : [raises his hand]  Frank Walker. May I ask a question?

    Frank Walker : Sure!

    Young British Recruiter : The search parameters you've given us, while mathematically sound, are a bit... undefined. Could you be more specific, please?

    Frank Walker : Well, Miss Newton. You want to tell our recruiters what they're looking for?

    Casey Newton : Dreamers... we are looking for dreamers. Anyone who will feed the right wolf.

    [start handing out cases of Tomorrowland buttons] 

    Frank Walker : So... I once told your predecessor that she was nothing but a combination of ones and zeroes. I was wrong. She was much more than that. You are much more than that, too. So, go out there and do she would've done. Find the ones who haven't given up. They're the future.

  • Frank Walker : All right, it's going to be bright, cold and really loud. You're going to lose 90% of your blood sugar in 1/100 of a second. And you're going to wish you were dead. But then it'll be over.

    [Frank puts ear muffs on Casey, pauses for a moment, then partially removes it from one ear] 

    Frank Walker : Don't pee on us.

    [Frank puts the ear muffs back on Casey] 

    Casey Newton : This sounds spectacular.

  • [after the whole sequence where young Frank first arrives in Tomorrowland] 

    Frank Walker : And then everything went to hell...

    Casey Newton : Oh boy...

    Frank Walker : Well it did...

    Casey Newton : So you gave them like one second of blue skies and jetpacks and hope...

    Frank Walker : It's important! They need to know the stakes!

    Casey Newton : I think they can figure out clocks counting down are bad.

    Frank Walker : Do you want to tell the story?

    Casey Newton : No, you're doing fine.

    Frank Walker : Because if you think you can tell the story better, I would absolutely love to hear you try...

    Casey Newton : Wow really?

    Frank Walker : Really!

    Casey Newton : Well I guess technically I am more qualified...

    Frank Walker : Are you? How so?

    Casey Newton : Because unlike you... I'm an optimist.

  • Athena : There are things I need to tell you before the final... before the automated program kicks in. I'm a machine, I never thought that was bad until I saw your face when you found out I was.

    Frank Walker : I always knew...

    Athena : No you didn't...

    Computer Voice : Systems failing. Activating last thoughts saved for Frank Walker.


    Athena : Log 15. September. 1965. Frank Walker is looking at me in a manner that is difficult to recognize. It seems imperative to explain to him that I'm an audio-animatronic...

    Frank Walker : Athena...

    Athena : ...But I'm concerned that he may be adversely affected when he finds out that I'm not human. He has potential. I don't want to damage it. He needs someone to believe in him and I am fulfilling that need. He's my top recruit. Log 24. October. 1965. I'm having unusual thoughts towards Frank Walker. I suspect a flaw in my empathy interface. I'm thinking I should report it... but I haven't. I cannot explain why. Log 78. April. 1984. Frank Walker has been banished by Governor Nix. He says he's lost hope and he holds me responsible for having given it to him in the first place. I do not understand this. He says I never will, because I do not feel anger... or disappointment... or love.

    Computer Voice : End recording.

    Athena : I was designed to find dreamers... I found you... and lost you. But I found her... Casey. Dreamers need to stick together. It's not programming, it's personal.

  • [first lines] 

    Frank Walker : Are they on?

    Casey Newton : Yep, so introduce yourself.

    Frank Walker : Okay. Hey, I'm Frank, how you doing? Don't answer that. That's rhetorical. Okay, let's get you up to speed... this is a story about the future, and the future can be scary...

    Casey Newton : [Casey interrupts and the scene pauses for a moment]  Mmm...

    Frank Walker : What?

    Casey Newton : You sure you want to go with scary?

    Frank Walker : Yes I want to go with scary.

    Casey Newton : Okay!

    Frank Walker : Okay!

    Frank Walker : [scene continues]  The future can be scary. Unstable governments, over-population, wars on every continent, famine, water shortages, environmental collapse...

    Casey Newton : [interrupts again]  ... and scientific breakthroughs, wonder and beauty...

    Frank Walker : Could you please just stop interrupting?

    Casey Newton : I will. Just try to be a little more upbeat.

    Frank Walker : Upbeat?

    Casey Newton : Yeah, tell them what you like.

    Frank Walker : I can't tell them anything if you keep interrupting me.

    Casey Newton : You're right, sorry.

  • Frank Walker : There is still a receiver there?

    Athena : Last I checked.

    Frank Walker : How long ago was that?

    Athena : 25 years ago. Roughly.

  • [standing on Monitor] 

    Casey Newton : How is this possible?

    Nix : We are millions of exponential deviances away from the dimension you call home. Frank had the noble idea of building this machine so that we can keep in touch.

    Casey Newton : [looking back at her garage]  This is 3 days ago.

    Nix : Relatively... That's space-time humor. Those tachyons travel faster than light. Once we harness them...

    Casey Newton : You can see backwards in time.

    Frank Walker : Not just backwards.

    Casey Newton : You're kidding.

    Frank Walker : No.

    [using Monitor to see the future] 

  • Frank Walker : David... The Monitor is acting as an antenna. It isn't just receiving tachyons. It is taking a possible future and...

    Casey Newton : And amplifying it, transmitting it, like a feedback loop. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy that's coming from right there. But it's not just showing people the end of the world, it's giving them the idea over and over again until they just accept it! It's a ticking time bomb, and we're the ones that lit the fuse. We still have 58 days to try and change things. But nothing will work as long as that thing is still on.

    Nix : Young lady, I'm gonna assume that your knowledge of tachyonic fusion is a little sketchy. Shutting it down is impossible. There is no off.

    Casey Newton : I'm telling you what it's doing. Why don't you care?

    Frank Walker : Because he's the one that's doing it.

  • Frank Walker : Do I have to explain everything? Can't you just be amazed and move on?

  • Frank Walker : Get used to that, kid. One minute, she's promising you a beautiful future, the next thing you know, she's leading it to your house to kill you.

    Athena : I'm sorry, but time is running out and you needed motivation.

  • Frank Walker : What you saw was a commercial that was recorded decades ago. It was an invitation that never went out because the damn party got canceled. You are not supposed to do anything. You've been manipulated to feel like you're part of something incredible, like you were special. But you weren't. You're not.

  • Athena : Hello, Frank. Are you going to shoot me?

    Frank Walker : I'm deciding.

  • Nix : You look good, Frank. Age becomes you.

    Frank Walker : Thanks, you should try it some time.

    Nix : No thanks. I'll just keep drinking my shake each morning. They come in chocolate now, you know.

See also

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