12 of 33 found this moderate
JP does a lot of crude drawings of penises throughout the series. In one episode he constantly talks about being horny and can't stop drawing penises. He first sees Oregon eating a banana and mimics it by drawing her sucking a penis. He later draws an enormous penis with an enormous amount of semen leaking out during a lecture.
Frequent sex scenes, sometimes vigorous but almost never with any nudity, and lots of crude sex-related dialogue. Plenty of brief discussion about masterbation, semen, erections, ect. The most crude line is when Vod makes a remark about having anal sex and then fellatio straight after so that the woman licks feces off the penis
JP's butt is seen in a few episodes, and one scene shows a woman's breasts.
14 of 22 found this mild
A woman breaks another woman's arm by twisting it. Nothing graphic is shown, just a clicking sound is heard
A man makes repeated attempts to murder another man. The first time is when he drops an iron from upstairs that just misses his head. The second time is when he feeds him a bowl of rice with broken glass in it which he notices and doesn't eat. Then the third time is when he throws a knife at him which just misses him and sticks into the wall
A man has his testicles squeezed and then headbutted resulting in a bloody nose.
A woman breaks a man's nose by pushing her palm into it
A man punches another man in the nose and leaves it bloodied
A man has the frenulum of his penis torn during intercourse and blood is seen on the woman's hand when she reaches down to check what happened.
A man gets his groin squeezed and then headbutted which results in a bloody nose
A man threatens another man with a loaded gun but doesn't harm him. Although the scene is comedic and his intention to shoot him is clearly not serious
Two men get into a fight. Only one of them throws a punch which misses and results in accidently breaking his thumb
A man gets whacked with batongs and knocked over with riot shields by police officers during a protest
19 of 26 found this severe
Derogatory slurs such as 'mong' and 'retard' are used.
Many uses of fuck, Cunt, twat, bollocks, wanker, shit and ass.
18 of 23 found this severe
The students drink alcohol. One character is seen intoxicated.
Use of drugs. One character overdoses on cocaine and is hospitalised. Use of marijuana and LSD.
16 of 23 found this to have none
A character has a drug overdose.
A man approaches another man while swinging a cable.