- [a cloaked figure is about to bust Transformers 4 with a hammer. ERod appears]
- ERod: By the power vested in me by the Legion of Badassitude, I order you to cease and desist all busting activities. So put the hammer down.
- Nostalgia Critic: Oh, you overly dramatic douche-nozzle!
- [the figure removes his cloak, revealing himself as the Nostalgia Critic]
- ERod: YOU.
- Nostalgia Critic: ME.
- ERod: You know Transformers was my first review, right?
- Nostalgia Critic: Mine too!
- ERod: [raising his hammer] Then I guess there's only one way this is gonna go down.
- Nostalgia Critic: [drawing his gun] Yup.
- ERod: [slowly approaching] One shall rise.
- Nostalgia Critic: [also approaching] One shall fall.
- ERod: Wow, she can make herself look like Angelina Jolie! I wonder how they got her permission to use her likeness.
- ERod: [Realizes the character is played by Angelina Jolie] . It is Angelina Jolie!
- ERod: [Becomes confused and disappointed] . You know what? As a heterosexual male, I have to admit that I find the mere concept of a computer animated replica of Angelina Jolie, wearing nothing but gold paint to be quite appealing. But, here's my issue with this...
- ERod: [Yelling through his teeth] . Angelina Jolie exists in REAL LIFE!
- ERod: [Cut to many clips of animated features with Erod's voice over it] . The cool part of animation is you can create what ever you want. If you want to create a girl who's too hot to be real, you can. But if the girl already exists, what is the point of recreating her in the computer!