The story begins when Maria Herra, a very hard-working humble young woman and mother of a girl, meets a rich successful man. Both fall hopelessly in love, but he is married to Annie, with wh... Read allThe story begins when Maria Herra, a very hard-working humble young woman and mother of a girl, meets a rich successful man. Both fall hopelessly in love, but he is married to Annie, with whom he has son Esteban. He must decide between Maria and his family, and his love for Maria... Read allThe story begins when Maria Herra, a very hard-working humble young woman and mother of a girl, meets a rich successful man. Both fall hopelessly in love, but he is married to Annie, with whom he has son Esteban. He must decide between Maria and his family, and his love for Maria isn't enough for him to leave his family, so he breaks up with her. But he doesn't know t... Read all