Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Partie 2 (Video 2013) Poster

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Satisfying second part
thebackofmyhouse15 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The first part was in itself great, but the second part really breaks the boundary of excellence. Not being familiar to the graphic novel origins of the story, what happens in second part really blows my mind. Not only does Batman have the Joker to contend with, but put Superman together in the mix, and you get another level of awesomeness.

I feel like the animation in the second part is more fluid, the fighting choreography was smoother and the direction, especially the "camera" work was definitely better than the first. An overall improvement. However, it might also be due to more "stuff" happening in the second part, thus more avenues to feature all these improvements.

This is one of the best animated movies I've had the chance of seeing. It even stands fairly well on its own without watching the first part, but seeing the first part adds a lot to the enjoyment of the second. Watch this. I don't give out 9 stars easily, and this movie is better than every movie I've watched in 2012. A very good start to 2013.
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Great adaptation of the novel.
oliverriordan28 November 2021
This combination of the first and second parts to "The Dark Knight Returns" is not only an excellent adaptation of the acclaimed graphic novel, but an excellent animated movie full of emotion and energy. Considering I am already a big fan of the graphic novel, I wasn't expecting much out of this movie. The novel was great on it's own and didn't require a animated counterpart. But with great voice acting and excellent storytelling this movie serves as one of DC's best animated movies.
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An epic conclusion to a grand two-parter
xamtaro26 April 2013
The animated adaptation of Frank Miller's epic classic Batman tale concludes in "The Dark Knight Returns: Part 2". Whatever made part one great makes this one just as enjoyable. The producers continue their policy of adapting 100% the critically acclaimed graphic novel while expanding on story elements that could not have been expanded upon due to a lack of space in the original 4 issues worth of comics.

Spurred on by Batman's actions in the first part, The Joker uses a clever ruse to return to crime and senseless murder. As Batman attempts to bring the increasingly chaotic city under control, numerous forces are out to get him. The Joker wants to bait him into the ultimate showdown, the Cops under a new commissioner want to arrest him, the United States Government wants to end him. All the while, a war is brewing that would tear the country apart. Driven to the brink, Batman does the unthinkable and the government brings in a red and blue secret weapon who is faster than a speeding bullet.

Easily the most powerful conclusion and the finest animated production from Warner Premiere, the whole thing looks superb. Animation is of the highest quality, rivaling that of big budget anime movies. Fight scenes are in full motion, bristling with a kinetic sense of energy and without a single short cut. All of it set to a unique score by composer Christopher Drake which combines blockbuster orchestral tunes with a futuristic noir inspired synthesizer sounds. Again, the main complaint is more with the art than the animation. Frank Miller's art is faithfully replicated but in certain scenes, the quality of the art takes a nose dive. One such scene involves superman taking on a naval fleet; the way the ships are drawn look pathetically cheap compared to the rest of the movie.

And the final fight between Superman and Batman has some laughable dips in quality too.

Telling a story in a new medium would warrant some tweaks. For example, Fans would remember that the comic featured walls of text to give exposition and explanation. In animation, the story is expanded enough so that said exposition is not necessary. Events flow naturally into each other and scenes that were slightly confusing to the casual reader makes perfect sense: scenes like Joker's final moments, the war with the Russians, why Gotham is suddenly snowing when it was a heat wave in the first movie etc. Just one of the examples of how this movie expands and improves on the original. The only thing lacking is that Frank Miller littered his narrative with characters' inner monologues. These give us an insight into the thoughts and personality of the characters; these are also, sadly, missing. And with it goes that insight that audience could have been given.

The voice cast are just as top notch as the previous installment. Michael Emerson's Joker is oozing with a certain homoerotic creepiness, quipping in a psychotic slur. Just listen to his dialogue during his climatic hand to hand showdown with Batman, it is almost traumatising. On the downside, Peter Weller seems to gave grown a little bored of the role as Batman. His deep baritone becomes almost monotone and his inflection is.....all wrong. Just listen to that half hearted "I Am the Law" speech he gives to the ex-mutant gang. Yes the script is the same as the book, but the delivery is below expectations.

Yet with its strict adherence to the source material, this animated movie also carries over the flaws of the source material. A good number of going-ons require some suspension of disbelief. Like how does Joker get his hands on lip stick that can mind control people? How does someone make near sentient robot dolls that spew poison gas and flies and has the strength of Superman? Oh well.....

It can be said that Dark Knight Returns, when both parts are viewed as one whole movie, is a true animated epic worthy of some awards. Perhaps the slight dip in some animation quality was due to the fact that they were producing Part 2 concurrently with the "Superman Unbound" animated feature. Nevertheless, this is a solid animated feature with good production values. DC and Warner Premiere keeps topping themselves, and the next animated feature will be hard pressed to keep this level of quality. The Dark Knight Returns duology is a must watch for any comic book fan.
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the Dark Knight Returns with a BANG!
thezakman18217 January 2013
This is the animated film comic fans have been waiting for. Batman fanatics will want to watch this and the Dark Knight Returns Part I back to back. Casual movies goers will want to head to their local comic shop for the first time ever.

The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller is among the most acclaimed graphic novels ever. For years fans hoped for a film version of this four part miniseries. Just when we thought the cinematic world of Batman couldn't get any better (thanks to Chris Nolan's masterful Dark Knight Trilogy) we were finally bestowed the very faithful film adaption of the Dark Knight Returns.

This films follows immediately after the Dark Knight Returns Part I. Bruce Wayne is old but more determined than ever to reclaim the city. Batman is met with both praise and animosity from the public. Commissioner Gordon has retired. The new commissioner wants Batman arrested. A teenage girl is the new Robin. Nazi gangs are roaming the streets. Joker is being released from jail. Green Arrow is getting involved in Gotham City's conflicts. Street gangs proclaim to be the Sons of Batman. The Cold War is about to reach its nuclear climax. Superman has been hired as an assassin by the president....

All of these events come together beautifully (and with many surprises) in a well-paced, brilliantly written, thought provoking, elegantly animated, and savagely action-packed epic played out by fascinating characters. The Dark Knight Returns reaffirms that the Legend of the Dark Knight is timeless and can only die when the rest of the human race goes with it.
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totally epic
shuhaabshah-31 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
after the first part came out i thought this is as far as a thriller animation can get............ . I WAS WRONG.

I don't know how they have managed to show all this in 75 minutes .. but i thought i was watching a 2 hour movie and the thrill never went down . NOT EVEN FOR A MINUTE ,

the battle between BATMAN AND JOKER was mind blowing and to be honest my body was shaking

but to my surprise the end battle between BATMAN AND SUPERMAN was even more brutal and thrilling .What else could you ask for

I have watched almost all the batman anime ..

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Batman : The Dark Knight Returns (Part 1 & 2)
poptj475 February 2013
WB/DC's Direct-to-DVD Animated Film "BATMAN : THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS" is an Adaptation of Frank Miller's comic published in 1986.

Summary (Without Spoilers): Bruce Wayne is now 55 years old & 10 years have passed since the retirement of Batman. With the rise of a new nemesis called the Mutant Gang, the city descends deep into chaos and the Dark Knight is forced to wear his cape again. Despite his age clearly showing, Batman still takes the fight to injustice with the help of a new Robin in the form a teenage girl named Carrie Kelly. While 70 year old Commissioner Gordon is being replaced with an Anti-Batman minded Ellen Yindel. Things get worse as two of Batman's Greatest Villains, Two Face & the Joker who have been keeping quite with a plastic surgery and in a catatonic state respectively break out of Arkham Asylum with the public blaming Batman for their returns. The government feels Batman has gotten out of hand with his Do-whatever-to-do-what-is-right policy and sends his former ally, Superman to take him down once and for all. The film also features Selina Kyle who is no longer Catwoman and Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) who plays a short but vital part to tie up this Masterpiece.

My Views: This is one of the darkest portrayals of the Batman universe and it makes me wonder how the hell did they get away from an R rating. Never has been an animated movie been so thrilling and so serious for me like these. The whole story and some of the fight scenes are just epic. While face-offs with Harvey Dent & the Mutant Leader in Part 1 was great, battles with the Joker & Superman in Part 2 takes animation movies to a whole new level. Some might be disappointed not to hear Kevin Conroy & Mark Hamill's familiar voices, I'd say the chosen actors to play the older counterparts was a right decision. Some subplots might be mildly uninteresting, but that is irrelevant when most of the package is stuffed with such greatness.

All this ties up perfectly as a well paced, superbly written, beautifully animated and savagely action packed movie with many surprises. The Dark Knight Returns reaffirms the fact that the Legend of the Dark Knight will continue to amaze us in unprecedented ways and be part and parcel of us fans forever.

Final Verdict : 10/10
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mr_animal3 January 2020
There have been many Batman animations but nothing and I mean nothing is better than these two masterpieces.
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Excellent animation
tr917 August 2013
Part 1 was good but part 2 was great. I haven't seen many Batman animations and this just makes you want to watch more.

The plot is great and dark, the way it should be. There is plenty of action (shooting, fighting, chases). Two epic battles, just non stop action, bloody action as well.

The animation looks great and it sounds great too. This was really enjoyable and extremely well made, one of the best animations I have ever seen. Batman, Superman, Joker - What more do you need?

Well worth watching, this is one not to be missed.

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So damn well done!
dragonsedge-7750823 May 2022
I've never read the novel but I feel like there's no need to because that's how good this film is!

I'll watch this over the new 52 films any day.

Excellent voice cast and music.

This is one that has to be watched with the lights off.
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namashi_122 October 2013
The continuation of 'Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1', 'Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2' is a stellar sequel to a equally superior prequel. Its Wow!

'Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2' Synopsis: The Batman has returned after a 10-year absence. The Gotham authorities want to arrest him. An old foe wants a reunion. The Feds want the Man of Tomorrow to put a stop to him.

'Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2' begins & ends with a bang. The Writing Material is fantastic, it leaves a lasting-impact. The Rivalry between two of the greatest superheroes is a delight to watch. Even the sequences involving Joker are extremely competent. In numerous ways, 'Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2' overtakes its prequel, thanks to the fabulous execution. The Animation is mesmerizing. Jay Olivia's Direction is very well-done.

Vocal Performances are remarkable: Peter Weller as Bruce Wayne/Batman, is flawless, yet again! Mark Valley as Superman, is convincing. Michael Emerson as Joker, is despicable & loathsome. A Class Act! Tress MacNeille as Selina Kyle, is appropriate. Conan O'Brien as David Endochrine, is witty & entertaining in a bit role. Ariel Winter as Carrie Kelley/Robin, David Selby as Commissioner James Gordon & Michael Jackson as Alfred Pennyworth, are good.

On the whole, 'Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2' is so good, it has the potential to become an instant classic.
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Bleak, blunt and brutal; an atmospheric animation that rivals the movies.
Pjtaylor-96-1380448 June 2018
'Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part II (2013)' acts more as a sequel to the first film, rather than a straight continuation, but still recreates Frank Miller's acclaimed graphic novel with a striking accuracy, in terms of tone, story and style. The piece follows a similar formula as its predecessor, presenting its bleak world with a brutal and brooding Batman operating on the fringes of the law. It focuses even more on the morality of vigilantism and the consequences it has on society, especially in a city as vulnerable as Gotham, while also exploring the idea that the Dark Knight creates the very evils he seeks to destroy. There are some interesting ideas explored here. The underlying themes are mature and nuanced, woven into the world at every opportunity. These also manifest themselves in the unexpected, often counter-intuitive but ultimately fascinating ways in which certain comic-book characters appear. Again, the handling of the source-material, including the wider Batman universe, is deft and demonstrative of a deeper understanding of the lore. All of this plays into the darker narrative presented, which very much plays into fears of the past that might soon become fears of the present. This isn't due to some prophetic ability, though, it is simply due to Miller's own widely known sensibilities, which seep into the piece in some less subtle ways such as a couple of 'on-the-nose' nipple-tassels. This time, the presented 'universe' isn't quite as cohesive, either. There are some elements that stand-out as being somewhat outlandish compared to the world established in the prior film and, indeed, at the start of this one (possible superpowers notwithstanding). It's in these moments, which aren't ever explained, that the otherwise incredible immersion is broken. Not that this is a major issue, but it is distracting and the plot leans fairly heavily on these elements. As does it on a structure that means it peaks about half-way through. This leads to a feeling that it's fairly unfocused, too, because the story doesn't head in its natural direction - not immediately or for its natural reason, at least - after this peak. Still, the events are always entertaining and there is a consistent, even somewhat surprising, level of emotional attachment to the characters, even those to the side. There is a constant level of excitement in the action sequences and some satisfaction in the blunt brutality of their conclusions, too. The movie picks the pace up again with a great, action-packed finale and ends on a down-played but fitting final beat. On the whole, I wouldn't say it's necessarily better than the first part, though it is difficult to rank them as they feel quite different. It certainly stands alongside it and is a fitting film for such an iconic character, one that serves him better than many of the live-action attempts. 7/10
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Flawed but arguably the most gritty and uncompromising portrayal of the Dark Knight
The-Last-Prydonian6 July 2020
The latest in a fairly long line of animated adaptations or interpretations of the Batman mythos to be brought to the screen; The Dark Knight Returns was based on the four-part 1986 graphic novel brought to life by the now legendary Frank Miller. The very man whose formidable talent brought forth such renowned works as; Sin City and Watchmen to name but two, he seemingly had no involvement in any advisory or technical capacity. And if this full-length version, (it was originally released in two chapters on two individual DVD releases) is anything to go by, he needn't have done so as it remains irrevocably faithful to its source material.

It focuses on how Bruce Wayne (voiced by; Peter Weller best known for his iconic role in 1980's sci-fi action hit; Robocop) who has long since retired after the untimely demise of Jason Todd; the second Robin feels compelled to return to a life of vigilantism. Gotham it seems is an even grimmer, meaner metropolis that has become more of a breeding ground for crime and is descending into inevitable anarchy. Arguably and some might claim irrefutably the most gritty and uncompromising depiction of the Dark Knight, it doesn't make it any less riveting and complex, all be it implausible.

Adroitly selecting the criminally unhinged Harvey "Two-Face" Dent (Wade Williams) as the early antagonist who partially instigates the millionaire son of Gotham to don the cape and cowl once more; his dual nature is an ideal adage to the themes of the first half of the movie which explore duality. There's Bruce Wayne's double identity as the aged industrialist and the avenging Batman, with the divisiveness of public opinion over whether he is a positive force for change in Gotham or a self-imposed, meddling vigilante menace that is part of the problem rather than the solution. They're handled adeptly via vox pops with Gothamites which are broadcast on local news stations. Derivative it may be but it still has the desired effect. There are also the dual sides of the official and unofficial iconic symbols of justice; a 70-year-old Commissioner James Gordon (David Selby) who is on the verge of retiring with old friend and ally, Bruce entering again into the battlefield streets of their once beloved city. One's on his way out as the other one is finding himself drawn right back in. Their scenes together are relatively sparse but they hit the right note of bitter-sweet poignancy which compliments its darker more brooding tone.

Dent aside; the genuine and more prominent threat in the first half is the brutal and ominous gang which is practically an army of degenerate hoodlums calling themselves; The Mutants. Led by the imposing, towering presence of the maniacal Mutant Leader who as a figurehead personifies their carnal savagery concisely. Not since Bane; have we seen a nemesis that is potentially a match for Batman, but then at 55 years of age, he is irretrievably past his prime. But this is Bruce Wayne and although his physical frame has become more beleaguered with age, his mettle hasn't. Peter Weller with the subtlety of his nuanced vocal performance oozes a quiet resolute firmness that barely seems to waver.

Returning momentarily to the themes of duality, there's the welcome if tried and tested adage of a new Robin; this time gave the then more fresh spin of being a high-spirited (are they anything else?) teenage girl named Carrie Kelly and voiced with likable spunky idealism by Ariel Winter. However, given Bruce Wayne's previous reluctance and the impetus behind his retirement, one wonders if his readiness to accept young Miss Kelly to be his latest sidekick is a means to push forward the plot. It feels like expedience is a rationale for forgoing some semblance of plausibility. All the same, her addition makes for a wonderful story arc.

Commencing with the second half, and with his presence being teasingly hinted at within the first; there is the inexorable inclusion of the once campy referred to; Clown Prince of Crime; The Joker whose vocals are brought to life by Michael Emerson of TV's; Lost and Person of Interest fame. His presence undeniably runs the risk of feeling contrived but this was Frank Miller's story we are talking about here and his figurative resurrection from a comatose state is beautifully realized. That first moment you hear his first few syllables which herald the beginning of the second act; you can't help but feel goosebumps. His personal story of his being incarcerated in a mental facility for an undisclosed period of time in a dormant state and his reemergence are masterfully executed. The incorporation of his therapist; the naively idealistic Dr. Bartholomew Wolper (an ever-reliable Michael McKean) also adds something to the overarching narrative. My one reservation with Emerson's portrayal is while he vocally has a chilling resonance; the iconic laugh just lacks the high-pitched maniacal oomph that Mark Hamill definitively rendered. Nevertheless; his return although brief, its impact is no less bad for it and serves to shine a light on the jaded nature of Bruce Wayne's former idealism.

Entering into the fray; having the torch being passed to her by her successor James Gordon, is new Commissioner Ellen Yindel (Maria Cannais-Barrera) who represents a bold new generation of Gotham law enforcement. Steadfast in her convictions in regard to the law; she has a contradictory code of ethics to her predecessor who she never the less has underlining respect for him as he does for her. It would be easy to portray her as a partial villain of the piece, and while undoubtedly a thorn in Batman's side; her motives are anything if not pure.

Finally, there is the final stage of the film, in which while the arc of the story plays out in parallel with the previous ongoing action; the slightly uneven and shaky relationship between Clarke Kent/Superman comes inevitably to ahead. Once a symbol of hope, he has become something of the antithesis of everything he is supposed to stand for as he has essentially become a weapon of the United States government, answering to; President Ronald Reagan (remember that the graphic novel was published back in 1986). Truth, Justice, and the American way have become glorified buzzwords to enshroud politically dubious intentions. The ultimate battle of two ideologies; that are diametrically opposed adds another layer to the depth and complexity of the overall narrative.

The Dark Knight Returns, however, as I have hitherto affirmed is not a perfect movie, as neither was the graphic novel. With the superhero/comic-book genre a healthy amount of suspension of disbelief is required, although this in my personal view asks a tad too much in terms of Bruce Wayne's waning virility; while there could have been an in-depth struggle with his reconciling in enlisting a new youthful sidekick with the brutal death of Jason Todd. All in all, this is fundamentally an absorbing and richly composite tale that although not officially canon; would make for supplementary addition to the Batman saga. Its vocal performances are for the most part exemplary and its animation inspired, as it strikingly captures the dark, brooding aesthetic of Gotham City. In short; it's required viewing for any Batman aficionado.
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Dropped the ball after part 1
spectrx8 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
After I watched part 1 (which was perfect) I was excited for part 2. Now, I'd say about half of the movie was incredibly good, and I admit I had my mouth literally hanging open in disbelief a fair amount. However, there is a lot wrong with it, at the same time:

1) Whereas the first part highlighted Batman's age and the fact that he had to fight differently, the second one throws all that out the window. In part two Batman is portrayed as an inhuman fighting machine, who is tougher than he ever was when he was younger. The action in this one doesn't have the class and style of the first movie. It's just straight-up violent, frantic action.

2) The whole subplot with Superman seemed clumsy and tacked on. It really either didn't need to be there, or needed to be reworked. Also, Superman would NEVER have acted that way.

3) The whole Joker part had some serious flaws to it. Brutal violence ensues and greatly disrupts the feel of not only the first movie, but strays from every Batman movie or animation ever made.

4) The whole part about the new commissioner. Seriously?? It was laughably unrealistic. She is obsessed with stopping Batman even though the Joker is killing people left and right. Way over the top.

5) Lastly, there was just a lot of 80's comic goofiness in this one. Some of the plot stuff just didn't make any sense (the nuclear winter part) Batman riding around on a horse, etc etc.

As I said, this was a solid movie in some ways, even great in some ways. But everything about it was just way too over the top compared to part 1 and it had a completely different dynamic to it. Still, I'm giving it a pretty good rating.
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windthind11 January 2016
It's pretty, I will give it that, but I don't feel it translates Frank Miller's story well. The backdrop of the Cold War feels forced, all the more for how it decides to depict Superman as a tool of the United States, merrily killing commies. The Joker could be just about any homicidal maniac here almost, while Batman feels thuggish. Frank Miller's version of Batman was never my favorite, but it was an interesting vision of how far things could spin out of control. This film misses it all. I read a wonderful article a while ago about why the Joker and the Batman need each other, how they are antithetical: Batman strives to uphold his morals, even in the face of all the Joker's horrors. The Joker seeks to break Batman down and force him to break his code. In this movie, I'd say the Joker wins, especially in a scene where Batman spits in the dead Joker's face before booby-trapping his body and using explosives on the police.
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Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part II
johnhstrm26 July 2013
I had a really hard time believing that Part II would be better than Part I, I was wrong. This movie was packed from start to finish and I never found myself even the slightest bit bored.

The first part with the Joker could have been a movie by itself. It felt like over 1 hour of the movie had passed at that point, but in a good way. I was really excited from the ending of Part I when the Joker did his "B-B-B-Batmaaan, daaaarling" thing. The Joker was portrayed in a good way by the way he acted and talked throughout the movie.

One thing I did not like and that I didn't like from the first one either is how the new Robin is played.

I had some doubts about the Superman part, but it turned out really great and I love how the battle between them turned out, especially the ending!

Overall an awesome movie!
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Batman The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2: One of the best Batman tales by far
Platypuschow1 January 2018
Following directly on from the passable Dark Knight Returns Part 1 we see an aged Batman doing what he does best.

Clearly tired and with a new young Robin protege he is forced to contend with the return of the Joker, civil unrest, an increasingly hostile police force and Superman himself.

I went into this expecting more of the same, little did I realise it would be a contender for the best Batman movie out there.

Well written, thoughtful, very dark & with some genuinely game changing moments this second (And likely last) part really delivers. I find the old Batman so much more interesting, tired, hurting but determined to continue his crusade until his final breath.

This is evidence that the franchise has plenty of life in it, it just needs to be placed in the right peoples hands. If Batman vs Superman had been like this the DC Universe would be looking a whole hell of a lot more promising right now.

The Good:

Dark, gritty and violent

The Bad:

Robin, really?!

Odd version of the Joker

Timeline is weird

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

More movies need topless villainess's

Catwoman becoming a Madam, not really surprising

The bat glider scene made me just plain uncomfortable, good soldier, good soldier

One day DC will need to explain how Supermans outfit is impervious to damage as well
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Good animation & classic Batman.
jessicareid8 August 2013
As a Batman fan I really enjoyed this animated version, both parts of this were good but especially the second. The fact that it is a cartoon does not mean it is for children, it just basically brings the comic books into motion. There was a lot of action and violence in this and because it is a cartoon means that there were no limits.

The story line unfolded at a quick pace which is partly due to the fact that this is only just over an hour long so it is packed full of action. The joker gives this film a very dark side which you might not expect from a cartoon but all the stories involving Batman in the comics are dark so it is true to the those.

Whether you are a fan of the comics or the main films or not this is worth a watch and you may be surprised.
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The Batman is back again....again.
chandlerjoey_20043 February 2013
This was an excellent translation of Miller's piece of the same name. Animation and the overall attitude of the movie was perfectly executed like the first part. This Batman mini-series is so satiating for Miller's fans; but it is also very satisfying to Dark Knight patrons unfamiliar with his work. I remember reading the description before reading the graphic novel; and then kind-of begrudgingly read them because I wasn't anticipating a Batman/Superman story would be as gritty and raw as Miller typically does and I was inevitably still in awe of the beauty of that entire side of the story. I didn't begrudgingly watch this series but my excited meant reestablished. Absolutely bloody-well done!
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Wow and Wow
twh-0028612 April 2023
Just saw this and I was amazed. What a great movie overall.

It sums up darkness, struggle, and a Gotham post Batman. Along with a version of Bruce never really portrayed.

This is one I will be happy to rewatch and it never bores. The film put together such a wonderfully complex array of characters and motivations, shows the humanity and struggle, along with the ineptness and obliviousness many people seem to embrace.

It even does a good job making Superman look like a "punk" and one not deserving of such a title.

This movie has it all, and is certainly not for those who struggle to watch violence or fast paced action.

The lines between good and bad are blurred beyond comprehension in this one, and it makes for one heck of a ride.
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This review is for both Parts 1 & 2
BeefMaple7 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, not to be confused with the live action film The Dark Knight, is a two part animated straight to DVD release by DC Comics and Warner Home Video based on the classic graphic novels by Frank Miller. In this story a fifty-five year old retired Bruce Wayne is called back into action by Gotham City plunging into chaos as a result of a new and deadly gang and their brutal mutant leader. In Part two of the films we see that his return is not met exclusively with positive reaction however, as many are understandably against a self-regulated masked vigilante being such a key aspect in the cities safety, including a newly appointed police commissioner and even the United States president.

These films are excellently animated with a stunning use of angles and lighting being clearly considered of the utmost importance in the drawing of every single frame. The movement of the characters and objects very fluid and at no point appears to be preformed half- heartedly. However, the title character of Batman/Bruce Wayne himself does often seem out of place when standing next to other characters because of how he is drawn as too large and almost gorilla like at times.

The voice acting by every single member of the chosen cast is excellent with each member, even Conan O'Brian, never once feeling out of place. Peter Weller in particular does an amazing job bringing proportional weight to the voice of a largely figured Batman/Bruce Wayne.

The cast of characters is very strong; especially with the second part bringing in some additional iconic characters as a surprise. The first half introduces a new villain and although some argue that it should have been a more recognizable character others would argue that the fresh face brought forth an element of unpredictability and was excitingly different and effective.

The overarching topic of discussion within the movie's narrative is if the extreme cases that make a character like Batman a possibility justify the presence of said character or not. Is there a point where a vigilante can be, or should be, above the law or government? For the most part these films do a tremendous job of showing both sides of this argument, although it does lose something in its clear bias in favour of the hero's perspective throughout.

From a personal perspective I view this film, both of its parts together, as the ultimate superhero movie despite its occasional faults. It isn't held back in what he can do and say because of its intended audience being adults, although I wish they had gone more in depth about the ideological debate and that it had not definitively chosen its side preemptively. I would recommend this film to anybody interested in superheroes that are old enough to withstand some of the more graphic scenes within.
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FirePiperCFD27 October 2019
If you read the comic you'll be disappointed. The internal dialog of the main characters is missing and that takes away from the depth of the story. Certain parts of the story were altered. No major impact but if you were looking for a faithful rendering of the comic, this isn't it. Finally, the voices are wrong: they don't seem to fit many of the characters and the acting is off at times.
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Batman - The Dark Knight Returns - Part 2
kdavies-6934716 March 2016
DC's 'comic book to film' adaptations are usually single title releases. They are one offs, usually telling a larger story overall with lose connections between films. That's where 'The Dark Knight Returns' excels above previous Batman animation titles. It's more than just one small part of the main story. DC animation presents the whole of Frank Miller's "Dark Knight Returns" series in two parts, as the second half somehow excels amazingly above the first.

The second half takes place only a short time after the end of the first. Gotham has been liberated from the grip of fear delivered from the threat of the Mutant Gang. Their leader beaten, their members left faithless and most trying to take up violence in the name of Batman himself. Things are not as simple as they once were. The world has changed since the Bat and his allies waged war against crime and injustice. Now, the United States is willing to go to war with Russia, allies have picked sides and become enemies, and Bruce Wayne is now remembering why he picked up the mantle of the Bat in the first place. On top of all of this new world order, history begins to repeats itself. Old enemies resurface from Batman's past, to take up old grudges in what will inevitably become a battle between righteousness and immorality.

In many ways, Wayne is the best of us. Of all of us. He is a man of great physical and mental ability, with the body and agility of a Olympian, and an intelligence only rivaled by his own willpower fight for justice against evil men. He represents what happens to a man who loses all that is dear to him. A man who uncompromisingly wages war against those who represent the criminal element that has haunted him his whole life. This does not make him a good man, but perhaps the best man to fight against evil has to represent something worse. I think the second part of this series does a fantastic job of showing that side of Bruce Wayne. He has a drive like no other, and his is inflexible in his fight against injustice. So much so that he wages war even upon those he protects if they are willing to cross a certain line. I believe that is the main theme in so many of the modern renditions of Batman, and this film certainly shows it well.

There are very few flaws throughout the second half, which is an amazing feat in itself. The first part is a fantastic movie, and DC Animation did a wonderful job of building these stories back to back, one resting upon the shoulders of the other. They build upon the story at a steady pace although possibly it is a bit rushed within the last 30 minutes of the movie, between 2 epic battles in such a short period of time. The two films are like twin brothers, but the second gets slightly better grades. I think the most important role goes to Michael Emerson as the Joker, who is slightly more effeminate than I expected in tone of voice, but does a good job of showing his mental instability. The jokes fall flat, but the humour is in the sickness of his actions. There are some moments of shocking violence in this movie, but that is the point of the Joker's character, and how far he is willing to delve into chaos, to taunt and insult the Batman until the evil, bitter end.

This film should not be watched without the predecessor however, nor without reading the Frank Miller comic from which it is based, but is a beautiful story to watch. This is easily one of the top films (in both parts) that DC animation has produced so far.

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Read the comic
Taylor281326 June 2013
It has been a number of years since I've read the comic so my rose tinted glasses might be at full force but it seems like both of these movies gutted the comics they were based on. They kept the skeleton: the plot points and some of iconic images from the books, but they almost completely gutted the character development not only by excising most of the monologue but by hiring voice actors that just could not do their roles justice. So not only do you only get a glimpse of the rabbit hole but that glimpse is just a picture of the hole in poor lighting with a finger in the frame. One other problem that needs mentioning is that the pacing is really problematic as you'd expect from trying to fit 4 hours worth of material into 1.5 hours. But hey, who wants character development and media satire when you can have overly long, highly implausible action scenes.
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the movie is OK but it has a lot of stupid lines if you think about it afterwards
seregpie3 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched both parts and there are a lot of thing that bothered me.

  • Millions of bullets and all are flying past their target. Hello to the clone troopers from Star Wars.

  • Batman's costume does not protect him from bullets or from knives or from bites or from hits. With the same success he could run around in a t'shirt.

Some minors spoilers below.

  • The girl learned to fight and jump 3 meters high as soon as she put Robin's costume.

  • What does the police do all the time? They hunt for Batman while in the near there are villains who are killing hundreds of innocent civilians. Also the police screams "stop" and opens fire in the same time.

  • Two-Face and Joker were released because they promised to be good from now on? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
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Very successful conclusion
neil-47613 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Even though Batman's return is reducing crime, the powers that be find him a political embarrassment and ask their most powerful operative to deal with the matter even though there are issues of global significance on the horizon. But Batman's oldest foe is back in the game, so the Dark Knight is not minded to go back to inactivity.

Part 2 of this animated adaptation of Frank Miller's tale of the future of an ageing Batman is every bit as good as part 1. Once again, all Miller's iconic images are incorporated into the animation, and the film nicely translates the final fight and rather poetic conclusion into moving images.

Voice work is quite good (and yes, I wouldn't have minded Kevin Conroy as Batman, but Peter Weller does a good job). The two parts together are nearly 3 hours of excellent, if dark, entertainment.
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